Do I really need this gear?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AlyceNefarios, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    It would be nice to get a little notification each time we collect a piece of gear, like we do with collections and briefings. A small caption to show how many pieces we need to complete that style.
    We presently have to scroll through the feats page to locate the style. That's slow and clunky.

    It would be really helpful. There are so many styles that it is difficult to remember and keep up with all of them.
    Also, it would be great if we could see before we select a gear box as a reward whether or not we have already collected the style.
    How can I remember every set of gear in every alert and raid, and exactly what I need where? Easy enough if I've completed every style but one or two.... but when I have 20, 30, 40 styles still to complete it's overwhelming.
    I feel that a lot of things like this in the game could do we being smoother and easier to access. There is a ton of stuff to keep track of. It was okay when there was a lot less content, we had time to manage and keep on top of everything, but it should be updated now, so that we can access all relevant information more quickly and easily.
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  2. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    What I would do If I were you is continue making that table and then post it when you are finished.
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  3. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    really? wow., that's surprising. That guide would be very helpful! have you considered submitting it to Wiki Fan page instead?
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    He 'started' a guide. It was like a paragraph long.
  5. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Yes, If I remember correctly. He reserved a few spaces below his original posted so that all of the guide would be connected when he added on more information at a later date. Someone reported it as spam and had the guide removed. Kind of odd if you ask me.
  6. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Very odd, seeing that's what Tori does
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  7. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    right, because the Devs have always encouraged all types of player made guides... supporting YT videos etc.
    I would like an accurate listing like that.
    I think the current UI for the styles was fine about 3 or 4 years ago, but there is just too much on there now for it to be practical. The game has grown so much in content that I feel we need to be getting clear information, pop-ups, about these areas now. The context has altered, and we need to modernise the system to reflect that.
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  8. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    For some reason DCUO is not into posting RNG drops & percentages. I posted a formula a few times that would work for TC's & BB and it was removed every time.
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  9. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    Man. I'm starting to feel subversive by making logical improvement suggestions! :D
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  10. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Forget just doing that.

    We need a feat tracking system in general imo.
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  11. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    Absolutely. These things are overdue.
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  12. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    I appreciate that! thank you :)
  13. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    @AlyceNefarios, I'm not sure if you know about this site but it makes trying for styles a little easier. It has guides for collections, styles, etc.
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    After the recent GU a lot of the style drops listed are inaccurate.
  15. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Im glad you updated your SIg. I was wondering why your posts seemed somewhat "not you". I get it though. I understand completely.
  16. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    Kind of a weird layout, but it has the info! Thanks for that :)
  17. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    That's a weird comment lol
  18. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    This is the one I'd most like addressed/fixed. Not being able to tell what style is in a box in enough time to make a choice is insanely bad design. It makes us need to either keep a manual list of what every style is called by its box, rather than its style name, or not know whether or not what's in the box is something we need.

    The result is that either one collects gear pointlessly when one could have chosen a mark or something more useful instead, or one misses out on filling out a style.

    These are both highly undesirable outcomes and very frustrating.
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  19. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    Exactly right. Without keeping extensive manual logs, detailing every style and what a particular toon has collected and not collected, if running any alts, then it's actually impossible to remember where we are on every single style. How many times have I made the wrong choice, and chosen a piece of gear I don't need and can only salvage?
    i feel like we've been playing this game for years now, and we don't need to be 'punished' in that way. Clarify everything. Have pop-ups telling us exactly what we need and precisely what our choices are.
  20. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    You... want more pop-ups? o_O :eek: