there is any new Episode coming soon ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ElectricISR, Nov 18, 2018.

  1. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I love this lol
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    He still has to get his main to 262... That's the top cr right now.
  3. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Going to TOTALLY agree with Skyy here.. Atlantis is exactly ten days old today and you have every piece of armor and every single feat accomplished already? Without using replays the raids have only been available TWICE and we have one solo and 1 alert. There are a total of three weekly outdoor challenges and unless you are using replays on those you can do a grand total of three daily outdoor missions and grab 1 extra Rath Crown by clicking the mission terminal at the Royal outdoor site.

    Oh and let us not forget, as Skyy also mentions, there is even higher CR armor to be obtained through doing the Elite raids.

    Maybe slow it down just a bit? Its not a race to see who can get done first.

    Ned things to do?

    As suggested.. Go do some older content that has feat points you have yet to earn

    Just head to Gotham or Metropolis and Exo-Material hunt. Hey you need those to upgrade you new and improved Exobytes used to increase the XP when you are fortifying your Augments and they do count toward the gathering feats. And let's not forget you can also sell those on the Broker to players too busy to actually go farm them themselves.

    This is the exact same sort of thing that eventually led to the nightmare that was MONTHLY CONTENT. And then led to an long delay between DLCs when the DEV team had to switch back to larger DLCs with more content. At this very moment I am sure the DEVS are working on the next DLC and with December right around the corner I am sure some of them are busy working on the new furniture, costume styles and whatever else they come up with to give out during the December "Winter Event" ... which of course means the entire DEV team is not available to work on getting a new DLC out at the moment.
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  4. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    Congratulations. You posted that you had 73 SP on the 4th of November so that's some going...

    You are very evidently better suited to single player games than mmo's.
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  5. Xibo Loyal Player


    At least you are busy running and running the current content.
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  6. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I'm a little confused by this replay badge remarks towards the original poster. 252 is literally only 2 cr's above the last Episode's CR cap. I hit 252 the first day just from running the Solo, Solo Missions, and Alert. Replay Badges aren't needed at all to hit the 252 mark...not even close.

    That being said, I still think the original poster is trolling a little because he mentioned "252" like he had accomplished some great goal.
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  7. Dene Devoted Player

    cr 252 is running everything once, choosing only gear and using all green/purple/blue you were lucky to get

    Sounds like you are bored with the game.. not just the DLC
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  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I should check the recent posts of seemingly trolling users in the future... good catch!

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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Obvious troll is obvious.
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  10. Blazing Bacon Well-Known Player

    CR 252 isn't anything to even brag about at this point. I'm at 255 and I haven't done anything with replays. I know many people at 256 that haven't done replays either.
  11. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    not having enough to do has always been an issue even from way back. the one thing we had with the earlier tiers was less of a power creep which made overgearing content a much slower process.

    atlantis is beautiful. the art department continues to outdo themselves but overall the dlc is as predictable as anything we've gotten the past two years....and its not a bad dlc. its just even without using replays its very easy to burn out on the content. as it is i've gone from religiously working on 17 alts to really just focusing on my main and my top two alts. i did bring alts #4,5 and 6 into atlantis but i really dont see myself doing much more with them than the open world bounties every so. the idea of bringing in the rest of my characters tires me.

    nothing wrong in requesting a break from the mold. i remember being upset when i first heard home turf lacked any raids and it turned out to be one of my favorite dlcs. the open world dailies leading to the solo missions with the bounties was a lot of fun for me.

    nothing wrong in asking for some spoilers on what the next dlc will be either.