Booster bundle pretty please ?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Green Lantern Fadi, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    And that is why this silent danger has finally come to the governments eyes to how dangerous an insidious this stuff is. That the industry shifted to build games around these system and will not stop until they get every drop of yours and everyone elses money. DCUO be a far better game without them (in relation to what it is)
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  2. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

  3. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    True but listen guys

    THE ONLY ONE REASON I want the BB is basically because of the green lantern oribital

    To be honest with you all, I actually rather pay 20$ than the bundle low key lol
  4. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    We still don’t even have an actual green lantern aura which am so sad about but I’m still waiting

    Watch me be a 60 years old senior and still waiting for mepps to release it
  5. L T Devoted Player

    The Glowing Aura isn't a lantern aura? Emerald Mist aura doesn't work for you either?
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  6. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Yes, I want the Blue Tesla
  7. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Don't forget the new Green Mystic one as well. It looks great on a Green Lantern style. :)
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  8. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Just as a personal note, you might have had a better argument about the difference between purchased and BB/TC chase materials if you hadn't mentioned the Cosmic and Void materials. I have both and appreciate them, but comparing those to the metal ones as better is a bit of a miss for me because the metal ones don't obscure outfit details nearly as much as Void or Cosmic can. Having armor/clothing details obscured by the material is a minus in my book, so the Champion pack materials have a leg up on Void/Cosmic in that regard for me. But as with anything aesthetic, individual mileage will vary. :D

    They aren't out to punish players (that's a word I think gets overused or misused at times, but not the point right now), they're out to make money. Any business out there is going to go with the method that gives them the best income possible and will avoid or abandon methods that don't work. If they're getting more from TCs and BBs than Marketplace items, guess where they're going to concentrate their efforts?

    As a consumer you have every right to determine whether or not something offered at a certain price is worth the value and make your purchases according to those decisions. But consumer decisions will help determine the direction a company takes. It doesn't take place in a vacuum.
  9. AV Loyal Player

    But when it doesn't seem like any of that money is being reinvested into the gameplay experience, why should we care?
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  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Well we're in the dark about that one. We don't know where the income goes or how it may be distributed. It could be all income from DCUO purchases does go back into the game, or it could go into a company pool of sorts that may end up helping other projects being produced by Daybreak.

    Until or unless that info comes to light, there's really no way we can say one way or the other if the income is being reinvested in the gameplay experience. Plus it doesn't help that whether or not a particular piece of content or addition to the game is a good addition can be highly subjective.
  11. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    No for the million time I say this

    I WANT what Hal have and Kyle and John

    Not some knock off for god sake I got the dam ring lol
  12. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    And also

    I wish if I had emerald mist but I don’t :(
  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    From what I can tell, what most of the Lantern NPCs have isn't as much of an aura as it is part of the NPC skin. Hal in Oa Under Siege gets the Corrupted Aura, but I think that's as close as NPCs usually get to the auras we have.
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  14. AV Loyal Player

    True but it's the only litmus we have. A lot of money gets spent on artifacts, TCs. We just went from a stellar DLC with almost entirely fresh content and HD character redesigns, following another entirely fresh DLC, following another entirely fresh DLC... then we get Metal and it turns out to be this c-c-c-combo breaker where it's 80% recycled assets. Regardless of what they're doing with the money, it gives the impression its not going towards things we care about.

    Did Switch release soak it all up? Did SM detract from Metal development? I don't know... all I know is other games seem to do more with less and it's frustrating to have spent so much on DCUO and to not have that reflected in the quality of the latest content. I don't hate Metal... but it feels like a huge step back in terms of DLC quality.
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  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The green highlight on the Green Lanterns in the game is part of their skin/uniform. Ask for that instead.