New Feats for Teen Titans Content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Brother Allen, Oct 25, 2018.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We have heard this specific feedback. We don't agree that anyone is "punished" by an item getting better or being more appealing, or for everyone having added reasons to play the game more or longer. We do not find the frustration you express compelling compared to all of the other straight forward benefits.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh right, because you chose to change roles and max out a set of healer gear, blew a bunch of marks, blew a bunch of exobytes and now don't want to seemingly own the consequences of that choice...

    You chose to do all of that instead of saving them and now you're upset because you've supposedly been "forced" to get some styles for some feats in the game you'd rather not bother with. The fact you're a completionist is the only reason you're feeling compelled in the first place. There are numerous style feats in this game relating to styles people don't want, you either need to let the feat go or just get on with it.

    You got caught out because they added some stuff in you hadn't accounted for and it's created turmoil in your plan, fair enough, get upset about it, possibly you're entitled to be 'upset' your plans got put out, but that does not justify not making the addition nor does it somehow justify your desire not to have to complete the feats because you made a choice in the past to do something else.

    That's life by the way, changes happen and it doesn't really matter what decisions we've made in the past, those decisions are made based on what information we have available at the time, but that does not mean change won't ever occur that then requires us to adapt.

    This isn't useles rhetoic by the way it's a reality check and by the way "sizable amount of xp" did you actually see the red squared section, you actually honestly sit there with a straight face and use the term "sizable" when you consider how much XP i've just casually saved... hell if I play less than you, which is probably something I'd refute anyway, if that assertion is indeed correct doesn't that just strengthen my position when you assert this is a "sizable amount".

    By the way, if it helps, I have all those exobytes saved up and I have all the styles and feats and supply drop and henchmen style, because I've approached the situation as I recommended and I've been actually playing for the last 15 weeks.

    It doesn't actually really matter what's happened in the past, that's all irrelevant, what it comes down too, is the prospect of, 'are the costs reasonable'...

    If you spam replay content in 2 weeks then disappear because you've decided you'd rather pay to play then pay again to not play then that's on the player, if you're not going to bother even playing and getting marks throughout the course of the DLC window then there's a risk you're going to get burned.

    If you continue to play the game and gather the marks there's plenty of time to get the rewards required, notwithstanding that point there's no rule saying that a DLC has to end when a subsequent one is released, especially when two DLC's are said to remain in a players relevancy window.

    The developers are adding content to keep content relevant within the players relevancy window longer so players keep playing, if players keep playing, players keep paying and subscribing.

    If you spend marks doing all sorts of other things then you have to own the choices, you still have all those resto augments by the way, you still have all that healer gear, you still have all those items, you just don't have starfire hair.

    But hey, the star fire hair isn't going anywhere, so if you want the 10point feat, you can keep playing and earn the feat, just like bottle duos aren't going anywhere and players can still get 99 bottles, players can still grind 25,000 exobytes, players can still salvage 10,000 pieces of gear, players can still get old solo feats that are no longer relevant, players can still farm runes of norseman styles or MoV to buy them... list goes on, all stuff which is potentially outside of a players relevancy windows.
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  4. Trexlight Devoted Player

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  5. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    For one. Right? Out of what? 8? 12?
    I thought that's what you've been doing this whole time.

    Bottom line, you decide how you want to spend your currency. No one is forcing you to get the feats ASAP. How you want to spend your currency is up to you, but the game doesn't revolve around your personal play style and desire to utilize your additional currency to salvage gear (and purchase 5 elite head pieces, lol, and whatever else you want to do) rather than purchase additional desirable items.

    Basically, if you want to salvage gear AND get the feats, spend money. If not, learn to have patience or live without.
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  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Do you think the majority of players will have their augments maxed before the life of the DLC comes to a close? (as intended)
  7. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    I'm being forced to replay content,
    I'm being forced to purchase stabilizers,
    I'm being forced to purchase monthly subscription,
    I'm being forced to kill 400 adds in an hour or two every single week,
    I'm being forced to finish LPVE 2000 times,
    I'm being forced to tolerate hords of casual players,
    oh you cruel Devs, what else you force us to do? Playing an MMO?
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  8. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Just logged to say Idc about any of the new styles and matts and will ONLY get them bc they have feats attached. Basically the exact opposite gof several people here. I'm happy they have feats otherwise I wouldnt care they existed.
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  9. Trexlight Devoted Player

    *eats popcorn* How about folks just play the game and not kick the gift horse in the mouth? Some people want Cosmetics, done. Some people want Feats, done. These items fit for both players and in that same turn, brings the hate because feat chasers dont want cosmetics and costume folks dont want Feats. This is what is called "cant please everyone". Always remember, they dont HAVE to give us these things. They saw the community wanted it and instead of putting in the Marketplace, instead of putting it in a Time Capsule, they put it on a Vendor. Of course no one cheers for the good except for a select few but even then they get ridiculed.

    On Brother Allen's OP, it is a bit weird and I would love a better change in that direction but in my eyes seeing that these rewards are just extra fluff and cool items, they dont need to have big feat points. I certainly agree with the sentiment that TC Feats should be this lowered amount.

    Regarding the bolstering here on Page 5. No one is forcing you to do anything. Thats your imagination and your own drive and because you see you cant make it, you find the villainy and blame somewhere else. You're original point was these were Mark sinks that these Marks were being taken away from buying Gear in order to salvage. That is honestly, cold heartedly, YOUR first world problem. Dont blame the Devs for allowing more cosmetic Mark sinks that you have the utter CHOICE on making as a person. its a choice to buy these cosmetics or buy the Vendor gear. Unless there's something in the game code that says "must buy these 4 items before buying anything else on the vendor" then its really a you problem. Buy them or buy your Gear to salvage. its your choice and the platform you tried standing on that Prozy clearly showed was a bit wobbly even shows you arent forced because its in fact, your choice.
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  10. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Sorry? Can you be more specific? You mean how they reduced the AoJ prices because they were for a couple of masks that no one wanted and that were on the vendor from the very start?[/quote]
    Yep, lots of TC feats that are 0 star feats, lol. Tons of them. Hey, I have an idea, why don't we make Elite gear a 0 star feat like it used to be? And OP item collections too. Just like they used to be. That way players wouldn't have to waste marks on those if they don't want the item either, right?

    Oh, so the real reason behind your argument is, "I personally don't find them valuable enough for the work, therefore I'm against it"? If they were worth more, then there would be no problem investing those 640 marks?

    Not 640 worth of items. There were multiple, multiple mark weekends available, including a triple mark weekend that made it possible to get over 300 marks in a single weekend, ON ONE TOON. Considering that adding items to the vendor has become a regular habit, if people aren't interested that's on them.
    Sorry, what? Are we back to this again? Didn't we just say that players are able to level their augments well before the end of a DLC? If a player wants to speed up the process by wasting XP, that's on the player, not the devs.

    Yes, exactly. And...?

    I guess we'll have to take your word for it, since you're the only one here. And considering your statement that "if they were worth more feat points, there wouldn't be an issue," I am more inclined to believe that you personally are upset because of how you administered your creds. Otherwise, the feats so close to the next DLC would bother you no matter how they were wrapped up, lol.

    There is no denying the fact that you personally want the situation to be handled differently (a.k.a. remove the sp) instead of saying thank you to the devs for providing something extra in a non-TC, non-random, easily obtainable way. But I guess that's not your type of thing. If they're in TCs, then there's no prob, right?

    TLDR; Nope, I did actually read all of your posts in the thread, and chose to focus on one area that it seemed others hadn't already covered (including Mepps). Bottom line, as I said, is still this:

    1. It's important to learn to wait.
    2. It's important to learn to take responsibility for ones choices.
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  11. Shark Dental Devoted Player

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  12. Dene Devoted Player

    So violent smh

    Used to be that we weren't supposed too *look* a gift horse on the mouth.. now ppl are kicking their gifts ?? sigh
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  13. Draconiano Committed Player

    Uh, 5250 LPVE, not 2000. :p
  14. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Nope, that's 650 marks worth of exobytes that make you probably get to max augment level the second the server restarts after the dlc without ... I don't know just running actual content right now and salvage the dropping gear (including Deluge). Come on OC, you know that this is just about "helping to be first". And this is a simple player's choice as well.
    If you'd tell me that you, OC, need these 650 marks to just be ready for Atlantis, I'd say you're lying, man :)

    And if it is really really that imperative to rather spend 650 on Exobytes, then come back to the DLC in a year or so, just do the weeklies and be done with it. Slowly but steady you will then work towards those 30 feat points instead of using the Creds again to buy salvagable gear since it would only make a small impact on the Augments we have then.

    Also, isn't spending 650 marks on gear to salvage a players choice? Isn't spending 650 on a dog, a material and a hairstyle a players choice? Isn't hmm let's say purchasing multiple elite helmets for convenience (instead of continously switching head mods) a players choice?
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  15. ALB Dedicated Player

    Just from another pov, I bought 37 boots from the broker for 5 million. Use cash to buy gear for exobytes and marks for feats.
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  16. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Came back to check on this thread for any progress. Yet again, we are still steering away from the actual point of this thread to something more irrelevant just to fulfill our bully shots for the month. No DUHH, you don't(should not even expect really) to get everything day 1 regarding feats, rewards, blah blah. Its the integrity behind it that is the problem.The cost of these new items is how much?? And your gonna tell me that they're only worth 10 points? Yet items in TCs are worth much much more?

    Yet some of you are so focus on the "your not forced to argument" and only gave a slight red haired child recognition to the actual problem here. This could of easily been no feats attached or equal to TCs worth but they chose the feat route and only worth 10 points? The reward does not correlate with the time invested! The intention behind them doing this in the first place should be worrisome enough, even if this is an experiment to see how the community reacts.

    You might as well take the feats out or make the feat equal to TCs status.

    (because they done this before)

    They will take whatever measures then later on twist this scenario to "reasons we don't put things in vendor because community doesn't appreciate ~~~ We can't have nice things ~~~ Thats why TCs only work ~~~ Heres proof of us trying to do things the right way(though everything was an experiment so we can create doctored facts against community next time)" bs.

    Yea, I agree its time to close this thread down. Yall ain't helping for the better.
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  17. Tallguy Well-Known Player

    Do they really? It must be a coincidence that following these additions there was a bonus weekend announced?
  18. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I guess the devs should remove all the feats related to old OP item collections, then right? Or are they OK because you already have them?
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  19. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    You're only forced to run old content if you haven't been playing the game and/or taking advantage of double and triple mark weekends, or choosing to use your marks in a way you'd rather use them. And sorry, not buying your whole "OH NO! IT's IMPOSSIBLE TO FORM A GROUP FOR ZOOr or SPINDRIFT STATION, etc., etc. Aren't you guys in a league?
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  20. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I can confirm that EU really is that bad right now. :(
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