Dark metal part 1. One word.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Sep 14, 2019.

  1. UnbreakableII Well-Known Player

    I was wondering which of the posts I most strongly agree, who said what was most meaningful word to me and the only way to show everything I felt reading this topic was agreeing with everyone, I rating almost all and I'll explain why:
    I think a few times I've seen so many players agreeing on this forum, this DLC is tedious! Boring, and inexplicable for a team that made such a fuss to deliver recycled maps and missions without creativity.
    However it seems that this has brought us together, so wonderful to see this happen.
    I hope, from my heart, that some DEV feels the same as me when i read each topic.

    Some of the things I read here that I agree with most are (sorry but I won't do infinite quotes):

    "This episode is definitely not alt friendly."

    "This dlc is trash, and the dev team should be embarrassed to have put this out."

    "I have to agree there is a lot that have been done better with this DLC ..." (TechWarrior0329) ... Man, I agree with each word.)

    "And you know whats sad? Next dlc is part 2 .... so be prepared to run around in 4 more recycled missions."

    "Combined with the bad story while so many golden ones are still not even touched just to follow some short-lived hypetrain makes this - and I bet the next one too - forgettable episode (s). I hope next year goes back to interesting stories. with new environments and mechanics that are current ones and content length based on reward size. " (this was gold to read!)

    “They seriously need to redistribute their resources.

    Content is not even secondary, it's way down the list. This dlc makes it look like an afterthought.
    None of the money garnered from TC's or artifacts seem to be re-invested in the gameplay experience. "

    "We need to make content more alt friendly. 218 is an example. The solo is also an example. Plus, I have a question about why we make artifacts / augments are tedious."

    There are a lot of quotes here, I agree with each of you and I didn't put each name just for practicality.
    Sorry I had no crude intention in this.
    Thank you all for so realistic feedback, now I just need to say: DEVS, LISTEN US!
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  2. Lick Of Frost Active Player

    • Warning: The DCUO forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.
    I had so much hope with this DLC as I have read Dark Knights Metal but what they have put out is like what everyone else has been saying: It's boring. I found myself just closing down the game when I tried to play through, it's just lazy work and with all the bs microtransactions with time capsules and the stupid artifacts needing seals to even complete it is clear that your money, our money, is just being wasted to pump out sub par content with no regard of the players in mind.

    Whoever is responsible should be disgusted with themselves.
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  3. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

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  4. Stilway Well-Known Player

    I loved the last DLC and Atlantis. I'm totally cool with reusing parts of Gotham or Metropolis for daily open world content. What turns me off with this DLC is the recycled instances. JLD was in Gotham but that was fine because both raids and the alert were new and that worked... The only new area in this DLC is MoM which go figure... is the only thing I really enjoy.

    As far as the open world stuff... JLD was the best for alts where this metal dlc is an alt killer. Having pod, shogg and 54 were fun and fast and then with the later addition of Golem made it even better.

    Here's to hoping that the people that worked on JLD are the ones doing Metal part 2.
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  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    A quick update on my previous post. So today I arrived in Dark Metal Gotham and Nightwing had me finding and defusing Joker bombs. Deathstroke asked me to check on Metal Shipments. And Officer Harris, I believe, had me tracking down and recapturing escape prisoners. Now allow me to break that down for you...

    Nightwing's mission did not actually require me to attack any mobs at all. I simply had to locate the gift wrapped package set to explode and disarm them. Now on two occasiiosn a pair of Metal affected citizens were near by so i attacked and took them out to make it MUCH easier to click the boxes. That's 1 mission down 4 metal men defeats.

    Deathstrokes mission had me locate mobs and defeat them then click on the boxes filled with metal. Just to clarify fr anyone that has not had that mission yet.. NONE of those mobs has a single metal affected person at least not any that I found That's two missions down and I still have only attacked 4 metal men.

    Offiver Harris's missions like all that I have gotten from the GCPD involved finding escaped prisoners, defeating them and cuffing them to be hauled back to jail. NOT a single one of them was metal affected.

    So I ran all three daily outdoor missions and only defeated 4 metal men.. and if I had found 2 other Joker Bombs that didn't have metal men near by i could easily have done all three and not defeated one metal men

    Now let us think about the weekly missions..

    While some of the Rifts scattered around the city have metal men near by th4er are also a large amount sitting no where near any mob metal affected or not.

    The Metal Affected Titans all spawn in that underpass and no mobs of any kind are near them

    So it is entirely possible to head into Metal Gotham on any Thursday after the reset and get a trio of dailies that don't require you to attack a single metal man, You can easily complete 2 of 3 weekly missions and again not attack any Metal men EXCEPT the Affected Teen titan. Now its also possible to get at least 2 dailies that require a player to attack metal men but you could also find yourself down to that one mission requiring you to defeat 218 affected NPCs and not a single thing you do on any other mission will help get you to 218.

    You what I do is attack just about anything I spot hat's metal as I move through the city and by the time I had my 3 dailies done I had close to 100 of the 218 defeated.. Just seems like way too many of the missions don't involve attacking anyone made of metal.

    Now this coming Thursday I plan a small experiment.. GO and get my weekly missions and then do the solo challenge. And just see if any of all those metal men we HAVE to defeat both inside and outside the Flash Museum count toward the weekly total. Hey they did it with the solo for the Deluge DLC so why not give us credit for all those metal guys in Central City?
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  6. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    So are we just gonna act like 82 isn’t a ridiculously high number? They really want us to spend as much time as possible in gotham 5.0 before part 2 when we get metro 5.0
  7. Akaiko Well-Known Player

    They don't count. I haven't hit 218 yet and I've run the solo a couple of times since I picked up 218. The metal people in Central City aren't in Gotham City so they don't count and the description does specify Gotham--at least I figure that's the reason why.
  8. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    it can be BUT you do realize some of those rifts open into more rifts i hope? Because I had a few players last week that didn't. You click one the rift that is showing and get credit for one... Then some times,, PLEASE keep in mind I am saying some times, red energy beams spew out and I have had as many as 4 more rift open around me. LOL the funny part? I've had players that beat me to that first click but then took off to find another.. leaving me standing there alone with 4 more rifts I closed .. so they got credit for 1 and I got credit for the F O U R they ran off and left. Can take some time but they dang things are everywhere.. give it time. The first week it could take ages to collect 54 motes cause everyone was after them and few new where the were... I can do that mission solo now in maybe 5 minutes. I KNOW all the spawn points and wait a day or two AFTER the huge Thursday crowd in gone.

    I have never timed it but did the rifts or 4 characters and didn't take that long. To be honest even the 218 is not as bad as some make out. Like I said I didn't even go out of my way and had 110 defeated on on alt by the time I finished all three daily missions. At that point seemed silly to walk off and come back the next day when i only had another 108 to go.
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  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    WELL that saved me from running THAT experiment. LOL thanks.. Funny isn't it they ARE metal men what makes the difference if I defeat them in Central City or Gotham they all need to be defeated, treated and cured right?
  10. Wildcat Committed Player

    Why we cant have a DLC's based on every dc character in this game? soo much stuff to do with Flash for example or even Batgirl, Wildcat? why it always needs to be Batman, WW, and Superman? :confused: ... meh.
  11. Great Architect Loyal Player

    This. Most of the early part of this year was dedicated to the Switch port. People wanted something to do, so this first DLC was, in my opinion, somewhat rushed (at least in play terms - the styles are right up there). I'm guessing that it's filler, mostly, freeing up more time to make Part II something considerably better.
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  12. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    I don't know why we keep giving the devs the benefit of the doubt though. We pay for this game and they need to deliver a product worth paying for, not filler content until they get around to making something worth playing. I understand they have limited resources but maybe focus some of them on, you know, the actual game.
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  13. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    Exactly this. I gave them the benefit of the doubt but it truly feels like they made one DLC and added some filler so they could sell it twice for full price (I'm a premium player so I buy separate DLCs and this one costs as much as a proper DLC. I do pour enough money into the game outside of getting a DLC before someone says I should just get a membership. If this is the way forward then I'm out and no, you can't have my stuff.
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  14. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Not to mention that the 'big' DLC of the year seems to fall in this November/December window as of late. We've gotten Atlantis, Earth 3, and Amazon Fury 3 in that slot since the change from monthly episodes.
  15. WMDBassplayer New Player

    Anybody else find Mirror Master ridiculously difficult in the solo mission? I'm CR274 and keep getting my *** kicked no matter what I try! In the open world Metal Gotham City 281enemies are nowhere near as powerful as 281 Mirror Master. I know he's a first boss, but damn! I exceed the minimum requirements but can only beat him down to about 3/4 of his health before he deads me every time. I want to get the better rewards but can't get past him. I keep quitting in frustration and going back to the event.
  16. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Just keep moving and destroy the mirrors that shield him when they are up.