DCUO no longer a fit Game for PC users

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by A Player, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    that or maybe he tried speccing into weapon specialization.

    that can make you feel laggy.
  2. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I had exactly the same problem. Google is overflowing of the people complaining about such problems nowadays.I solved it and in my opinion that was caused by nvidia driver. Try uninstaling all gpu, 3d vision and physx drivers etc. To make sure you removed everything download: Driver Sweeper from guru3d - link here.

    Any other software designed for this type of actions that will delete all the residue after previous driver will be good, but this is not really necessary because while you are going to instal new driver, you can choose between express or custom installation. You choose custom of course and clean installation then launcher will also remove all the residue after previous driver.

    After you instal new driver go to your nvidia control panel>3d settings>program settings tab and here as program to customize select dcuo and save, then you go to the surround physx tab and here switch processor from default to your current gpu in your case this is; GTX 1080, besides it you don't need change anything else also make sure that in game v-sync is off and also use any software to lock your fps i use dxtory. On this stage i solved my in game lag problem, but if you will still lag go again to your nvidia control panel and change max prerendered frames to 1, hit save and close. I hope i helped.

    Edit: Restart PC after this steps.

    You can check also - Nvidia Control Panel Settings
  3. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    Yes, I have. I like the way the X Box controller feels and the plug and play is great.
  4. Chiemara Well-Known Player

    Up until Christmas of 2017, I was on this rig:

    AMD Phenom II x3 720 (three core at 3.5 GHz)
    ECS Black Series A-780g-m motherboard
    4 GB of DDR2 ram
    AMD Radeon 4780 1 GB (Original 2010)
    AMD Radeon 5770 2 GB (Upgrade in 2011)
    AMD Radeon 7870 XFX Ghost (Upgrade in 2013)

    ATI R7 260x 2 GB ghost thermal XFX (Upgrade in 2015 and current card)
    (I overclocked my 7780 and one day I was using my rig in my dad's attic and forgot it was overclocked when the attic hit about 90+ degrees that day and fried it... so the R7 replaced my 5770 that I fell back to when my 7870 died)

    I never lagged at all in DC, this was the rig I originally bought and built from scratch in 2010 just prior to DCUO being released.

    I started playing on PS3 in 2011 and then when PSN was hacked, I returned my PS3 to Best Buy for a laptop, but used this rig to start playing DC towards the end of 2011.

    This past Christmas, I maxed out this rig with a black series AMD Phenom II x6 1090t black edition CPU and increased the ram to 8 GB (Ram not maxed, it can go up to 32 GB but games don't need much more than 4)...

    DCUO runs lag free and has zero frame drops even when I stream to my TWITCH channel.

    In fairness, I modded my Vid card and switched the fans out for 80mm case fans, and have it overclocked in software to 12.5 with 20% power overage... but... even without that profile running in the AMD software, I notice ZERO lag even in PVP (Keyra El is my main)
  5. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I'm on pc and I don't have lag issues
    I do agree, the game is a little outdated far as what can offer.
  6. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    I play on a PC that's 4-6 years old (can't remember when last upgrade was). When moving I will sometimes experience a very brief lag spike, but it's pretty rare. Sometimes when I am flying down to get the 'Breaking Steel' mission it can take a second or two for the graphics in the lot to load. But other than the lag recently experienced in Gotham and Metropolis by many people, I haven't noticed any problems like the OP stated.

    Per my dxdiag this is what I have:

    Processor: Intel(r) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50 GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.9Ghz
    Memory: 8192MB RAM.
    DirectX 12
    Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce 9800 GT
    Approx. Total Memory: 4064 MB
    Display Memory (VRAM) 480 MB
    Shared Memory (3583 MB

    My cable company is Comcast. Hope that helps some.
  7. Balton hero Committed Player

    Ah, nm. Didn't see it was a macro thread
  8. JokerJIm New Player

    Some people have game controlers and some do not not those who do have an easyier time dpsing troling healing trolling some peoples skills comes from having a game controler.
  9. Snowman5373 New Player

    I was having the same issues as TC, so I will add to the thread Incase anyone is ever looking for info.

    I upgraded to a ssd and a fresh copy of Windows 10. 90% of the issues went away. I then went into the amd game control panel and limited the frames to 60, forced V sync and added a bunch of other goodies. I run the game at 4K 60fps rock solid and it looks great.
    • Like x 1
  10. TymeBlast Well-Known Player

    I'm on PC and I don't have any issues with lag at all. I make sure my vid card has the most up to date downloads. Keep the PC cooled as much as possible. There is lag in the HoD but that's because everyone in it is usually doing duels and spamming powers.
    Open world or in any instance, its perfect.. And... I don't have the expensive video card or anything like that. I upgrade it when the thing goes bad.. same with the MB, processor and power supply and I always by NVidia since I think its the most trusted and know one of the head people that work there. (except I don't any deals)
    Also if your connected to cable internet you may want check your cables out. Do a defrag when you can and keep the PC running clean and fast.

    Just some helpful ideas.
  11. TymeBlast Well-Known Player

    I play Quantum Troll and Dps and have 0 issues with the lag in game. Also have an Atomic Dps/Tank and the same thing.. There's too many scenario's on the problem the OP has. There might be a small fraction of Game issue rather than issues with the PC unit that they are playing on or the net connection they have.
  12. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Sounds like either your gear or your connection or both. I play on an i3 with 12GB RAM and a GeForce GTX 750 Ti and rarely have problems with lag. My cable connection was around 50 down/5 up until about 6 months ago when Cox doubled my speed for free (ATT trying to push fiber to the prem in our neighborhood, hooray competition!)
  13. Schimaera Devoted Player

    And others excel with Keyboard and Mouse..
  14. Kuno Loyal Player

    PC players are 2nd class players in this game. Always been always will be.
    We have even worse graphics than console, while having more potent machines. Devs said 84 years ago they were looking at PC graphics but we are still waiting for a fix.
    • Like x 2
  15. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    Sounds like your PC meets the min hardware requirements and have done some basic investigation already.

    While others may report no lag, in the end, it's not going to solve your situation. The tone of the first post shows frustration, which I imagine Daybreak probably wouldn't want for thier paying customers. I'd suggest opening a support ticket (if not already); maybe they'll have something in the knowledge base to help diagnose and try.
  16. Hraesvelg Always Right

    No joke. I can guaranTEE you I have a lot faster response time and better control with my mouse than someone with a joystick for a camera. I can also, y'know, just push a button to activate a power instead of holding something down and then pressing a button that also does something else when not pressing that down...just bash and move on. If you've got some heavily clipped powers (like ice pre-revamp) I could literally just roll my fingers down my number bar.

    We won't even talk about keyboards and mice that have built in macros, LOL.

    (Necro threads are fun!)
  17. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Wow. What a necro thread.

    But it is true that AMD and NVIDIA still haven't updated their default profiles for DC Universe Online to have an FPS cap of 60....