All powers in every role

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by The Orbination, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. The Orbination Level 30

    I have an idea to improve the power system, because in 2017 there was Stats Revamp and the last power of water. Each power has all roles and has more skills in this loadout. For example, the Gadgets tank has skills like a robot tank. As munitions healer, we play the role of a military medic. And Electrocity as a controller we recharges the team's energy. What do you think about it? This is interesting or stupid?
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  2. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    rather logical actually. both thematically and as an enacted concept.
  3. Brit Loyal Player

    From a practical, gameplay perspective, I would not want to open up all powers for all roles. While it may give some interesting new combinations, and perhaps something like Gadgets Healing would turn out to be really fun, I fear the player-imposed fallout of such a change.

    Currently, we have two role options. Quite regularly I see groups built where some idiot queues both roles, even though they are only prepared to play as one role. Opening it up so that every player can queue all four roles would pretty much kill the queues, because no group is ever going to pop with a real Tank, Healer, and Controller (as opposed to a couple of idiots who just queued that way but won't change).

    In contrast, when I queue as only one role, I still get people who try to insist I switch to something I'm not geared and built for. I have some characters who can do both roles, but there are others that I have built only one way. (For example, I loathe Fire Tanking, so when I play with Fire, it's as DPS exclusively). It stinks to queue for one role only, and then have a group try to pressure you to do a different job, especially one that you can't actually do. If all four roles were opened up, we'll end up queuing up as healers or controllers, and then be told that we need to swap to Tank with no gear for it.

    The logistics of it sounds like a nightmare. Not on the developer side, but from a community side. In the end, it would just destroy the ability to use the queues, and force players to spend 4x as long gearing up a single character. What we gain doesn't really seem like it's worth the amount of annoyance attached to it.
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  4. HalfromTynon Well-Known Player

    For every person that has the ability and resources to effectively make (and play) a toon with all four roles; there will be many, many people that struggle with even one role. Just like there is now, with only two roles per toon.

    Personally, I like the idea of having multiple options for a characters' power set; but am leaning towards agree ing with Brit about the 'nightmare' aspect of it.
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  5. Killah Criss Well-Known Player

    Honestly not too bad of an idea. But theres also the possibility that day break would make it to where although we can be any secondary role, they would make us choose one secondary role and then if we want to suddenly be a fire healer instead of tank. They would make us pay to change our second role in that power set.
  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I would love this. My thinkinking is that we should still be limited to two roles at a time but have the option to choose the roles regardless of power. Switching would take a respec token like it does now but would just be the role. I would love, love, love to be a gadgets tank!
  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    As someone that used to play up to 4 or 5 toons, at end game, I 100% support this. I would play my main as a dps, had a tank, troll, and heal for raids and what not. Then my villain toon for pvp, again back in the day. If we could effectively perform all roles with one power, I would be overly happy.
  8. Brit Loyal Player

    I am always the naysayer on this.

    It takes an equal amount of work and marks to earn 2 suits of gear (or 3, or 4). Complete X many raids/alerts, etc. However, by consolidating all that gear onto a single character, it does not allow you to heal, control, and tank. Instead, it allows you to heal OR control OR tank, because you will still be lootlocked after the first run. You spend even longer gearing up those secondary suits, and as the result, you are permitted fewer weekly runs than what you would get if you had separate characters for each role.

    But most dissuading to me is the community attitude. Already I can queue into a raid as just one singular role, the only role that I am geared and spec'd for and the only role that I am interested in playing, just queuing for ONLY that one role, and then have groups that try to pressure, bully or harass me into playing my off-spec that I have zero gear and zero interest in playing. I understand that you don't want 2 healers or whatever, and that other guy has a 1 CR advantage on me. But I do not want to play my Nature Healer as DPS; I hate Nature DPS. When I want to DPS, I log my Fire character. And when I play my Fire character, I do not want to Tank. I hate Fire Tanking. If I want to Tank, I have an Atomic Tank I enjoy. And when I log him in, I don't want to DPS with him. etc.

    The last thing I want is for me to log in my Healer or my Tank, and then to be told by my group that they want me to play as a Controller and that they expect I should just magically have 4 fully finished suits of gear, as well as maxed augments of every type.

    Oh. And given how many times other players actually DO queue as both roles, but refuse to change into their support role that is needed, giving those same simpletons the opportunity to queue as all four roles pretty much means the death of the random queue.
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  9. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I think it is a great idea. I think this would also be a great opportunity for DCUO to bring all of the lantern powers ( rings ) into the game as well.
  10. C3alix Committed Player

    This would seriously put the game on easy mode.

    We've been trying to get away from easy mode for 2 years.
  11. unitedmeck Well-Known Player

    I wish are armories could each hold powers the more armories the more powers you could switch to power token sales,more gear to get, more artifacts and so on.
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  12. JKwak Well-Known Player

    i like that idea, i could finally recreate my CoH character in DCUO which was a fire/wind healer

    i want to heal with fire
  13. Raven Roth Committed Player

    I could definitely see a Celestial gaurdian or controller
  14. Mystyfy Level 30

    As a super hero/villain themed game, I think the role system is actually one thing holding this game back. I know this seems strange but they kind of hindered themselves in terms of creativity and what's able to happen with powers by keeping this generic MMO design and just putting a DC comics theme to it.

    It's frustrating seeing how action oriented the source material is, and then you get into this game and the combat is this limited. Half of your powers for the most part aren't even usable because they only work when you're in a certain role. Combat is slow and boring, even worse when you're playing a supporting role. I just think this design was very lazy, and it hasn't gotten any better since the game came out.

    Open roles for powers might make things more interesting, but that's a lot of time needed to invest in to the core game that just won't happen. I've seen countless threads on here with great ideas to improve combat, add new weapons/powers, and movement implementations but they never get any attention. It's pretty clear that all of their resources are being used on time capsules, they're probably just going to keep pumping them out until players quit buying them.
  15. Lugo Well-Known Player

    Been there, done that.

    Check my sig if you wanna see some more ideas about the topic. Maybe we could talk about it for a few hours lol.

    My only issue with it is that the devs can't balance the powers we have now, they definitely couldn't balance what would pretty much be 2 more powers for each power we have now.