Resurgence capsules last 14 days

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ALB, Sep 13, 2018.

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  1. ALB Dedicated Player

    But it take 17 days to earn 7 stabilizers in game. Can anyone on the dev team explain the logic behind this?
  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Say it with me slowly:

    "So people spend money"

    See? That wasn't bad was it?
    • Like x 13
  3. Plowed In Loyal Player

    14 days from the day you acquire them, not the same 14 days for all of them. Like the last time, I’m assuming...
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  4. Entrust Committed Player

    You shouldn't need a dev to explain.

    It's a sales tactic. Limited time promotional/bundle offer.

    The intent is to increase the purchase of marketplace curency.

    They make money, buyers gets more than if purchased individually.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Not everyone is starting from zero stabilizers.

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  6. Mazahs Loyal Player

    I 'm sitting on about 30 right now myself.
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  7. ALB Dedicated Player

    You're right. I'm speaking for the players who start with 0 because they spend the 1 whenever they get it hoping to get lucky with a rare collection, material, or style. The players who come to the forums and read "you don't have to spend real cash. Just earn it in game". This post was for those players and to the players who used their stabilizer monday before announcement.
  8. Trexlight Devoted Player

    You can certainly gain them in game via trades or broker or in fact saving the Keys which yeah, its gonna take a while and you may only end up opening 1 or 2 that direction or there's the option to buy them or the Keys from the MP. Broker prices should/might calm down towards the end date or even there after so you could also save your in-game Cash and possibly luck out on a deal.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh man, that means you're gonna have to buy a few

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  10. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    LIfe lesson # 13467

    An old bull and a young bull stand on a hillside, overlooking a pasture. The young bull says to the old bull, “Hey, let’s run down and jump on one of those heifers.” The old bull replies, “let’s walk down and jump on ’em all.”



    [IMG] :)
  11. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    This topic makes zero sense.

    By the 17th day you’ll have many capsules. Open the newest one.
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  12. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I wish it was longer too. :p
  13. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I'm thinking the OP is thinking of the players that have zero stabilizer keys because they used them or have not been running the stabilizer duo.
  14. Mazahs Loyal Player

    And that's DBG's fault how?
    I get what you are saying but similar to complaining that a store put something on sale today, after you bought it yesterday.

    If they haven't been running the duo...they should have been.
    • Like x 4
  15. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I have an in game friend or three that I have told to run this duo and save the keys many many MANY times because of things like this. I can hear it now............... about how the devs keep making everything pay2win this & pay2win that. Then they will make excuses when I ask them if they were running the stuff like I told them to. It will be but but but ...............All I can do is shake my head & say I showed you.
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  16. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

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  17. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    It's a marketing strategy used by businesses to get customers to dig into their wallets.
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  18. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Players who start from zero will just have to deal with it or just keep running the stabilizer duo and earn 1 or 2 mega capsules to unlock.

    The idea with these Resurgences and their expiration date is that they do two key things:
    1) Because it's a Mega Time Capsule and includes 9 Capsules+Material, it seems like a good deal to some for 7 stabilizers.
    2) People will instinctively buy these things in fear of missing out on the new shiny. Much like the Booster Bundles for instance, These Mega Capsules have limited time items which will never come back again.

    Ever since these things were introduced, they were meant for a short-term deal. Either you get on with the times and get enough stabilizers to use these, or you simply miss out and that's what Fatal Star and others mean by "They do it so people spend money."

    Yes, I'm aware you're missing out on a lot of TC's because players won't be able to get a lot of these if they are starting from scratch(zero) but that's been made a lot less painful because they introduced the Booster Gold/Second Chance Vendor in GU 87.

    And as Mepps said earlier this week, The Second Chance TC vendor is a permanent edition to the game. How often it'll be updated, we'll have to see. But that's basically the best bet for those who aren't able to get/buy enough stabilizers before these events end.

    As far as getting the material you want from this goes... Trading is going to be your best friend since you'll likely only be able to get 1 or 2 materials for free tops before this event completely ends.
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  19. ALB Dedicated Player

    Dbg fault come in when you price something that can't be earned before it expires. You all move goalpost to fit your argument. Use store as an example for a subscription based game. If I use a mmo, dcuo is not that mmo. If the post would have been about how TCs are p2w, the excuse would have been you can earn them ingame. Now it's about how the TC expires before they can be earned in game it's the players fault for not saving them. C'mon man.
  20. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    52 and counting
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