Chat Limitation Proposal

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nichalus, Aug 26, 2018.

  1. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Can we get a clarification please? because if THIS was supposed to be at least part of the system to detect and ban spammers .. look how well it worked .................


    And considering the number of players in the Watch Tower alone trying to sell stuff please God tell me the game is not now auto bans anyone insane enough to use the word CASH?

    I noticed this several times tonight and had to grab a picture and post. Because if this was part of that "special secret" system designed to catch and ban spammer look how long it took them to figure a way around it. Lets face facts here.. those spammers were around long before this game existed and will be long after it is gone. Right now the ONLY players being truly punished by the new limitations are the normal ones that can't hold a normal conversation with friend with out having to try and figure when to stop and hit send because they have hit 130 characters.

    How about we all just STOP trying to find ways to get rid of them ... that don't work anyway.. and PLAY THE GAME. They are not clogging up the LFG anymore and that was the really big issue to begin with because their posts were preventing players from forming or finding teams. IGNORE them and go play the game.

    Or have you all forgotten the intense amount of fun that TEN minute deserter penalty created when the GAME crashed you and then you couldn't rejoin your team because you were in time out for ten minutes? All this stuff is doing is ticking off more players . Just what we need even more players quitting the game. Of course if the game population gets so low there just isn't any money to be had .. the spammers will leave to find a game where they can make money so that could work..but then Daybreak would stop supporting the game and we'd all get to go look for a new one to play
  2. Snipes New Player

    Mepps, thank you so much for your reply. It is a big boost to my community's morale knowing that you're continuing to try and work with us. Our current understanding is that 860 character was the old chat limit, if it at all possible we would prefer it to return to that or even longer.

    It is critical that we are least able to write the equivalent of a paragraph that averages between 100 to 200 words. Which if we assume an average of seven characters per word (counting punctuation and spaces, which the current chat system does) than if the chat-limit is underneath 700 characters our RP community will no longer be able to reliably host our in-game roleplaying activities and events. So I could not suggest anything lower than 700 characters.

    Thank you again for your time.

    DCRP Moderator
    Hoods Officer
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  3. Castelliar/Rakhemet New Player

    Long time player, new to the forums, and a member of the above community. While I like the content, I've had a run of a few years where doing content was all but impossible thanks to internet connection problems, but I could still get on and RP or chat with people. It's been a while since I spent money on this game, but I can't justify shelling out cash for the Titans content when my CR isn't even high enough to wrap up the Amazon Invasion storyline. I wouldn't have spent money at all if I hadn't stumbled across the RP community. Now that my connection has improved, I've come back to find that in-game communication is almost impossible. Like I said, I do like the content; there can be long stretches between posts where you have time to kill, and the DCUO team has always written fun DLC stories. I'm all in favor of restoring the old chat limit, or better yet, a higher one. We're writers crafting intricate and long-running storylines, and we can't do that in a Tweet.
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  4. useless Well-Known Player

    Chat limitation couse of gold spammers ?
    Auto ban system ?...meh
    If all of you devs log in daily in different time of day and play for at least half hour you could one shoot dozens of spammers a day.
    Many ppl playing this game type alot,ordinary,role players,ppl with hearing disabilities...reconsider this pls.
    And this auto ban,like Tech said,just wondering...if someone asks me "Are thouse sites selling cash legit" and i answer :
    "No,dont go to aoeah or mmook to buy cash for DCUO " would the game auto ban me ?
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  5. Cortana Level 30

    Or, they could simply make DCUO cash prices cheaper and end up taking the wind out of all the Gold Spammers' sales... err... sails. :)
  6. LadsDcuo Well-Known Player

    Ok Ok think of it as this way what if Dcuo forums had a 140 word limit?How would you feel? You wouldn't even beable to type a small suggestion.Now imagine Dcuo getting a 140 word limit you get it now?
  7. Nichalus Active Player

    What's the odds that they will sneak the limit back up, like they did when they implemented the reduction?
  8. Nichalus Active Player

    Well, I'll be damned. All I will say is THANK YOU to the Devs at DB. I think I can safely say from all of us in the RP Community, and the folks with Disabilities, we truly appreciate it. Thank you for listening!
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  9. Snipes New Player

    My community is rejoicing now that the new limit has been removed, we were all very worried. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :)

    DCRP Moderator
    Hoods Officer
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  10. Cortana Level 30

    Wooooooooohooooo!!! The Devs listened... and they Rawked da House!! :D
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  11. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    thank you for listening to us
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  12. Taskman New Player

    Difference is LFG and Trade in all other games are limited and other forms of player communication are not. I still stand by the idea i had in the previous thread that they should restrict in game currency to brokers and add a bank share between characters like we do with items. Not much would change since the vast number if not all of the GOOD equipment is not tradeable. Everything else can be an item for item system of trade.
  13. Hraesvelg Always Right

    That might have worked if it was that way from the get-go, but people have invested way too much real life currency for the top end items at this point to just upend an economy like that. You can't wipe out hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars of investment and expect whales to keep on whaling. And those guys bring in the bank.
  14. High Troller Loyal Player

    the feature was not snuck in. i remember exchanging messages to the Dev that was making chat limitation adjustments. this was not done just for the spammers. back then, we had many foreigners that spoke about world cup soccer. i am personally not against the chat limitations.

    do not include me with your "we", please.
  15. Enigma CCX43 New Player

    Just want to thank the dev team for listening to our feedback. It's greatly appreciated!