
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ALB, Sep 9, 2018.

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  1. SuperBoyPrime91 Active Player

    Being a free game that's p2w won't change a lot, except for decreasing the revenue. There are gazillions of problems that keep players away from DCUO and I don't think subscription is one of them, at least not one that has a significant impact in contributing to our 1 hour raid/alert queues.

    I'm not agains't f2p without subscription, if a game can keep itself alive being f2p, not p2w and without subscription to access content/gameplay like Fortnite, that's the ideal (Their hundreds of millions/year with little updates and no DLCs show that) but it won't work right now on DCUO and that's what everyone is trying to show you.

    We don't have enough players to support the transition and we don't know if the population will increase significantly in a reasonable period of time or at all if the game removes the subscription. As I said, it's a shot in the dark with really high risks.

    It's a little bit of what this guy said:

    But with less anger in the heart.
    Uh... I don't agree with the guy above (ALB), but he never said subscriptions are p2w lol, that's a brutal misinterpretation.
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  2. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    The OP is just going to stand behind his viewpoint, even if 99% of the forum disagrees with him. So by now, we're just beating a dead horse. Its best to stop before it gets ugly. And its already starting to look that way.
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  3. Saami Loyal Player

    It is pay2advancefaster or pay2togetbetterstatsfaster.

    It is not p2win because you can win aka finish any game content without best gear or even close to it.

    IF there was SM or active PvP then this game would be pay2win. No doubt about that.
  4. SuperBoyPrime91 Active Player

    This is wrong on many levels, for sure lifetime members are a problem (another problem) of the guy's suggestion, but they would actually need to sell more replays and MP items if the game went F2P, so... The 99999$ you spent on RBs and MP items wouldn't be wasted.

    I doubt he wants the game to go 100% f2p because he never bought anything in the game or can't pay a membership, but instead because he thinks his suggesting will increase the population and the quality of the game. I believe he is wrong, but your assumptions are just mistaken as his...
  5. ALB Dedicated Player

    Just type or say "top 10 mmo money makers" or something and it will pop up
  6. ALB Dedicated Player

    I have all TC feats except force field and op boots without using a single replay or buying any TC. My toon is 247. I have weapon and rings out of vendor, but no body pieces. I was just pointing out that 249 is not possible today without replays. I was just pointing that out
  7. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    I think it is becouse i play without RB and im at 248 with 100 marks to spend and im not even runing duos and alert everyday ( becouse its boring ) .

    I like the idea of f2p im not gona act like daybrake employee with "this is what people want" . :)
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  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

    249 is full Elite gear without OP boots.

    580 Marks for full Elite set, 93 Marks per week (that's just normal raids not elite raids which give more marks) = 6,24 weeks.

    DLC hit July 18th, that's a wednesday. So you might as well add at least 43 more marks to that week.

    It's the seventh or eighth week of this DLC. Do you math again. That's roughly 694 marks NOT counting the double weekend. 7*93+43. I even substracted three days because this weeks reset cycle ends on next wednesday. Totally possible without replay badges. Even if you remove one entire week it would be possible...
    /edited to be the seventh week
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  9. BlackSuperGirl Committed Player

    What about who bought all DLCs a part, or used alot Escrow tickets, bank slot, inventory slot tickets, Vault tickets ...
    I see that u all guys wanna, unlock your Currency Escrow limit cash 4ever and 4free, while another paid for to use it for ....
  10. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    Who has said that fortnite is absolutely ftp???
    At least play it once then talk about it! Fortnite has a lot of stuff to purchase and now the PVE mood is up to the game for purchase and else...
    Every company has its own money making method, ensure that the owner of Daybreak company loves to make more money more that u and chooses the best way. I don't understand how a FULL FREE to play can make MONEY!!!
  11. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    More players maybe and then making money on comercial :) that might work !!!!
  12. ALB Dedicated Player

    How did you get that number? You can get 249 without weapons, belt, and rings? C'mon man you trying to hard
  13. Saturn Girl Committed Player

    If that works, I'm all for free stuffs :confused::D
  14. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Sigh... I got that number by doing math, ya know.

    580 Elite gear
    50 Rings
    90 Weapon
    20 Mask
    35 Neck
    35 Trinket

    -53 Days of daily content. I substract four days of it to single them out as double-weekend-related.
    -One day on July 18th of 7 daily marks and 20 Raid marks (not couning elite here), and 16 weekly marks since we wanna assume that one does not reset a daily 4x for the Nightwing weekly.
    - eight weekly resets equals eight weekly raids and eight weekly beastboy and robin weeklies. Again substracting one each for the double xp event
    - Double event, that's four days of dailies, one of each weekly; I did account for spending 24 Replay badges to get the nightwing weekly within the event.This is covered by a subscription.


    Bare in mind that there are two daily reward boxes and raid reward boxes. All of them have chances to drop additional creds.

    Can you be silent now? I'm pretty sure I did not miscalculate somewhere..

    249 is achievable by: full 217 Cyborg gear, 2 rings, weapon, necklace, mask being 215 and a 213 Utility Belt. That's roundabout the minimum...
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  15. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

  16. Schimaera Devoted Player

    You know how tiresome it is to get the exact prices off your head by just goolging because you're not at home at your PC? :D
    I'm tired of ppl doubting everything to the last "just because". :p
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  17. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Dont forget shoulders are 222 CR from atlanten content .
    Yea nice math now lets folow the trend and turn all of this to 20 XP then we explain to people its good change :)
  18. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Forgot to mention that, yes. I do have the Cronch OP Shoulders.
    But can you just stop with the 20XP BS? It's gonna be more like 4-5k XP next dlc because I'm salvaging everything the second I get something new :p
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  19. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    At least we agree its BS ;) and have fun with next dlc im not gone be here .
  20. ALB Dedicated Player

    Now you moving goalpost. You first number was 580. You already admitted to using replays. You tried to argue how dcuo not p2w while using yourself as an example using the tired ole "playing the broker" excuse(to many players are playing the broker from this forum for it to be successful). You had to go back and do the math because you were using replays which is part of the p2w system. It's nothing wrong with replays, but when you are using them with all TC feats "playing the broker". You are not a good example for the " p2w is not winning. I'm proof."
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