Useful advice to get Rath Coins?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ikyotojin, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    I have a Water Healer and have run all the Atlantain content every day that I can, but (as most players seem to possess), I have the patience of a brat.

    I need 150 more to get the gloves and boots (obviously means I got the belt). Any functional ideas on how to do so without the grind? It's seriously getting old.

    Also - any leads/ideas on doing something similar to the Mera look would be welcome. I've always liked it, going all the way back to the old cartoons.
  2. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    You pretty much answer your own question.... Without using a ton of replays if you are doing all the daily missions, the solo and the alert plus doing the Brine Hulk , Swarm and Relic weekly outdoor stuff along with the raid .. there is nothing to do but keep it up till you have what you need. We can not trade currency between alts.. and anything you could sell on the broker only get you more in game cash.

    Now (warning bad joke ahead) IF you can create a time machine or talk Flash into zipping you ahead in time so you can run missions more than once a day.. You could grab some that way. I'd get hold of Kid Flash he's more likely to say yes LOL
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  3. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Pray for double or triple currency again SOON tm........
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  4. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Run alts, king of the sea style tradeable/sellable
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  5. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    We usually get a Double or Triple Mark weekend shortly before the launch of a new Episode. Justice League Dark is a few weeks away, so I'd lay odds that we'll get one soon.

    During those weekends, the fastest way to get Crowns (in my experience) is to reset the Brine Hulk Bounty over and over again. I usually see groups spamming the heck out of it.

    Good luck!
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  6. myandria Item Storage


    TechWarrior pretty much covered it; you have to do the grind and tolerate it the best you can. NOW is the best time to try to run as much Atlantean content as you can because when the new content launches (March 28) Atlantis will be not be in event mode anymore; not only will you NOT get that extra coin from the console but Atlantis will be closed off to characters under the CR level which means less players queuing in for the raids and doing the Swarm and Brine Hulk open missions.

    IF another bonus Rath Crown weekend comes around (there was one last month) then definitely take advantage of it. If you complete the set then your alts will have an easier time getting the gear due to price reduction of the more expensive pieces.
  7. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Step 1: Buy a DeLorean

    Step 2: trick out said DeLorean

    Step 3: Buy enough plutonium to generate 1.21 gigawatts. (I heard you can get a good deal in Libya)

    Step 4: If you've successfully completed the first three steps you're probably smart enough to figure out what to do next.
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  8. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Don’t worry about it because green gear will be better in a matter of weeks.
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  9. Mazahs Loyal Player Mr Fusion?
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Was about to say this, but wasn't sure the OP was talking about the style set vs CR gear. I ran 3 alts through the 'triple' weekend, just hit the outside big items (72 marks there) and 1 raid (30 marks) and had enough for the style set in 1 weekend. That won't help now, but assuming they have another double/triple weekend before the new DLC, you can just run normal grind for now and finish off whatever piece you are missing on an alt during the bonus weekend.

    Don't run alts....don't want to spend replays...the only answer is grind or pony up the cash in the broker (about 11mil each piece last I looked).

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  11. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    You told him to grind anyway.
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  12. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Man.... less grinding on a single character thou if alts used :p
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  13. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    This is also VERY true.. JL Dark is due March 28th and the stuff dropping from THAT content will make just about anything you have slotted now obsolete
  14. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    so.. your advice is to grab a kid... ok... now we know...
  15. Brit Loyal Player

    My approach with every new Episode is as follows.

    My main immediately pushes for the Elite suit, using the new drops to bridge the gap while I buy the set. My main will run everything until this suit is purchased.

    At the same time, I have 4-5 mediocre alts in the CR 180-230 range, characters that I do enjoy playing but I don't take very serious. I run them through the raids weekly in their Event state (which helps me fish for Collections and Base Furniture). I also keep them parked at the Free-Mark terminal and activate that daily. I do not bother with the dailies (so it just ends up being running the raids basically every night on a rotation of characters). Whenever double marks happen, all characters do their raids, and all 8 Mark bounties, on that weekend.

    The alts will use their marks to pay tribute to my main. One will purchase the aura, another will purchase the material, another the purchased Collection piece, and so on. It is pretty easy to get that many marks with only minimal effort. Atlantis will end up being live for 3 months as the top episode; if you never ran anything more than the Free-Mark Terminal daily, and the mandatory one-and-done through the duo so that you can enter the zone, you will end up with around 100 Marks. In that way, I am able to grind out those extra style pieces and collections without using Replays, and my main can save all her Marks exclusively for the gear.
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  16. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    Exception advice, thank you.
    Well written, but as I've been editing some crap, I feel like turning your post into high brow readin' crap. Lemme know if I should, as well as posting it here.