Scoreboard update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by CharlesQuester, Oct 24, 2019.

  1. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    While true, Superman dies almost instantly in FOS3. Lex is the real NPC "hero" in that raid.
  2. CharlesQuester Active Player

    *shocked face* I had no idea. I don't remember it...but maybe they never got a chance to. Either due to someone else doing it or it being a wipe.
  3. CharlesQuester Active Player

    That would be soooo damn hilarious!!
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  4. Ryll Committed Player

    I have always wanted to have the option to disable the scoreboard entirely since like..episode 1. It's almost completely irrelevant.
  5. AV Loyal Player

    It's pretty damn relevant lol
  6. Ryll Committed Player

    This difference in opinion is precisely why I said the ability to disable the scoreboard. A toggle option because if you want view it...enable it. For players who think its useless....disable it.
  7. AV Loyal Player

    That option does already exist though: Just don't look at it and simply close it immediately when it opens at the end.
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  8. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    For people who want to compete in a cooperative game. Scoreboard chasers are a plague that we have to live with when we random queue. It's better to find a cooperative set of people to run with than roll the dice with random queue. I wish we could quarantine them, and let all the scoreboard chasers spend an hour fighting Poison Ivy, because no one wants to lose damage numbers by transforming into the spore to lower he shield.
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  9. AV Loyal Player

    Or for anyone who values analytics and wants to be able to track their relative and comparative performance metrics... Even beyond that, I like to know when a DPS is doing less damage than a healer... or when a member is straight up not carrying their weight at all... or as supporting evidence when it looks like someone is speed hacking (eg impossibly high damage over an impossibly short period of time).

    "Scoreboard chasers" exist but are by far the minority, especially in any type of mechanic-oriented elite content. What I see more often is people calling anyone better than them "scoreboard chasers" regardless of how effective they were in tackling the requirements of a given run. It's the DCUO specific "tryhard" slander.

    All that aside, it's real simple: you don't have to look at the scoreboard if you don't want to.
  10. Ryll Committed Player

    Apologies for the delayed response - work got in the way. It could all be solved by making the scoreboard viewing completely in the hands of the user. Why should those who don't care about the scorecard always have to close it immediately at the end of an instance? That's just as easily said like this: if you want to view the scoreboard at the end of an instance; hit the same key that toggles it during the instance.

    You mentioned a couple of examples about where it's useful; which I - for the most part - agree with. There are times where the stats are heavily skewed without any extraneous circumstances like speed hackers. How about the sun blade in the metal raids? How about if a healer has been present in an instance the entire 187 mins of it compared to a dps who pugged in 2 mins ago.

    Scoreboard chasers are definitely not the minority. I believe they are more prevalent in the game over people who use the scoreboard for analytic purposes. We all know people in game that are "only dps" for 1 reason or another. Hell I have videos posted on my YouTube channel from when Home Turf introduced the white mods to the game. The main reason to illustrate the amount of power needed to still put out a fair amount of damage.

    Also any experienced player doesn't really need the scoreboard to tell whose trying to solo battle heal an elite raid. Any experienced player doesn't need the scoreboard to tell who doesn't have a clue about mechanics. Any experienced player doesn't need the scoreboard to know something is up with a speed hacker.

    It should be a toggle to view and the timer should be a separate entity with independent viewing control.
  11. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    TL;DR - You're obviously not part of the problem, but you're also up there in an ivory tower. Out here where us common folk play, scoreboard chasers are a plague.

    I don't pay attention to it, unless it's brought to my attention. I also don't play elite content. I play normal, and I also sometimes go in with PUGs and Random Queues. I see groups where no one wants to get the ingredients during the Doctor Fate fight, so they can infinitely rack up more damage score. I see people not want use the spore transformation to drop Ivy's shield, so they don't miss out on doing more damage. This is while I'm the only healer, and post several times for someone to please either do the mechanics or switch to healer role, so I could do it.

    When i sometimes play as my other characters, I see healers that don't want to pop shields, so they can have more healing out. I listen to people brag "look at my 55-million healing" even though they let party wiped seven times.

    I see people being kicked for not having high enough damage output, even though they were the only ones doing the mechanics and helping me pick the lazy "stand here in the death AoE and only watch my rotation cooldown cycle" DPSers up.

    Want analytics? There's a "parser" option. Or maybe... look at your success results. I don't use the scoreboard, but I did learn through testing and seeing more successful instance runs that instead of having 235 Restoration (this was before the increase to 245), putting some of that into Might/Power and Health. It doesn't matter how much my healing output my abilities throw out if I don't have the power to use them, or if I'm KO'd.

    I don't have the danger of being kicked, as I'm usually the healer, and am competent (I learned that I was competent when I started playing other roles, and seeing parties struggle to get through content). And I'm near the top of the damage when I do damage, and I provide lots of power when I control, and I know how to pull-tank and kite-tank. But I still feel for the people who get abused, harassed, or kicked by scoreboard chasers.

    You're obviously not part of the problem, but you're also up there in an ivory tower. Out here where us common folk play, scoreboard chasers are a plague.
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  12. AV Loyal Player

    Rotations that look very similar can be worlds apart in output, even done by the same player. All but the absolute dumbest of speed hackers take steps to try to mask their actions so having an additional layer of reference helps immensely; I very recently made a report leading to a ban where being able to assess output vs action at given times was the nail in the coffin for someone trying to dismiss allegations via other means, whereas numbers don't lie.

    99.99999% of the time it is toggle view. It pops up once and only once, if and only if you wait for it to pop at the end of content and then no one is forcing anyone to read it. While I get what you're saying, it just seems a pedantic distinction to ask for the devs to devote any effort to adjusting it.

    More likely you're seeing people who simply don't know what they're doing and don't read on-screen prompts. Normal is easier than event mode, owing to the fact there's a proper group comp and people have at least some semblance of coordination... It isn't to be taken seriously. Even if they're high CR, it doesn't mean they have any idea what's going on in there, especially with mechanics where only 1-2 ppl in a group have to do anything special so most people outright never have to do it at all. Regardless, you don't want your top DPS doing Ivy mechanics or holding the Sunblade anyways, so your frustration here seems misdirected.

    Not to be a dick but if you don't have enough SP to max your primary stat and pump meaningful values into secondary stats, why do you think you know better? Not to mention you're conflating success with a lot of completely unrelated factors in reaching your conclusions here.

    You just said you don't use the scoreboard so how do you know you're "near the top of the damage when [you] do damage?" That's hypocritical... Also not a useful baseline of assessment when using general playerbase for comparison. In regards to people being kicked, I've run thousands of raids, both normal and elite, and I have not once seen a player harassed, abused, or kicked unjustly for anything to do with the scoreboard, no matter how piss poor their performance. The closest situation to what you're describing that comes to mind is a recent instance where I personally initiated votekick on a tank who was instantly killed by the first hit every single time we started the fight, which was flabbergasting because I then DPS face-tanked the same boss without issue... so I strongly feel it was justified so as not to further waste 7 ppls' time. People tend to get kicked for extreme incompetence, a general inability to function, or because they're the prime contributor to failure. That will, in all likelihood, coincide with poor scoreboard performance for their role but that doesn't mean it's because of the scoreboard they were kicked.

    Again, never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Most people barely have a clue what's going in in any mechanics-heavy elite content.... don't expect people in normal to have the first clue.
  13. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    I only have 422 SP, so yeah, I'm not super high like you. I can put 245 in Restoration, and still pump the other stats a little. I perform better when I only have 120 in Restoration, and put those 125 extra points into Power and Health.

    I said I don't use the scoreboard, unless it's brought to my attention. You stopped reading at the comma, because it helped you say I'm a hypocrite.

    Anyway, there's no changing your mind. You're too high up in your tower to understand the struggle of the non-elite players.
  14. AV Loyal Player

    That is... yikes... so wrong.... on multiple levels.

    - Your max power doesn't matter at all because the limfac is always the Troll and there's no getting around that, so your points there are completely wasted and are doing nothing but creating a placebo effect for you.
    - Unless it's changed again w/o me knowing, Healing = Base Healing Multiplier * (30% Restoration + 25% Dominance) and Shielding = Base Shield Multiplier * (112.5% Restoration + 150% Dominance), so no..... you unequivocally do not "perform better" in your roll and are experiencing an atrocious case of confirmation bias. Your shields and heals are extremely watered down.
    - The min:max for your role and SP is Hybrid + maxed heal crit (61 total) + 245 in Resto (306 total) + 100 dom (406 total), leaving you personally with 18 points to do w/e you want with (ideally 1 for movement mode then the rest in health). Again, there is zero reason to invest in power.
    - Lots of people in even elite manage just fine without any points in health while well below CR cap, so you're just weakening yourself the way you're spec'd without gaining any advantage in normal.
    - Making a change and assuming it's a good change because a run with 7 other ppl in it went better is not a reasonable way to approach performance assessment.

    /doubt. That's some straight bs or your idea of it being "brought to your attention" is extremely loose. I do not believe this is a real scenario. I estimate that in less than 0.2% of my runs has the scoreboard been mentioned in any such manner.

    You realize "Elite" players still predominately play Normal once they get their renown, right? Or before we do our Renown even. Doing Elite doesn't mean we don't know what normal runs are like and that we can't tell when you're blowing smoke lol. This has nothing to do with perspective and everything to do with that you're either exaggerating or outright fabricating. Instead of just assuming that people aren't doing mechanics because they're "scoreboard chasing" try asking someone to do the mechanics and, when needed, explaining the mechanics. In my experience, that's virtually 100% effective, even with brand spanking new players in LPVE. At any rate, it works a lot better than just assuming everyone's a huge epeening ******* trying to scorechase metrics during times where it's outright embarrassing/shameful to do so (eg. Fate, pre-shield Freeze, Laughs).