Is membership really worth it?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tipel, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. L T Devoted Player

    If you play regularly, I really recommend subscribing. Premium is like a broken version of the game, and the member benefits of marketplace cash, extra stabilizers, lockbox opens, and replay badges are really good especially once you get used to them.
  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Again, I'm not saying Home Turf Mods aren't helpful. They are helpful. I will never deny that they are helpful. Especially in Elite Content where you'd want to bring the best equipment mods and roles with you.

    The claim that the other guy was making was that Home Turf Mods are required to progress in this game, and that's certainly not true.
    Granted, I'll give you I'm not at end-game; but neither are those F2P players who is he consistently pushing for to get Home Turf and other things for free. Also regarding Elite Content, It's optional, not really mandatory to progress through episodes. Running the aforementioned Event Raid or The Regular Raid will also net you gear and currency.

    So you can still progress in DCUO without needing to run any elite content at all, as long as you stock up on some good drops from regular and get the vendor gear. So while I will agree that the Main-Frame System is probably very useful for Elite Content, that still doesn't mean The Main-Frame System is entirely needed to progress in DCUO like he was making it out to be.

    I guess I'm wrong about Tanks needing to CC, but rather what I was saying was Tanks should be focused on protecting the group instead of just juggling adds. Tanks need to ensure they are alive much as they should ensure the group remains alive. So I'll keep my yap shut about tanking and leave it to the pros lol.
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  3. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    If it gives stats so is mandatory, gear gives stats so is mandatory and sp gives stats so is mandatory. However sp is capped as you may not know, so as long u get the sp you need for your role you can avoid the tc feats, making tc feats not mandatory. Some power tanks lack the ability to stun adds effectively and as you could understand, they deadly dead if they cant get access to items like Chrono emitters.

    I'm saying it is important because I know the importance of them and how impactful they are. The current membership stats after you reach t4 you can't play the game. That's a drive away to a lot of new players, I once tried to get into the game 4 of my real life friends but guess what happened after I told them they had to pay:D DCUO is one of the best MMORPG I know, it's my favorite:3, however, every single time a list of best MMORPG appear DCUO not even counted as one.

    Plus the t4 and even t8 content, will give you a wrong feeling of the game after you reach t8 if you can't do your job, you will get kicked, so without a real feeling of the game, new players either feel bored of being carried by top tier players or leave because cant queue for the raids they need.

    The things I mention like Home Turf, Sheild, etc. I own them but that doesn't stop me from trying to make this game better. Most people like proxy(sorry, liking misguided stuff is a shame, disappointed there), never played premium, yet they talk like they do. Give free players a chance to play the game, all I'm asking for the game is:

    Permanently open all episodes whit big reset times, give the essential stuff(home turf/utility belt), keep tcs coming and incentive everyone to buy them, apply escrow only to the broker.

    Is more then reasonable and if you think otherwise and you like to do server merges; due to lack of population, I'm all ears.
  4. Zneeak Devoted Player

    If DCUO is your favorite MMO, why this giant fuzz about trying to get the Membership perks for free? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how negatively that would impact the income for those running your favorite game and the consequences that could bring upon the game itself if the revenue streams off subscriptions went away just because some of you who claim to love the game refuse to spend a few bucks a month on a sub to get the perks.

    The game already allows you to try it out for free, if you like what you see and want to play further you have the choice to sub up and get the best perks available, or become premium and play the game without membership perks.
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  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    the simple answer is NO IT IS NOT!

    however, saying that this game with its outdated sub and premium system forces you to sub in order to viably play the game by restricting access to your money in game. unlike every other free to play MMO on the market..

    here's were the fanboys will say but..... but... you can buy escrow tokens...
    again unlike every other game in the market

    this is a sub game hiding behind a free to play label or let's call it free to demo

    so if you want to actually be able to play this game at end level........ you have to be subbed or have a very accommodating league that will constantly be on hand to give you crap to sale simply to repair your gear among other things

    not saying the game isnt worth spending money on..

    If you like something you should support it in some fashion only that this particular game doesn't make membership perks worth it and should really take the payment scaling back to the drawing board since it was created when the game was a very different game and heading in a very different direction
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    This couldn't be further from incorrect, you honestly think I've never played premium, you couldn't be more mistaken. I know well and truly the restrictions and what it's like playing under them and it's part of the reason why I also see the value in paying for those restrictions to be removed.

    By the way stats are not mandatory, what is being expressed here is that you can still "technically" play the game by playing event content and playing normal content, while probably struggling in elite content a bit more (that's even debatable) while not having a membership and making minimal payments, you can easily progress while giving very little regard to stats if you play appropriately gated content for your skill level.

    I know who you are in game and I know you're a player playing elite, so your problem is that you're obviously not viewing anything beneath you as "playing" so you're pushing that bias view upon other people who are, because you're projecting your own struggles.

    When playing a game like this people expect to pay, especially when you're at the top of the mountain playing elite, believing anything otherwise is just exceptionally naive.

    That's the part you're horribly omitting every time you have a discussion because you're projecting your own struggles you're ignoring the fact that people can and do play this game for free by running event and normal versions of content for next to no money, if not free and none, absolutely none of what you've listed in this thread or ever listed is preventing that.
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Define 'play' is there something stopping you from loading, for free, up the event versions of a DLC for basically their entirety every time they're relevant? Or are you just upset that you can't be the "best of the best" for free or that you have to move on as things stay relevant?
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  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Now we're asking a different question.
  9. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    im not upset about anything just pointing out the facts of this game what you listed in no way disputes what I said
  10. Abel Well-Known Player

    The price point actually gets a lot better.
    For those (such as myself) that took advantage of the membership sale back in July 2018 which came out to $80.39 per year.

    In other words....... membership would come out to 23 cents a day!

    Like my Day always said, you save when you BUY!
  11. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    "The Current Membership stats after T4 you can't play the game" Technically, that's not true. Even after Tier 4, you can still always play the event versions of the newest content that gets released free of charge. The only thing you won't be able to do is progress further in the game, and that's to be expected.

    The problem with you wanting all this stuff to be free is that your not getting the other half of the equation.
    Because your post assumes three things, which may or may not happen.
    Assuming all of your proposals happen(Everything becomes free....) Here's the issues that you don't post.

    1. Where's the guarantee that there will be more F2P Players?
    I get that the game consists of F2P players, but how many of them actually get their toons up to tier 4? Let alone how many of them get to level 30 so they can experience the game beyond the tutorial aspect?
    I don't mean to imply that new players don't know how to get to 30 or don't know what they are doing,but I mean this game has had the Brainiac Tutorial Mission Nerfed down because new F2P players got stuck in the ship and never got out before they left the game.

    2. How would you convince people who paid for their products to stay and not quit the game? That's another issue with what your asking for. People take value in the stuff that they pay for in this game, and it feels like a slap in the face when it's given away for free.

    Allow me to name a few examples:
    • People in the game hate that there's event versions of the end-game content for free.People in the game were complaining when the very first CR Skip was introduced and gaveaway all the feats that they've earned.
    • People in the game were complaining when the developers announced a 1 month thing of what you've already proposed, people already hate the fact that towards the end of every-year the developers do open episodes because everyone can run them without paying.
    • People in the game hated it when their sub gifts that they got like the auras ended up being buyable on the marketplace just to name another example.
    3. Where would the revenue come from? With the likelyhood that players quit the game as they would see that their episodes and perks are being givenaway for free.. You would need a massive increase of revenue to the game to make up for all of the subscribers that are going to leave, all the premium players that are going to stop buying episodes, and etc.
    I noticed in your post that you say Time Capsules are going to make up the revenue? Uh no. That won't cut it.
    Let me just explain how wrong this sounds....
    Your telling me that F2P players cannot invest into Episodes and Home-Turf, but you expect them to invest into Time Capsules? ..... Surely you've read the post and statements people have made about how they've spent $500 on stabilizers to open TC's and they've never gotten a collection piece or the cosmetic they wanted?
    Let's just take this into simple math for a moment:What sounds more enticing to you? Paying $5 for a guaranteed Utility belt, or Paying $500 for a lousy chance at a cosmetic in the form of Time Capsules?

    You think F2P's quit because of progression?
    At least Home-Turf and Episodes are Guaranteed Progression when you buy them. Time Capsules are not. And again, there's no guarantee that they'll pay for Time Capsules in the first place either. If they can't spend $5 to get a guaranteed Utility belt, what's to say they'll go ahead and throw a dollar for a TC? Free to play's virtually invest nothing into the game and yet you want to reward them with almost everything for nothing.

    So let me recap and TL;DR this for you:
    • Your proposal would have to guarantee a bunch of F2P players would come in and join the game. It would also have to guarantee these guys make it to end-game and don't quit at any point.
    • Your proposal would potentially cause a lot of veterans to riot and quit the game and leave the server because they would feel disrespected. On top of that, that would also cause a mass exodus for the end-game which already suffers from lack of players as it is. Because as I've stated, the majority of the F2P players are new folks to the game who probably haven't gotten their toons to 30 yet.
    • Your proposal would have to force free to play players to do something that they currently aren't even doing and that's asking them to not only invest into the game, but also ask them to invest into RNG Progression at it's worst from because your idea is to make time capsules the main source of revenue...
    I mean... I don't get how you see this is reasonable, or how you see this is guaranteed for the game's future. Especially with you asking F2P players to stop paying for episodes and ask them to invest into time capsules... I mean F2P are F2P. If they can't invest $5 to become premium or to buy an episode, what's to say they'll go ahead and invest into these already hated RNG Boxes? The plan just doesn't work at all imo.

    I get that you want newer folks to come into the game, everyone in DCUO wants that without question. But the tricky part is finding a solution that will get new players into DCUO that doesn't involve ticking off or making more veterans quit.

    Giving away stuff that people have bought would certainly fall into that category of making them want to quit.
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  12. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Been a subscriber since launch. If you play on a regular basis, it is worth it
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  13. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Next time I buy a new car, i'm bringing YOU along :p
  14. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    Ah see that's a bad idea. I'd tell you to buy a dodge ram truck with an extended cab due to the towing capacity, country girls and utilitarian aspects such as moving, towing or camping xP

    Plus cars suck. Where exactly do you put the motorcycles or jet skis on a car, nowhere xD
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  15. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Not to mention the RPG launcher!
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  16. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    That's supposed to be in your get home bag bro...
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Actually i simply took your primary point and rebutted it.

    You basically assert that this game is a sub game pretending to be free to play, that simply isn't true and certainly hasnt been the case since age of justice when they released free to play event versions that last the entire duration of a DLC, which is months even half a year at times by the way.

    The reality is this game gives away as much if not more than many other comparable MMO's or even games in general.

    This attitude that you should be given everything for free is simply entitled and asinine.

    If i had it my way there wouldn't even be free event versions, but i understand why Daybreak are doing it, it's too meet a middle ground in terms of attracting more players by making more of the game free to play.

    The irony however is that here you are acting all entitled and demanding more for free.

    What some if you don't seem to understand is that quality content costs money, creating DLCs costs money and the players need to pay.

    You can't just support a quality game on cosmetics alone and continue to put out quality episodic content at a reasonable frequency, at some point you're going to have to pony up and pay some money.

    I really do question sometimes players and this is in general, who say they love this game but then act all frugal to the point where they find any form of payment even the transparent ones to be abhorrent.

    That isn't the reaction of someone that loves the game that's the reaction of someone that loathes it but for some masochistic reason seemingly can't bring themselves to leave.

    If you loved the game then i think you'd financially support it as much as you can, not find ways and demand more ways to cut your support because at the end of the day the financial support is what keeps this game around for all of us.

    The funny thing about your post as well is that at the start of your post you vehemently said it's not worth buying but at the end say the perks are not worth it.

    The contradiction here is that if the perks aren't worth it why are people continually asking for them for free, that directly implies they are worth it but that the end user is simply trying to get it for free not because the perk isn't worth it, but because they simply don't want to pay.

    If the perk wasn't worth it they wouldn't say anything about it or even make demands because the perks would be worthless and having no impact.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Very, very well said his proposal is nothing short of ridiculous and unsustainable
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  19. MiniCake Level 30

    It depends on what your trying to do but I say it's a sweet deal for what you get .It could be better imo They should look into it and Adjust it .The costs of living have went up in dcuo ^-^.
  20. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    Is compelity true, god dammit you should be a psychologist, you good at it
    Top tier wich imply elite is what I consider by trully playing the game. However most people dont get to that point where they experience that so the game reviews are crap, game reviews crap, no new players and we keep in this ending cycle. You will only get a true feeling of the game if you try the upmost of it, wich is elite.

    Is not that i want to disencourage players that just want to see the new iterations/play by the story or dc Hardcore fans. I support them, i even have a few freinds that are just casual, we run alerts and stuff.

    Until a player can get the chance to have a real feeling of how the game is, something has to change and event versions wont solve that either. When i started paying the game I had that feeling t2 t3 and even t4. There was no gods, there was a bunch of dudes weak as paper wasting hour upon hours on trying raids and feeling the enjoyable.of beating it. I still remeber beating fos2 last man alive and i freaking kill that chains dude.(I was the troll:))

    Its this same feeling i get when i beat HiveE and MachE but a new player will quit whitout even having the chance to experience it.

    I still belive an micro transation system would work pretty fine. Alot of game use it and they work amazingly fine. Will some members be upset for new players have the chance to run dlcs they not even queue anymore? Well some will, most dont care.
    They not even have to allow access to the latest tier DwfE/GomE would work just fine.

    They gave Prime Battleground dlc for free, when they gave a cr 220 alt or so, i saw no single thread complaining about it. Plus what is wrong in wishing for the same experience I felt, be also felt on new players?