current best power(s) for solo content?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by profsmalls, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. profsmalls Active Player

    So currently what are the best power(s) for Open-world content/solos/duos/alerts? When I took a break there were definitely powers that held their own as compared to others.
  2. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Rage, no contest. It’s the best all rounder atm. It can DOS, Tank and heal all in one power. You can’t really beat that. Especially since The heals you get back is based off a percentage of the damage you receive instead of a set amount based off restoration.
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  3. profsmalls Active Player

    Any recommendations on the Healer/Troll power sides? Partial to either over a tank. Don't neccesarily need to be a good raid dps power, just want a good dps for low-player content
  4. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Best troll power is depending on preferences and playstyle. Mental might have the best crowd control and has the ability to perform stealth which can de-taunt enemies and drop aggro. Best healer is hard to say since all have their strength and weakness. You are better off getting that information from an experienced healer who has used all the powers after revamp.
  5. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    All tank powers will be better then any other to solo open world, solos, duos, and even alerts. As Kanmaru mentioned Rage would be best. I also have used Atomic a lot, as you do lots of damage while you heal your self and cc enemies. I have gone into several DLCs after the revamp on my Atomic tanks and been able to solo everything up to alerts.
    I have not played electric after the revamp, but there are powers like Arc Lightning that heal you while doing damage. For Celestial you can also heal yourself while doing damage, but it's not as strong as before the revamp. Check out the post revamp Celestial guide in Oracle DB section for battle healing tips.
  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    If solo play is more your style than I would suggest sorcery. It has a pet for healing dpsing and even tanking for you a bit. For sorcery I suggest going precision which also helps in solo content since you don’t have to worry about running out of power as much.
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