Disable The Hints, PLEASE!!!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Merlin2574, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. Merlin2574 Well-Known Player

    These things pop up unexpectedly, and at the worst times. They are very disruptive and are, most definitely, NOT NEEDED!!!! When one of my toons is level 23 and progressing through the game, I do not need to be shown a hint about the warp menu!!!

    I am begging you. Please allow us the option to disable them. I cannot be the only player that is frustrated with these things! Enough already!!
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  2. Rainnifer Committed Player

    I think they should at least make the hints "account bound" so that once you see a tutorial pop-up you shouldn't have to see it again for other characters you play. Maybe add in a "reset pop-ups" option for that in case you want to re-learn everything.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    It needs to be a disable button that it can be re-enabled though the menu
  4. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Since they enabled them I've received only two. And those were both on the first day.
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  5. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

    False. They're showing things that brand new players need to know. They make things much less confusing. Just because YOU (as an experienced player) don't need them, doesn't mean they aren't needed in the game. Remember, DCUO is going to get a lot of newer and younger players with the Switch release.

    This is all you needed to post, as it's a very reasonable request for those who no longer need the tutorial hints.
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  6. Dread Coffins Level 30

    i agree... I'm quite tired of seeing it every time i play new toon...
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  7. Deathsaurus Well-Known Player

    And make a option to disable Amanda Waller.
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  8. Dread Coffins Level 30

    yeah... right.... "buy starter pack" very helpful hint!
    really... they should add all this hints to brainiac ship where they belong to be!
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