How to motivate players to run old content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Roth, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. Raven Roth Committed Player

    Add trinkets, interactable base items, and extremely rare style drops at the end bosses

    Khandaq - a trinket that let's you summon one of Faust's minions

    FoS Raids - a chance to get the PZ Kryptonite Chunk

    Batcave Raids - a chance to get the Omac Circuitry trinket

    The Necropolis - a chance to get the Urgrund weapon styles

    Trigon's Prison - a chance to get a 4 eyed style

    Unholy Matrimony - a chance to get Trigon's Soul Aura

    Olympus - a chance to get a goldy style from: Hera, Athena, and Hecate
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  2. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    ...I think it's usually earlier dlcs that are harder to queue, Classic ones like Batcave and FoS are relatively easy since free players can join too.

    Lantern Batteries as accessories for Emotional Spectrum content?
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  3. Raven Roth Committed Player

    Yes please, they should've been rewards in WoL
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  4. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I don't disagree, but high CR players are often waaaaaaaay to high and ruin the experience for new players. I'd add new rewards with a trade-off that they are debuffed to be unable to solo the raid / one-shot everything. As if they are one tier above the content - and if they chose to do so, they should also get MoV for it.
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  5. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Not 2 marks of victory and a 90 exp for my augments.....oh wait.
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  6. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Remove CR relevancy.

    Make content have replay value.

    Stop Ignoring Players and their suggestions to remove/alter relevancy.
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  7. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Add items, styles, auras, materials, trinkets, pets, orbital strikes for each dlc vendor like they started with the deluge vendor and up to last dlc and coming in the near future with dlc. To further bump the incentive to run old content... add assorted artifacts and any kind of essences, if desired, as well. It will give a boost to even more replay badge use, nth metal mp sales, seal of pres/comp sales.
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  8. Brit Loyal Player

    Want to see what keeps people running content after relevancy? They already know exactly what they need to do.

    Panopticon Elite and Gotham Zoo Elite still get run by tons of groups every single week. It's because they have a rare drop, the rare drop has a feat, and that rare drop is BIND ON EQUIP.

    People will always farm those for Ultraman Capes and Manbat Henchmen. Even after they get them, they will keep running it to get copies that they can sell or trade. They are forever relevant.

    Compare them to content that lacks it. Do people want to run Coram Rath to get their 6 more Rath Crowns? Not particularly.

    Even raids like Blackest Night, with the Nekron chest, doesn't run nearly as often, because there is no feat attached to it. That makes the resale price significantly lower, so it doesn't hold the same appeal.

    If they want to keep people running old content, they know exactly what works because they've already done it. Make Terra drop a Rock Golems henchmen trinket. Make Coram Rath drop an animator Trident of Atlantis sidekick. Make Faust/Klarion drop a possessed ghost aura. Make Cthulhu drop some squid tentacles back style.

    Every raid, give the Final Boss a rare drop that has a feat attached and is bind on equip. That will keep people running all content indefinitely.
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  9. Mightyhon Well-Known Player

    Give me cool new style items and I'll run them all the time :D
  10. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    The problem isn't motivating players to run old content. The problem is the mark system and the way the devs only want end game players to play end game. instead of making a qued rank system that finds players ur rank . The mark system for progression goes to the moon and never comes back.the game goes back to gaining exp per add ko and open world mission give exp. like back when we were lvling up for lvl 30. Now from here devs can make money many ways and stop doing membership and make progression free. New content will bring loads of styles for player to replay for and style for mp. Also 2x exp weekends. All content gives the same exp. But it's ranked and will only find players close to ur rank of gear. This means no more stats on gear each ep and no.more op gear or elite gear. Just a free to play mmo bringing in the same money it did when it had a membership. keeping players active and enjoying all content not just 2 ep everyday or 1. which I must say is super boring for all of us. Paying for a membership for u to play the same ep for 3 month there has got to be another way. I'm sorry but someone has to tell them or this game will never change for the better. No.more marks for gear it's as simple as that to bring old content back. Change marks for gear into exp all content gives the same. That way u can play whichever one u want and it never gets old playing the other maps. but it sure does get old playing the same raid and alert and duo. Gotta say i had more fun getting to lvl 30 than I do getting marks. Also because it exp based means your time will.not be wasted if u dc get kicked or have to leave for some reason. And hey atleast u got exp for kos while u tried to beat that boss for 2 hours yet didn't get the job done. All thumbs up for a fair system? I think so
  11. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    Also time cap make those fair and make the styles added to new content no more opening these things. Use ur replays to get the styles running content. This way is also fair and still.makes money probably alot more to
  12. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player


    Cr relevancy killed it for me.
  13. dresserball Dedicated Player

    What do you mean ruin their experience? You mean the ones that couldn't use movement mode in the tutorial? They took that part out. Or the ones that couldn't do the block, lunge, block break? They took that out as well.

    I think the people that have a problem with it are a small fraction. Otherwise I think stat clamping would be more popular.
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  14. C3alix Committed Player

    Community 2: "IT'S NOT MY JOB TO HELP NEW PEOPLE!"
    Community 5: "MAKE STATS MATTER!"


    Oh, they're not ignoring. They're trying to fight through a laser grid with AOL disc being thrown at them at 90 mph.
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  15. Warhawk Well-Known Player

    I've had an idea regarding making older content relevant for higher cr players: Make different difficulty levels. Phantasy Star Online did this way back in 2001. For example: make a Normal Mode (for beginning players), Medium, Hard and finally, Ultimate Mode (for end-game level players). Make the enemies difficulty scale appropriate to each difficulty and add level-appropriate reward items for each difficulty setting.
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  16. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I agree with the suggestions of rare, tradable rewards like styles, base items, and trinkets. Of course feats will motivate a lot of people, but even without feats, it will up the level of interest.

    Also, improve the alternate rewards with a loot picker. I don't need the MoV token, but some people still do. I don't want it removed, but could I please choose something else instead? Maybe add a few exo-materials to replace the old exobit cluster that was removed and add a rare chance at a catalyst cache or flawless nth metal or something else that everyone needs.
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  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Too much work for the Devs with very little if any pay-off for the company. It also would slow down production of new content...and let's face it, people already think it's way too slow now as it is.
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  18. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    new players ruin the experience for themselves, i've run several lower instances where had i NOT intervened, no one would have completed it. it's about time we stop trying to blame others (which is a major syndrome of quite a few mental illnesses) for our own mistakes. now if we REALLY want to increase raid/alert and content replay value, look no further than WoW's system as Brit has suggested, put more rare styles in the actual content and people will play it, though i would also suggest solo instances of most raids/alerts as well like many such games have. that door swings both ways, i'm equally annoyed by noob players (not newbie players but NOOB players who have no clue what they're doing and CAN'T be taught) ruining my runs because they cant even figure out how to effectively put together a support loadout or work the boss/room mechanics. high CRS aren't ruining it, they're just a convenient scapegoat to project blame on for people who never cared to learn. trust me i know, i've tried helping several players in game and they're 3/4ths of the time toxic about it. taking out high CR veteran players will only increase needed que times and cause higher raid fail rates, and i mean higher than they already are....... other people are also right to say that devs aren't ignoring us, they're just sick of our 100 something contrarian opinions that contradict each other.....
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  19. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    At the end of all 4 or 8 player content you get a BX9 Token. (Model BX9 is what Skeets is.)
    These tokens are only dropped if you are out of relevancy.
    These tokens are used to power up the Flesh Driver Artifact.

    (20) - 1% better chance at rare items in Time Capsules while wearing Flesh Driver Artifact.
    (40) - 2% better...
    (60) - 3% better...
    (80) = One extra choice
    (100) = 4% better...
    (120) = 6% better....
    (140) = 8% better....
    (160) = 10% better...& One extra choice

    Catalysts for breakthrough are dropped in Elite content. (1 per person guaranteed.)
    And it's always a guaranteed breakthrough.
  20. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    Highlight a few instances each week with the star in the on duty tab, like the ones in T1-T3. Have those drop a box of source marks, high xp nth metal, a catalyst cache, or a chance at a seal of preservation. Pick one instance per relevancy band, and cycle through different instances each week.
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