trade chat spam when jumping rocks in Shattered gotham raid lol

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sleepis4theRich, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. myandria Item Storage

    Aaah, so THAT's why some players park their characters at the platform with the tree that can cause a *collide and fall*. Good to know.
  2. Noble One Committed Player

    which is an ungodly oversight for that raid.
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  3. Rainnifer Committed Player

    That and the chance that you stop mid-flight and just fall to your death is why I no longer trust Constantine's route anymore. There is a "hidden" pathway not on the map to the left of the rock where Constantine puts the jump, I use that way every time now. Better safe than sorry.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Where's your guys sense of adventure and danger, none of you are falling in real life :p
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  5. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    that invisible wall has gotten me twice.
  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Personally speaking I've got no problem with engaging in danger and adventure in game. It's when someone else yanks my chain while I'm trying to engage in danger and adventure that I'll get (at the very least) a bit cranky. ;)
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Yea i meant that more in the context of it seems like a few people care to much about falling off the ledge in the first place regardless of how or if anyone or even anything makes that prospect more difficult.

    It's just a game and sometimes it's good to have a laugh, the ledges have been a great deal of fun this dlc. ;)

    Falling off the ledge isn't really a big deal.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Falling was funny the first couple weeks. It's not funny anymore.
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  9. myandria Item Storage

    True: I discovered that route while looking for the trapped citizens.
  10. myandria Item Storage

    LOL! I hear ya! If I'm gonna fall, I rather have either the environment or my own bad judgement be the cause, not a *team* member who has nothing else better to do.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Why this would happen to anyone more than 1 time is beyond me. I wouldn't report anyone for it, but if it happened one time (joke or not), I'd block all invites for the rest of the raid. When SG first launched I'd block them anyway as I will get the occasional chat invite from someone who doesn't know I'm in there. Is the behavior funny? Maybe, it depends on who I'm running with and how the run is going. A pug group, where at least a few other people have been dying (as the guy ahead of the OP had done it already apparently), no...not really, but would only happen once, and the guy would be on ignore from there on out anyway.

    I really don't think I'd come in here and broadcast the idea though. At best you look a bit like a worst you are giving a lot of trolls a new idea.

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  12. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    The hidden pathway is also the faster one anyway. :p
  13. inferno Loyal Player

    Gotta remember that not all players are legendary. Kill them off a few more times and they may not have the money to repair. There's also a time factor. Other players just want to get it done quick and move on to other stuff.

    Having fun with friends are great. Having fun at the expense of other people, not so great.
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  14. Anri Myst Active Player

    I suppose for me it comes down to if the teams rushing or not. Sure making somebody fall can be fun for the guy doing it, I've fell a few times because of pets in the way so I make sure to let others go first now.

    The problem with making somebody fall even as a joke, is that while they are running back, the tank can just decide to rush ahead or start a boss fight and bam that person you made fall might get locked out.

    Now they fell, had to repair their gear ( might be an issue for free to play ), waste time running back, if the teams nice they waited and the whole team stood there twiddling their thumbs. If there was a rusher in the group desperate to top the damage ladder or save a few seconds though then that persons not getting in to fight that boss, they might not get the loot they went in for or just the fun of the fight.
  15. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Griefing is not funny. It comes in all types and variations, but it is always a good reason to ragequit a game. That's why people get banned for it.
  16. VariableFire Loyal Player

    For those thinking it's no big deal I'd suggest you apply the retail rule: You're not the first one to try it. Any trolling joke you think is funny "in moderation" is a misnomer since you have no idea how often it's been played on someone. Ignore only helps so much and is annoying too (having to apply two new ignores every time I visited Metropolis for the summer event was ridiculous).
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  17. High Troller Loyal Player

    Hook me up with repair money, please It's not a big deal.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Not a problem, mailed 2.5million to High Troller, should keep you repaired for ages ;)
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  19. High Troller Loyal Player

    Now I can purposely die and be the platform guide for those that still struggle. I thank you.
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