PSA - New OP cloak (back) locked behind Elite wall

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by EconoKnight, Apr 1, 2019.

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  1. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    If you haven’t used a bunch of replay badges already, just an advisory that there’s no need to rush. Looks like the final two Essence you need for the OP cloak only drop in the two elite raids (one Essence in Fellowship Elite and one Essence in Shattered Elite). So that means two ways to finish leveling your OP cloak to be usable:

    Option 1) You can succeed at both Elite raids on a regular basis. The Essence you’ll need is not a guaranteed drop. Instead think more like the Man-bat henchmen trinket. Then think of doing that twice.


    Option 2) You can purchase both Essence off broker. At time of this posting, the Shattered Elite Essence was listed at 300 mil (and only one available). Again thinking about Man-bat Henchmen, I would expect the price to drop, but probably settle out around 150 mil to 100 mil per Essence for the foreseeable future. Even now a year and a half after ZooE was released, Man-bat henchmen still go for around 75 mil.

    To my knowledge, this is the first OP item locked behind an elite wall. When elite content first came out years ago, you had a nigh impossible chance of the OP gear drop in normal and a near impossible chance of the OP gear drop in elite. In recent years, all collections for the OP gear were available in normal content (with the really rare collection found in the alert encouraging everyone to spam replays).

    I’ll be honest, the Justice League Dark episode has been a big money saver for me. When going for the bounty count feat in past episodes, I’ve always reset every time to get the marks since I was doing the work anyway. Don’t have to do that this episode. I always reset the alert for the OP collection drop. Don’t have to do that this episode since there’s no rush to hit the Elite wall. I always reset what I could finish of the elite raids to get the renown at the start so I could finish the discount for the regular set. I haven’t tried elite yet, but with the comments I’ve seen on this forum - probably won’t have to reset elite raids this episode. Don’t need regular gear quickly if it doesn’t make a difference in Elite. No need to reset a lot of regular content this episode.

    So grats to the dev team? Revenue eliminated.

    I like the idea of leveling the OP item; but it shouldn’t be locked behind an Elite wall to prevent most from getting it while it’s still useful. A year from now (or sooner) the regular gear will be more powerful than this Justice League Dark OP cloak. This isn’t just a style feat like PanE; you only had to run one Elite raid (the easier of the two) to try for that. For leveling the OP cloak, you have to run all content many times; and the OP cloak as gear adds to actual gameplay much more than one 50 point feat.

    At the very least, the OP leveling idea should allow us to wear and use the OP cloak as we level it. Take the same formula used in determining higher stats and cr for OP gear and make an omnipotent level green piece; an omnipotent level blue piece; an omnipotent level purple piece; and an omnipotent level gold piece. But again, I do not think something like a finished gold omnipotent gear piece should be locked behind an elite wall. That hasn’t been done before now, and I believe the collection system (all available in normal content) was working pretty well on the business side. But Daybreak knows the numbers - maybe they see this Elite wall idea working better. It’s their job and paycheck - not mine.
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  2. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Def not a fan of the way this turned out. We couldn’t even give feedback on test cause the rng was no better than it is on live. I never got my back to level two. Hopefully they will hear our feedback on this! Im all for the no collections idea but like i stated on the rewards thread for test, no one will be able to level this back by end of this dlc. Well none billionaires that is...
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  3. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Well, I'm someone who never does the elites when they are the newest content (pointless increase in difficulty through artificial means like limited revives, if I want a challenge I'll play Bloodborne, Sekiro or even My Summer Car, I have more fun with difficulty there).

    RIP me.

    Now I DEFINITELY think having OP collections was a much better system than this rubbish.
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  4. DCWarrant Level 30

    Just my opinion, the system should work like this:

    Collecting the regular vendor gear feat unlocks the ability to buy the levelable (think I made that word up) OP piece. The feat also unlocks the drops that level the piece. These drops should be similar to now, except not as rare, and not exclusively attainable in elite content. Earth 3 was a good example of how the drop rates should work.

    With this news, it looks like I won’t be getting this piece. I’m still running RWC for the ‘Complex crime scene riddle’ and the ‘faded joker playing card’. As well as the man-bat backup. I just don’t understand why they make these harder and harder to get. (Actually I do, but don’t wanna start a money grab debate).

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  5. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    Is this for real or just some april fool's crap? I'll be very disappointed if it's real.
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  6. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Collections approach was way better.
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  7. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Opposite for me Econo. I have said since I came back middle of last year that if content didn't require the gear, I wouldn't reset and the content never has really...until now. Since Thursday alone I have reset the Elite raids 7 times and the Duo a few times. Seeing as how I really only could play for an extended time Thursday evening and Friday that is way above normal for me with content. I think I only reset the Atlantis content 6 times total before waiting for the double/triple weekends. Does the content absolutely require the gear in order to beat the content? No, it actually does not. However, there are some feats that will be made easier to achieve or just straight possible through gear and augment acquisition along with making the content flow much smoother with higher gear, so I'm planning on replaying the Elite raids extensively over the course of the next week or two. Not to mention I thoroughly enjoy the level of game play this Episode has brought DCUO so I don't mind at all showing my support through replay badge usage.

    Now...onto the part about the OP Back. Yeah, I am going to probably have to agree with you there man. I was THRILLED when they announced no more collection crap for the OP piece, however, I am unsure at this time whether I like how the system was put in place. I will say though, that I love the idea that some of the catalyst for the leveling up process can be farmed in open world. I enjoy the idea of getting semi-valuable pieces that go towards progression from killing adds in open world. It brings back fond memories of farming in WildStar killing open world stuff, trying to get valuable stuff to drop from random adds. It also adds a layer to our daily grind that makes it slightly more enjoyable as in past episodes there was no real bonus to doing our daily missions in open world other than the just to do them to get them done. Now, whether I am doing dailies or just farming Demons in Chaos Gotham, I know there is a chance at getting something a little extra which is nice.
  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Locked behind raids, ok. Locked behind elite raids will be a bummer for most and is not enticing them to run content more. Considering the time it takes to form an elite group that can actually beat it (and I mean form it with LFG) it is annoying. I do love elite content but I don't wanna run it for the better half of the next year just to get that OP back. And I'm far too greedy to spend money on these essences unless someone messes things up and forgets 1-2 zeroes at the end of their price lol.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Agreed, locking the op item behind elite isn't a good idea, it's been the one piece of tangible great overpowered gear all players have generally had access to in the past and to just suddenly rip it up and gate it behind elite is not cool.

    Im all for chucking exclusive stuff behind elite content, super rare exclusive cosmetics etc. But not the op item , nah not that one.

    The system is even jacked up so you have to need on the items you could literally run the content and just never get one and if you think people are going to be fair here devs you're kidding yourselves, when they sell for 100mil each people will be needing every time forever.

    This has become too much of a money maker attempt, not cool at all.

    Wrong move devs imo, lots of potential in the new system just shockingly implemented.
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  10. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Wait, we're back to having to need/greed/pass on gear in Elite again?

    I'm having acid flashbacks to when HAND OF FATE was the new DLC and we spent a quarter of our time flying/teleporting (I actually rather liked that, even though most did not) and half our time yelling at the group about needing and greeding.

    I've been trying to make as much in-game cash as possible, of late, but it's a very long hard slog to make $100 million, let alone more. Most people don't have the time/money to even try.
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  11. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    At the very least, if they're going to lock this behind elite it should be a guaranteed drop from the last boss with no RnG involved.
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  12. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    If this is not some April fool's day joke this is a load of crap.
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  13. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    Ugghh, disappointed in RB's until they bring SM back! It's the law.

    In truth, I actually replayed the 2 normal raids this weekend. I never ever usually reset but I had a nightmare in SGn on Friday, never got loot from last boss & I wasn't going through the whole thing again for 1 loot drop (although I forgot to reset until after 1st boss) & my OCD is such that I couldn't reset 1 without resetting the other.
  14. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

    I like it. Something like this should be a reward for those hardcore, and skilled, enough to accomplish Elite content. I doubt I'll be able to get it, but I'm fine with that. I can still enjoy Event and Normal versions. Nobody NEEDS the OP pieces to play. Hard work and accomplishing something most can't do should be rewarded.
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  15. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    That is about the most ridiculous nonsense I've read on here in a while. Nobody NEEDS anything really. So why have elite gear? Noone NEEDS elite gear to advance. Why have tactical mods? Noone NEEDS them to finish content. If they put an item in game, that up until this point has been total RNG based through running regular content but now locks it behind elite content without any prior notice or comment that is a bunch of crap. Especially since they sold this new way of getting it as a smoother way to get the item then the rng collections.
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  16. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

    Yeah, they have Elite stuff to reward those willing to put the work in. Why are so many people against people who work harder having unique rewards? Stop having an entitled mindset. This isn't a Socialist game, or Oprah show, where everyone gets everything. Put in the work, get rewarded.

    I've already accepted that I won't be getting it, but that doesn't mean I have to get mad and be hateful to the developers or people who can get it.
  17. myandria Item Storage

    Agreed. If the intention of the devs was to entice more players to participate in Elite Raids, this is NOT the way to do it. All this does is support the economies of the small group of players that will play Elite raids just to make money off of those essences. Wait until this content becomes a month old and those essences will skyrocket to 500 mill or more.

    If this is indeed what the devs intended, then they should make those essences account bound and return to sender what is in the broker. If those essences should only be attained by playing Elite raids, then make that very clear by locking out any other means of obtaining it.

    If this was not the intention of the devs, then those essences should also be offered on the broker for 6 dollars (5.40 for members), the same price as the rare catalysts. I'm not usually the one to want to have such things in the marketplace, but at this point it is a better option than playing an Elite raid with a RNG system that is fully stacked against the player.
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  18. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    100% agree.

    My buddies and I have been talking. We have no idea what they were thinking putting the material for the OP item behind elite content.

    This DLC, imo, will be a big loss for Daybreak. Until you get to certain levels with your OP back, it's a waste of time to reset some content. Heck, you cant even see the materiel you need until you break thru to different levels.

    I think Daybreak has misunderstood the meaning behind crafting, cause this isn't it.

    The only plus I am seeing, making ridiculous amounts of money from selling the material to those who want it all now.

    This system is not better than the collections, nor will it see increased replays for long.

    Devs, if you want people to return to elite content, this is not the way. Man-Bat trinket or something similar is people want. A prize, so to say.
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  19. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    After thinking about it a little more I completely agree. Even as a player who pretty much only does the Elite version of content 9 times out of 10 I have to say it is a horrible idea to lock items like the OP materials behind Elite walls. I commend the Developers for giving us actual Elite content that is challenging. However, blocking out the casual players who do not want to do Elite content from being able to progress their OP pieces unless they are filthy rich in game is just a bad idea.

    Cosmetic stuff...sure. Lock it behind Elite walls all day, but items like the OP pieces or the materials to make them. Yeah no. You should not do that. Also, the pieces should not be in Group Loot rolls. They should either drop for the player or not drop at all. Making people roll against each other for these materials is just asking for trouble as most players are not going to just casually pass if one drops when they can make hundreds of millions.
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  20. AV Loyal Player

    I have mixed feelings. I like the approach but we should be able to wear to back as we level it, the fact only one person can get essence at a time is straight bs (your at Disadvantage if you're with someone else at your current tier), and SG Faust being bugged (or intentionally overtuned after release) is bs. I'm on the elite tier now and would have had it done if Faust behaved the same way he did on launch and not this non-stop shield spam bs.
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