Finding suitable Character name(s).

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Binary Zero, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Binary Zero Active Player

    Seems so. :p
    Oh and by the way, your name idea was available. I feel bad for taking it though. :c
    Unless you know other names that would fit well with the theme I was aiming for.

    And also, sadface for no fancy Digital Hammer in the Weapon pack. Two-Hander comes only with an Axe. Boo.
  2. Octantis New Player

    Lol I don't care, I was only kidding around :D

    Look for Heavy War Hammer, I think you can get it from questing. The style is close to what you have in the picture there. I'll post a pic of it soon.

    Edit: Here's a small pick from DCUO Wikia. I'll see about posting a better one when I get online later.

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  3. Battle Man Committed Player

    Blunt Force Shock
  4. Owl Devoted Player

    It's a good thing that I have a stuffed Owl in the room. Works with my existing name scheme.
  5. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Black Mouse....

    Hmmm..... LOL
  6. recespieces31 New Player

    See, what'd I tell ya?
  7. Battle Man Committed Player

    Using the recespieces method, I would be...

    Blue Plaid Spoon

    Or if you wanted to be more specific - Blue Plaid Ravioli
  8. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    My alt is named Emerald Foxx..... Original for a HL female toon dressed in dark green isn't it ??? HAHAHA She was originally the fox body but the tail kept clipping into stuff so I changed her to a normal body...
  9. Johnnylagz117 New Player

    Red wall ? Lol
  10. Octantis New Player

    "Your reign of terror ends now, villain. I am … the Blue Plaid Ravioli!"
  11. Binary Zero Active Player

    Ohh, that hammer looks amazing.
    And it would fit nicely to the theme, true.
  12. Lexi New Player

    :eek: i have a few names that people might wanna use:
    1.Silent But Deadly
    2.Flash boy
    3.winter worrior
    4.Sneaky Sniper
    9.Killing Machine

    if theese names are taken reply to me plz
  13. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

  14. FoolsFire Devoted Player

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  15. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    I have no idea if any of these are taken.
    The Electrician
    Doctor Wattzone
    Unstable Connection
    Amp Thing
  16. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I would usually make some kind of N00b like:

    Iconic N00b
    Raging N00b

    Stuff like that or I would make Pawns to go with GoldenPawn(Silver Pawn, Bronze Pawn, etc). I did make Munitions characters and named them after movie characters like Tom Highway(Heartbreak Ridge) or GnySgt Hartman(Full Metal Jacket) or GI Bro(Booker T's brief gimmick in WCW). In short, I never had many issues coming up with names. Hell, I once named an Ice toon Elsa ofArendelle.
  17. JKwak Well-Known Player

  18. Lexi New Player

    yea thats all i got atm ;):po_O
  19. Lexi New Player

    How does my charecter name sound .Her name is XxXSpazMasterXxX or SpazMaster either one of dem XD