Seal of Completion tradeable?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ApexAssassin7, Sep 6, 2019.

  1. ApexAssassin7 New Player

    Currently I have a lot of artifacts at 160 rank (13) which I worked hard for including spending real money. The new GU Will arrive soon, as a dps stand point might Will be the upper hand. Luckily I have both sets of might and prec already at 160. However during this double weekend for me to get 200 for the upcoming Dlc, I have to make a huge sacrifice and consume my whole prec and restart my might artifacts to hit over 680exp. I brought 2 seals 140/160 each rank to get them and now I'm having to consume most of my artifacts and redo my might artifacts.

    Do you guys realize how insane that is? Now I will have to buy 4 seals rank 140-200 just to get my artifacts up. The effort and money I put on seals to get to 160 is just wasted. If anything we better have seals of completion tradeable again.
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  2. Perdition Committed Player

    Noone is forcing you to get your ranks up to 200 from the moment the dlc hits. If you want everything asap, then you need to spent some money.
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  3. ApexAssassin7 New Player

    That still doesn't change the fact I'll be losing the money I spent from 140-160 on my other 10 artfiacts. End of the day even if we did get another double exp weekend 6 months later you will still need to consume your arifacts just to get the ones you want to 200. If you don't want to do that then good luck saving a good 6m exp worth of nth metals in your bank. I've currently being saving for 8months and I have barely over 1mil exp saved. Lol
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  4. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    U need 10 artifacts at 200? For what exactly
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  5. ApexAssassin7 New Player

    I had to consume 2 160 artifacts just to get 1 at 200 rank exp saved already, yet I have another 3 to go.. so 8 for me to be precise which is ridiculous
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  6. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Still no content requires max artifact. So why does someone need max artifacts
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  7. zor ile Well-Known Player

    because if you ain't first your last. (ricky bobby)
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  8. ApexAssassin7 New Player

    unlike you I don't like to play with low artifacts as a dps and not hit your full potential, I play the dps game competitive for years
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  9. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Yet I'm close to max sp with 2 160 artifacts. Havnt struggled once as a dps my good sir
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  10. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Pretty much
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  11. ApexAssassin7 New Player

    Someone at 350sp with artifacts can still beat a 478 , as long as you have 235/235
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  12. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Yet mechanics matter more then the scorecard :p
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  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There are several artifacts that are not worth wasting xp to get to 200. Very little advantage for too much time and money.
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  14. ApexAssassin7 New Player

    Mechanic applies to everyone anyway everyone in a group should know that lol, but some scenario
    like Faust in SG you have Pug dps causing the explosion to set off.

    Just to mention you call that mechanics. Lol these raid mechanics aren't paradox or nexus
  15. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    thats why i didnt drink the precision koolaid everyone else was having. "Tech Go Precision" nope. after nearly a decade on the game i know better. use what ya got, & dont fall for the "op" anything because the devs will swoop in and change everything at the drop of a hat. used precision on dupe alts of might powers i already had, but no way was i switching my main to it.
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  16. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Gotta have at least three 200 dps-centric maxed artifacts if ya wanna run duos with me.
    #lvl200artifactballastatus. #haha@yourlvl160orlessartifacts
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  17. ApexAssassin7 New Player

    Let's put in your guys scenario. Let's not consume any artifacts into another. Let's just save nth towards 200ranks...How long will that take? 10 year's that's how long, but sure let's just sit at 160 for another decade.

    You pretty much have to consume whether now or later. What's the issue with that? You lose the seals and effort you put in
  18. Zamara Dedicated Player

    what i don't get is why you're saying that you have to restart your might artifacts, you said you already had both your prec & might artifacts already at 160, are you getting different might artifacts?
  19. ApexAssassin7 New Player

    here's your answer and no I am no going for different might artifacts
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  20. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    This isnt how the developers are intending on players getting to 200 on day one, but it is a workaround. No one is forcing you to do what Obsidian was talking about. They arent obligated to do anything regarding this "workaround". Yes, I get Seals can be hefty after having multiple artifacts. But what you're trying to do with your artifacts is on you. Not them. They dont intend you to rank to 200 on day one, you choose that. Therefore, you pay for those choices. If you see it any other way, you might want to reconsider looking at your situation.
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