Chat Limitation Proposal

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nichalus, Aug 26, 2018.

  1. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I'm speaking strictly from my PoV just as you guys are. Regardless what you're doing, do I see as an issue from where I'm standing? No. Do I see as game breaking? No. Do I think that people regardless of what they're doing can get what they have to say out in multiple messages rather than one big message? Yes.

    Not everyone will see it a problem, especially the majority of the population who are PS players that use a mic.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    xD You just made me spit out my coffee. You're PC right? You have the unfair advantage of a real life keyboard. Typing out messages on console is a whole different demon.
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  3. Hraesvelg Always Right

    If we can figure out how to send multiple messages...guess what...SO CAN THE SPAM BOTS. "Buy/sell gold" is like 25 characters. Should we just jam it down all the way there?

    This "solution" solves nothing and only causes problems for PAYING customers, even if the problem doesn't affect you personally.

    I'm PC, but that's irrelevant to this conversation. Or are you saying that because you're on PS your attention span is stunted and can't handle reading multiple sentences that I can type out? (This is a lighthearted jab, before anyone gets anything bunched up).
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  4. Nichalus Active Player

    How in any way is our messages in private, group and League in any way 'inconvenience' you now? The Spammers are STILL Spamming, just now its in shorter characters. This limitation is a COMPLETE failure from any angle that you want to look at, in preventing, hindering or stopping, the Gold Spammers.

    The Spammer use SHOUT, TRADE and SAY. So your 'inconvenience' is still going on.
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  5. Nichalus Active Player

    The Fact of the Matter is that the Devs DO have a way to stop Gold Spammers cold. They CAN IP Ban them all, once they post their spam, and it's reported, then 'boom' drop a Banhammer on them. So the question becomes...WHY don't they do that?
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  6. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Dynamic IPs and VPNs make that not a particularly viable option.
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  7. Nichalus Active Player

    Well...that is a good point. But they could 'try'...if they haven't already, that is. They can still Ban by name, though. Then that would 'inconvenience' them, since they would have to go through the whole process of creating another toon and name. Granted, its not perfect, but it would start to send a message.
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  8. Hraesvelg Always Right

    That is the current process. Reports are filed, customer service reviews, they issue bans, they make new accounts, the cycle begins anew. I'm ambivalent about having a character restriction on purely free counts. But putting new, useless restrictions on a paying account? That's where I have a problem.
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  9. Nichalus Active Player

    Agree with you there.
  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I don't know if you've been paying attention to the spam lately or not, but certain words like MMOOK and EGPAL have been banned, and your message won't appear if those words are in it. So the gold bots are doing "MMOO I< (I< = K)" which eats up a lot of character spaces as it is. I know you're just speaking in hyperbole, but you can't get all that out in 25 characters.

    I'm sure there's better solutions, like restricting chat till you reach a certain level, but I just don't find this particular one to be problematic to my typing habits. I do agree it's not needed in league or group chat, but it can definitely stay in shout/say.
  11. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I could accept that as long as tells, league, and group aren't affected. And if it's one or the other, I prefer no restrictions.
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Allow me to clarify because you seem to be under the impression that I don't want the restrictions lifted off private channels which isn't true. That's why I raised the idea can the devs not seperate the restrictions between private and public channels. If they can, SUPER GREAT they should totally do that. Why didn't they just do it that way to begin with?

    If they can't seperate restrictions that's an issue for RP, spam bots and a few PC grammar police. You are correct bots are still spamming but those shorter adverts are better than the usual obnoxious adverts. So now we have a visibility issue here. I and EVERY HUMAN PLAYER see spam bots everyday all day. I see RP folk... well I don't usually see RP folk because you guys run in your own circles. That's why everyone isn't rallying to your side atm.

    So again let me be clear, I'm all for the cap being lifted off private channels but it definitely needs to stay on public channels.
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  13. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    Just saw this canned tip in the game:

    Well, they might as well get rid of that one now. Since it really doesn't work or apply anymore.

    *ahem* Can I get an "out the window" meme here? Lou? :p
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I was referring to the fact that PS virtual keyboard combined with DCUO UI is not user friendly and can bug out at times. Shorthand is a way of life for most console people which is why the cap (this is the relevant part) does not really affect most. You have a luxury that some can not afford. Also my attention span is just fi... SQUIRREL!
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  15. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

  16. Nichalus Active Player

    You're lumping us with Spam Bots and Grammar Police? Nice...
  17. Nichalus Active Player

    I see them 'once', then I put them on Ignore. It's a pretty simple and quick way to get rid of seeing them. It's what the Ignore feature is for.
  18. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I'm always leery of people and organizations that restrict the liberties of a minority because of a problem, especially when the solution is virtually pointless and the restrictions are draconian. That's how the TSA wound up being pure theatre.

    I don't really like arguing from analogy, but this is like swatting away a few buzzing flies, but the restriction is dropping Agent Orange on us and, well, since only a FEW people will get cancer, that's fine? Also, the flies are still there, just not as many of them.
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  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I wouldn't have to 'lump' you with anyone if players didn't buy from these gold sites and allow this infestation to get worse. Those players are also paying subscribers. Think on that before you point anymore fingers.
    I honestly don't like the situation any more than you do. I wonder if we had a stronger GM presence ingame, would it have had come down to this?
  20. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I don't RP or write a book in chat and I hit the limit right after someone brought this up. It's kinda BS because spam bots don't send tells.
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