Legends characters account bound or character bound with loyalty points

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MystalSwitch, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. MystalSwitch New Player

    Sorry for the double post, but no one in the pvp forum have answered what I would think is a simple question.
    I cannot find the answer. I know buying avatars with marks of legend are on a per character basis and avatars bought in the marketplace are on a per account basis... but what about the ones bought with loyalty points? I cannot seem to find an answer to this anywhere. Are they character or account bound?
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Items bought with loyalty points (which I understand is the playstations free monthly stipend) should be on a per account basis as they should be a replication of the marketplace version.

    That would be my understanding of what it should at least be, but I'm not Playstation.

    Have you bought anything else off the Loyalty vendor that would otherwise normally be account bound? How did that item work?
  3. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Each character on your account should be able to go to the marketplace tab and redeem the Legend token
  4. MystalSwitch New Player

    I’m on the switch, but it’s the same way on PlayStation. I’ve played it on PS3 and PS4. Loyalty Points are the currency you receive every month as a paying member. I haven’t bought anything ever with loyalty points really other than items I’d say would be one time uses like replay badges (which are shared), deed, Respec token, etc. I haven’t tried to buy anything that would be normally account shared on the marketplace like the legends avatars. It’s just a question I can’t believe this is so hard to get an answer to. Many of my league mates really enjoy legends pve and none of us want to be the Guinea pig to see what happens. You only get 500 points a month.
  5. MystalSwitch New Player

    Ok well that’s two votes for being shared. So Skeets Emporium purchases follow marketplace rules then? I guess I will try it later tonight and see. I don’t mind using the points if they are account bound. Just I’d they aren’t I’d rather just buy them with marks of legends and maybe buy a few just with cash on the marketplace. I will post when I’ve done it and see what happened.
  6. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    I dont know if you know this or not, but instead of buying the legends characters from the loyalty vendor or from the marketplace, you do have the option of buying the legends characters from a vendor inside the Watchtower or Hall of Doom for Marks of Legend if you are legendary. They range from 85-100 Marks each
  7. MystalSwitch New Player

    Yeah I know you can get them from marks of legend. Buying it that way though only grants it to the character it was purchased on and not all characters (account). While I am not going to buy all the characters on a per account basis (to share) some of them I will use the most or appear in feats the most is like to get for all characters for the feat points.
  8. MystalSwitch New Player

    Ok so I went ahead and bought one with loyalty points. It appears they are account bound. I can go redeem them in the marketplace once purchased.
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  9. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Good to know. im glad you it worked out in your favor.
  10. MystalSwitch New Player

    Also since we have a discussion of legends going I also found out today that alternate characters count for feats. For example a feat that requires Harley Quinn you can also use Bombshell Harley Quinn to complete the feat. I am really enjoying legends pve and there are a lot of feat points to be had in there.