I could swear people here keep saying Supprt roles are dead..........BUT

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TechWarrior0329, Aug 31, 2018.

  1. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Seems like every time the subject comes up at some point in the thread some one is professing that no plays support anymore .. yada, yada , yada.... BUT

    Seems like I am seeing an awful lot more Tanks, Trolls and (yes despite to cries that we can never find a healer) even HEALERS in missions lately. Perfect example So yesterday I Qed up and did the Hove Raid... We had a tank, a troll and not one but 2 healers. Today? did the Machine raid and no tank but 2 trolls and a healer. Done a number (no I do not have a detailed account) duos with everything from Tanks to healers to trolls .. hey as long as they do their job I have no issue with that at all. Takes a little longer but I am not in THAT big a hurry.

    Now its even gone so far as some of them are not set up to even go DPS.... I did the TT Alert yesterday and when i walked inside the team consisted of my DPS, a Troll and 2 healers. I brought the fact that we REALLY probably didn't need 2 healers for the alert but neither of them had any DPS armor and could switch roles.. We forged ahead.... Took longer than usual but we did just fine and completed with no deaths and hey the troll was great ,.. aside for him no one ever ran out of power.

    Now I realize I am ONE player and don;t see the total picture......... heck with hundreds of thiusadns of players on at any given time I am not even close to see 1% of what is happening the entire game. Still the percentages seem to be up.. anyone else seeing a LOT more support players recently? :)
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  2. spack2k Steadfast Player

    there are enough tanks and healers cause ppl tend to run with 2 of them now however we still play only with 1 troll, alot of trolls switch to other roles cause there is only 1 spot for that class in a raid and none whatsoever for alert.
  3. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    With my Nature character I always go into alerts and raids as a Healer. If in an alert I see another Healer I'll ask if they would rather me go DPS, as I have the gear. In raids I stay Healer even if there is another Healer present. In some cases I'm sometimes asked to go to DPS.

    With my Ice character, I've been going into Alerts and Raids as a tank (to learn), but if there is another tank present I will always ask if they'd rather I go DPS. I've been told that generally one Tank is enough, but for some raids a second Tank can be handy if lots of adds appear now and then. I have both sets of gear, so I don't mind switching. For me, it's whatever is best for the group.

    When I first started playing a number of people told me that many people go into Raids / Alerts as just DPS, but you can't get away with that in the higher Tier raids.
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  4. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I'm seeing Trolls (only 1) on the event version of the Teen Titan alert. Seeing them in duos .. not as many of them as healers and tanks but still seeing them. Seems like more players are taking an interest in the roles .. and like i said some are not even building a DPS side. Now I have SEEN that once on that one Ten titan alert but we had 2 healers and neither had the ability to switch to DPS .. no armor or SP set up to play the role.

    They seem to be pretty well versed in the roles as well. Ran a duo the other day with a tank that had every single mob gathered around him while i beat them to death. Can't even recall the time but it was an enjoyable mission. The healer I have seen of late do a good job at shielding, HOT and heals in general. Now i am sure there are bad ones out there too.. Always have been but to be honest... LOL some players just should never even touch those roles. Simply do not have the mentality to sit back and let some one else do the damage while they do THEIR job. :)

    As a long time Support player Its nice to see more players taking an interest in the roles.
  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I'm like you with my Water Healer. I'll show up in Healer mode and only switch if we have more than we need . I have not played my Atomic in a bit .. busy with a new alt but unless they nerfed the crap out of the power set I got to the point where even on solo challenges I'd just stay in TANK mode. I was doing good damage and my aura kept my health and power up so I basically never died and always had the ability to pound on mobs :cool:
  6. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Watch the LFG for groups looking for Tanks for Elite raids for a while, then come back and tell me they are not rare as *** lol
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  7. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I think you are spot on and that people who complain about a lack of roles are often players who ABUSE them because they can't defend themselves in a fight, manage their power or block when their health goes down. Support players are NOT responsible for baby sitting DPS players who never bothered to learn game mechanics...and I play DPS most of the time so this is not from a disgruntled support player
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  8. bull425 Well-Known Player

    Every hero I have is spec’d for both roles, dips and their support role. More flavour.
  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I am the same way..... I enjoy the challenge of support and like to be able to give the teams I am on the option.. Do you want me to DPS or would you like me to heal. tank, troll for you? LOL Now I TRY to keep them fairly close in combat rating since I do use DPS more .. hey on the solo stuff I will always go for Fire power .. there are times when one role might be a few CR higher than the other.
  10. Stark23 Committed Player

    Who q’s up end game raids?
  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Wrong way to look at that. All that means is that a lot of tanks are not interested in Elite (because they're scared of failure or tired of long runs).
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  12. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I battle Troll TT alert often, esp last Boss.
    I use full DPS gear; still do a lot of damage; and debuff and give sufficient power for the alert.
    I have run Battle Troll as a 2nd Troll during Machine.
    1st troll was struggling, with 2 trolls, 1 as battle there was plenty of power, damage and debuffs.
    Pre-Revamp this wasn't a viable option.
  13. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Then guess which roles are scarce in normal content as well? And let's not go into the "well there are some tanks in duos" argument :p
  14. Saami Loyal Player

    Well said. Especially EU server is full of elitists that got mad when someone make mistake.

    I have seen so many people got yelled and kicked out of instances that im afraid to go anymore. Next one who make mistake could be me. Some veteran players act like a-holes.
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  15. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Newsflash: some of us have to play support because others won't or are just terrible. I saw a friggin rage tank turtling the other day....
  16. |The 3rror Committed Player

    support roles not dead? cant be on the us server i run elite raids time to time but when i feel like running a reg raidtakes a while especially a “tank” trolls/heal are easy to come by for sure but tanks you would think they remove that role on top of that if you do find a tank there’s a chance someone in dps role switch they role and still got dps gear in tank role lol or a tank know what they doing
  17. Malachyte Devoted Player

    All you need in one Troll.....I was solo Trolling before Solo Trolling was cool.... :)

    I still hope for the day when the Dev's come up with a mechanism that REQUIRES 2 of each support role in a raid....other wise you can't progress....Perhaps one day that dream maybe realized....
  18. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Yeah now add in that especially in the evenings Almost everything you see on LFG is end game .. actually mots of it is end game even during the day. I am playing a now CR 141 DPS/Troll and aside for the Event version of the teen titan stuff I am no where near end game. I blind Q into missions and am seeing a good deal of tanks, healers and trolls these days. Heck I did a TT Alert with 2 healers, I troll and ME as the only DPS. I believe I did mention that already LOL So they are out there maybe just not up to the point where they can do end game YET.

    Now again what i see during my time in game is a tiny. tiny portion of what is happening over all and maybe I am just getting lucky? But I spend a long time doing alerts and raids where we had 7 dps and 1 healer or 3 DPS and one tank.. or heck its an alert 4 dps and no support at all. So when you start seeing so many more support it becomes noticable you NOTICE :D
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  19. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    Lots of people. Que'd Machine reg on saturday, beat it with randoms. First try.
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  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Lately for whatever weird reason I've been having trouble getting picked up for regular raids even when they're calling out for DPS (even my stats aren't making a damned difference)...so I've taken to queuing up the current regular raids (not event or elite). Guess what I find in those groups...??? Yup...tanks...along with a troll or two and healers. And all but one time I've managed to finish these raids with a bunch of unknowns.

    The tank situation varies depending on time of day and day of the week. The later in the week it is, the lower the chances of finding tanks....from my experience.
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