Should We Hold Off Doing LPVE For Now? Lower Feats Free?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tykes Rule, Sep 21, 2018.

  1. Tykes Rule Level 30

    Should We Hold Off Doing LPVE For Now? Are the Lower Feats going to be given away to everyone for free?

    I saw a post that stated that Lpve was going to be revamped and Details would be given later.

    Could we please get a General Idea of what is going to happen?

    I have a group of about 25 People that Farm Legends Pve Every day Regularly. 7-10 a day. They are all wondering if people are going to be given these feats for free. They take the time and patience to work on these feats long term over many years. They aren’t sure if they should continue to farm for these feats, or if they are just wasting time. Should they put off doing Lpve until a later time?

    If the lower feats are going to be given out,and if the higher feats still need to be done, is what we're doing now in vain? Should we wait?

    One of the biggest reasons people aren’t playing Lpve is that they are counting on being freely given all the feats by purchasing a New Cr 250 Plus Level token, whenever the next one after Cr 170 comes out.

    It is bad enough that people want participation trophies. Now people want trophies without even participating.

    This seems to be becoming a Common Trend in this game: Participation Trophies for Not Participating:

    1. 20,000 Gathering feat given away with CR 170 Toon.

    So those that grinded to 20,000 still had to do 5, 000 more. It would have been less disconcerting, if the amount could have been taken off the top somehow. The concern with lpve is that the lower feats will be given out, accommodating those that choose not to complete them, while the higher counts will remain untouched, which would disregard the efforts of players that are hovering over the higher feat counts.

    2.All the R and D feats were given out for dlc. 300 Essence mod feats. 396 Essence Generator Mod feats. Among countless others.

    3. Exobytes were given a degrading amount of 20 Xp, when people had hundreds of stacks of exobytes, that they had spent hundreds of hours farming for. Only to have them replaced with a new item called—wait for it- Exo-Material.

    I’m starting to hear people complaining in several leagues why they have to do certain feats, why can’t the Devs just give them to them? It’s starting to become expected not have to do anything in this game at all. Leagues are becoming Safe Spaces.

    A lot of players are starting do get into a mindset of Everything Now. They can’t imagine not leveling a toon in a week, getting the feats done in a day, and having mechanics not dumbed down so it takes no effort to learn anything. This is supposed to be a game for adults 18 or over. That usually means having some amount of discipline in the form of patience to play a game over an allotted amount of time.

    If Everything is going to be given away for Free, is there any point in farming or doing anything,
    other than get a toon up for next dlc and then come back in 3 months?

    (Before anyone gives me a lecture, degrades, or insults me personally for making a post, I’m fully aware that I don’t have to play a game. I don’t have to farm feats. Nobody is forcing me to do anything. I agree. I don’t need to pay for a membership and put hundreds of dollars of money every year into this game either.)

    Thanks for reading my post
  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Are you here for the content or here for the loot? I don't think it matters if you're enjoying yourself...
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  3. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    Most of the complaints seem to centre around

    a, how long a run currently takes/how boring it is;

    b, that the highest feat counts are too high.

    I therefore can't see them giving away the lower count feats as that solves neither of the above complaints.

    The most likely scenario is all the counts being lowered.

    Personally I don't have an opinion, I don't run it & likely won't regardless. I don't even really know what's fair anymore. There are maybe people who have all the lvpe feats but might not have had pre-nerf pvp, exos, treasure chests, etc & got them thanks to count nerf/170 boost. & there might be people who had the pre-nerf pvp, exos & treasure chests without the boost &, don't have lvpe.
  4. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    To view this I would look at the reasons why feats are given out in the first place.

    1. Feats that can no longer be earned. Home gen mods / essence for example. While some folks were vocal about (they have reasons), I think other folks (including me), are ok with it mostly on the grounds that new players to have a fair playing field.

    2. Feats given away in the cr 100 /175 jump. I, personally, didn't think this was necessary because the gear would have suffice on the stats.
    If the goal was to get more players to end game, the gear and cr already did that. However as far as reasons: there could be several, one can be after revamp and a stronger emphasis on SP, Daybreak gave players enough to work with. They wanted revamp to go well, and not have players with fewer SPs feel be left out.

    That said, I hope they stop here and not include SP at next Character advance jump. SP is still important but slightly less so, as gear is still King and Augments/artifacts are at play more. No need to hand feats out freely.

    Regards to predictions and projections, I would ask: what would be the main driving force from daybreak's side? Historically, like the two examples above, they have been side effects from a change in progression system. Side effect of stats revamp or byproduct of cr character advance. When feats are given it's always contentious and controversial. Why do it unless there's compelling reasons.

    Are they disabling PvP? (which as dysfunctional as it may be, I hope they don't). People still play it. Is the LPVE count feats unreasonable?... Maybe... but as someone, who don't have all, if i didn't grind them why should i deserve them.

    Sometimes folks talk about 'integrity' of the game or spirit of the law. Players punished, banned if cheating. Should we also not expect the house to do the same and uphold their own rules. Daybreak prbly wouldn't consider the feat handouts, if the player base isn't nagging them all the time. Yes the counts shouldn't have been that high to begin with, but I say this, if you're going to lower it; even if it is far into the future, let players know now as soon as the design is solidified. Because, people are still grinding the counts.

    p.s. as far advice goes, when Daybreak comes out with new feats it's best to consider potential long term impact. Because once they're out and folks start to grind them, it gets harder to change them.
  5. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Your looking at it all wrong. Feats are routinely reviewed in this game. That's a good thing, content comes and goes out of season. What was thought to be a reasonable feat when it was setup, could be determined at a latter date, to be a little unreasonable. That seems to be what is happening here...

    Sometimes, feats are awarded to players with little to no effort on the players part. This isn't the first time, as I can think of a handful of times where this has occurred in the past. We were awarded feats for completing one of the seasonals the following year one year, I believe it was the valentines day feats, there is the back from the hack feat, and probably the single biggest give away (purchase) of feats occurs in the two level skips.

    My guess is, if you have been playing a while, or even just started, you yourself have benefited from this. Smile. Be happy that we have a proactive DEV team that reviews feats, it helps you and everyone around you as well...
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  6. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    They're gonna do something, people have been complaining too long. I was one of the people that did 250 pvp match feats so im not going through that again.
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  7. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    My question to the OP - does your group enjoy running LPVE 7 to 10 times a day? Or is it just something you’re droning on through because you feel you have to?

    If it’s something you don’t enjoy, then what’s the actual complaint here? You’re possibly about to be freed up to do something else you do enjoy.
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  8. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Just stop the LPVE grind and focus on more productive and enjoyable usage of your game time.

    Its a game. Its not a job.
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  9. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    Naw, I'm good I don't want handouts. SP means less and less with more coming out of capsules and now players asking for stuff they haven't done. Lowering counts is one thing. Giving away is silly. That other thread where pve players asking for free PvP feats, just SMH.
  10. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I would add too - the “juice” for the devs on LPVE was that it would be another way to encourage people to buy new Legends characters on marketplace (such as the once planned Gorilla Grodd). LPVE was obviously meant to be a living, growing thing with more feats added (like team-ups) and new characters which would have increased activity on the overall family counts (like Flash).

    The point is - the devs abandoned Legends. LPVE is a dead system. I realize some are content picking at the carcass; but I imagine most abandoned it when the devs did.
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  11. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Well then I suggest you contact Mepps and ask him to take away from your account any feat that you have that you didn't actually earn, or maybe you could not assign all those skill points from those feats, as you didn't actually earn them?!?! :eek:

    As I stated, everyone has benefited at some point in time for free feats. ;)

    MEPPS nerf us all!!! :confused:

    ...Silly is as silly does, smh. :D
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  12. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    You can poke fun if you want. I said in earlier post on some legit cases where they could. In other cases where they're giving the feats or selling them; just because something was done in the past doesn't mean they should keep doing them.

    I think we can agree that we disagree this topic. This is my last reply.
  13. Tykes Rule Level 30

    The biggest concern with my lpve framing group is that they will get the 7 factions to 250, then the feats up to 250 will be given away, But still have to get to 750. Meaning they should have waited. We actually like playing the toons and doing the maps. It's still a lot of farming and dont want it to go to waste. Yes, we have fun with the content and enjoy it. There is no loot when you are maxed on marks and nothing to spend them on. Only thing to earn are the feats.
  14. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    I get your point, I have several, several league mates well over the 400 sp mark, all of those individuals, are pretty committed to running and obtaining the feats, while i am at a measly 340 or so, I have earned the majority of my feats as well, so why cant new players/returning veterans, do what each of us have done, run the content and earn the feats...?

    Personally, I really don't care if they lower the feats for the content or not. What I would like to see, personally, is not to feel nerfed when I play a legends toon. If anything, playing as those toons should make content so much easier, why? BECAUSE THEY ARE LEGENDS.

    Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc. are iconic DC characters. Why should they struggle through the content, when I, playing as any of my toons, typically would breeze through the same content? The legends toons feel very very weak. Its comparable to when the content originally came out, and we were running it at level.

    I get it. There has to be some type of difficulty, otherwise its not enjoyable to anyone to play, but logically, looking at the history of the characters we are playing with, they should not have such a tough grind.

    In the end, we will have to wait and see what DB has to say. Our opinions are just that, opinions. It doesn't really matter what I think, you think, or anyone else thinks. Collectively, many asked that they look into legends, it will be interesting to see what they elected to do to address the concerns.

    Have a great day. :D
  15. Ully Committed Player

    The OP raises legitimate questions and for active LPVErs, Mepps' recent comments puts everything on standby. I hope the Devs release some news in the upcoming days, that is reasonable for all parties, especially to those that took the initiative to grind the feats in question.