
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jacob Perez, Nov 10, 2019.

  1. Jacob Perez New Player

    Is atomic more of a dps or tank power I've heard it argued 100 different but I'm thinking of switching I need wanna know what I'm getting into
  2. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player


    Do not ever attempt might dps with atomic.
  3. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    You doing to spend on a respec token or start over on a new toon?
  4. Jacob Perez New Player

    Either or I dont mind either really
  5. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Definitely check out youtube, i had the same problem as most people where the combos are very hard to land, for example when the robins jump on u your basically guaranteed to die...

    I got fed up w every dlc having a way to knock atomic out of ots combos so I switched... if your respect I definitely advise u look into it
  6. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"


    atomic can do just fine in DPS with might. The melee and ranged aoe is good and it just lacks in single target which can be said for every tank powerset.
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  7. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    My main problem with atomic DPS are the insane power costs. Yes, you can DPS with it but I've tried various rotations and I'm always running out of power without a troll. Would be better if the tap melee/tap range would decrease in cost as this is the only power where I have this issue.
  8. L T Devoted Player

    Atomic tanking seems kind of broken to me. It's hard to complete combos when you're busy running away from adds.

    The DPS side is ok in elite content and really great in non elite stuff.
  9. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    and yet i do...and i do fine...anyways...32 toons...must every toon be Rage or Munitions??!!
  10. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    thank you!!...tired of people ranking powers...who have never even played the powers they are rating...i do fine with Might Atomic CHINA is always top 3 DPS...would NEVER say always no1...but up there...with nothing to ashamed of...why the robot lose power...and pew pew DPS does nothing for PI...more power means more PI using attacks
  11. dresserball Dedicated Player

    No you can have an electric toon too!
  12. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    well...being the Tank means you DONT run away...but what do i know!!??
  13. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

  14. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    this is exactly why i won't spend money on power change tokens.
  15. The Anxient Loyal Player

    LOL. Atomic aoe dps is great considering it doesn't have any melee combos. I usually in the top 2, number 1 more times than most using the combos
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  16. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Sky tanking FTW ;)
  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    The recent trend in the last few DLC's of needing to kite is DEFINITELY not atomic friendly. And don't get me started on Survival Mode mechanics. BUT, atomic has by far the best add stunning/juggling power so kiting isn't neccessary as often as it is with other powers. The other day I was tanking in FI Elite and people wanted to skip adds. As usual when people skip the adds in FI, they caught up and everyone was scrambling and died...except me who gathered the adds (20+ I estimate) and juggled them with no healer LIKE A BOSS for solid minute while people respawned and got back to the area...until a punk a** gorgon snuck up from behind and stoned me.
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  18. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Nothing against OC as I've found a ton of his in depth info invaluable but lets just say there was a VERY noticeable difference in the difficulty of the raid and the CR's of the other DPS's when you look at his atomic DPS demonstration and his other tutorial DPS demos. OC usually does elite or more difficult reg raids and goes in with maxed CR's and, as he always shows, bests them quite handedly. In his atomic might DPS examples, that wasn't exactly the case.

    It's possible that it was purely the circumstances of availability when he was putting together that video. But I remember when the atomic tutorial video dropped thinking "ok, I GOTTA see how he uses atomic to beat good DPS's like he usually does" and afterwards thinking "hell, a 6 y/o button mashing coulda topped that scoreboard!" lol. Personally, would have preferred to see him simply keep up with good DPS's but I guess it doesn't have the same "wow" factor as being #1 by 10+ million.
  19. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Agreed. While there are a few powers that rise above the pack, none are left in the dust if people know what they're doing and know the power (and there's always iconics!).

    Agreed on Robot sidekick. My boss loadout is similar but I have density instead of Robot Sidekick. Survivability + 25% power regen > pew pew damage.
    • Like x 1
  20. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Could you go ahead and explain to me what difference it makes to "atomic" might dps what levels of cr and stats of the other dps someone runs against in raid mean to the damage done by atomic? Is there some atomic mechanic I am unaware of that atomic does magically has higher parsers when there is a player with 5 or 6 cr levels lower in a raid?

    In the screenshot that is test server parses and in the video the parser tab is up the entire time throughout my raiding so you see the "actual" damage atomic might dps is doing. Where did I or anyone else say in this thread or in that guide that atomic dps was the best overall for dps or in the top 5 for dps? The point was someone said "do not attempt ever to might dps with atomic" which is an incorrect statement and just like the actual stats show atomic can do just fine, are you going to beat a nature or rage dps lol? no but that isn't the point of atomic.