Looking for Elite Groups

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Elijah Seed, Dec 5, 2018.

  1. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    My apologies if I'm in the wrong spot and this is already an ongoing thing.

    I am looking to clear out the Elite raids over the coming weeks and max out my Renown with ALL factions that have Elite raids. I have been queuing ONLY for the Elite raids for the last week and none of them have popped even once. I imagine the newer Elite raids like Atlantis and Titans are probably a bit on the steep side still for most players but the older content from Typhon to Earth 3 should be a bit more agreeable to all (I hope.)

    Other than random Queue any suggestions for finding the groups for the Elite raids?

    Thank you.
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  2. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    I for one, never blind que into any elite raids. A lesson learned a long time ago. That can be a huge waste of time, because you honestly don't know what your group would be like. LFG is your best option, a good league, or friends. Form your own group and ask for experienced players in such and such elite raids, ask for CR/SP (that seems to be the norm) also, Support roles are the minority in LFG, so I use that to my advantage by tanking, trolling or healing. Dps are a dime a dozen.
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  3. spack2k Steadfast Player

    if u queue for elite content i wish u only the best outcome, i do not queue elite ever.
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  4. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    LFG chat. Get in groups shouting for crown e or throne e. E means elite. If you get in a group that you like that is mostly one league, message someone to see if they are recruiting.
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  5. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Rule number one of Pug Club: Don't blind que Elite-content.
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  6. Version San Diego Active Player

    I like to queue up elite content every so often when I have some time to kill. Not so much for the goal of finishing, more so just to see what I run into. Can be very entertaining.
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  7. nawanda Loyal Player

    It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a player to complete a recent elite raid by blind queueing for it.
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  8. Brit Loyal Player

    I have been able to get random queues to work for the non-rep Elites (Unholy Matrimony, Blackest Day, Prison Break, and Darkseid's War Factory) with mixed results. Sometimes I get a good group and we breeze right through. Sometimes we get a group of nothing but minimum CR people who have never even run it on Normal and simply queued for everything, and it fails utterly hard.

    I have had Elite Olympus pop exactly one time, and was able to successfully run it.

    Mechanics are MANDATORY in the Elites. If you make a mistake, you WILL die. That is the design. And, if you haven't run Elites yet, you should know that every boss fight has a 1 Rally limit, so if you die a second time, the other players are not permitted to rally you back in and you are out of the fight for the remainder. So everybody needs to know what they're doing, and everybody needs to be doing it right.

    Make sure that you run the normal, and watch all the mechanics. Get used to blocking on Skull attacks, even if you can normally power through them or get healed through them. Establish the good habits before you ever set foot inside of the Elites, because a little mistake on your part will get you dead, and without you, the entire group may end up dead.

    Second, when you join in these groups (which I do recommend building in /LFG instead of the random queue), make sure they know that you haven't run them before. There will be some mechanics which are new or unfamiliar. Most players are happy to explain these things to you as you go, but if you do not know, you will die and you will be a handicap to your group.

    Honestly, watching Youtube videos of the raids is not a bad idea, as some of the walkthroughs can help to explain this stuff before you ever step foot inside. But you will want to know the mechanics to these fights, one way or another, because the Elite raids are not forgiving at all when it comes to mistakes.
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  9. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    Thank you for the responses. Now I know why my queues have never popped. I disabled my LFG channel years ago because the chat flew by so fast as to be a blur and therefore useless to me. Plus, I have no idea how to re-enable it (LOL!). Also, I had no idea that the requirements were so tight. A one rally, 'block or die' limit? I guess the Elite raids really aren't worth the time and effort if they're really so strict. There's fun and then there's work and I'm not paying for a membership and throwing $85 every couple of weeks at this GAME to work. No thank you.

    But, I thank all of you again for the responses. I really do appreciate them!
  10. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    This is a great point. I have had people tell us it's their 1st time in elite, so we explain the mechanics and things go smoothly. I have also had people tell us after they die twice and we lost 2 more people trying to pick them up, so we take twice as long to finish the boss with only 5 people left. Being upfront with the group will help everyone because you will be aware of the big things to watch out for (people have no idea there are spikes in 2nd phase of COTE their 1st time through, and you can't pick them up with current).
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  11. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    Yeah. That's never been an issue with me in DCUO. I ALWAYS tell folks right up front if it's my first time ever or first time in a long time. It just never occurred to me that the Elite raids would be so steep. That one rally, 'block or die' limit is a gamebreaker for me. That kind of thing doesn't belong in DCUO in my opinion. LOL!