Military tech chest piece

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by areacode8O8, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. areacode8O8 Committed Player

    How rare is this piece? I've been farming duo at gotham university T1 as a controller for a while with no luck.

    Just wondering. I'll give up if the drop is really rare and just wait for the next style sharable update since my Main already as the style.

    Itching for a Josh Brolin Cable style.
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  2. XEMD Well-Known Player

    Yeah same, I need the Military tech Helmet to make my Master chief and haven't got it yet :( What also sucks is the only way I can even get the actual pieces is by either promethium or waiting for style unlock. Due to the pieces not being able to put in bank or whatever.
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  3. MaxG72 New Player

    I wish they'd increase the drop rate of some of the older styles. It's just silly waiting for certain styles to drop THAT long.
  4. areacode8O8 Committed Player

    Lol helmet just dropped for me while in controller stance.

    My Josh Brolin cable.

    This will do for now. Be nice when they unlock all your styles you have unlocked on your main.
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  5. XEMD Well-Known Player

    It sure will be lol.
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  6. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    military tech could be tricky. its been so long since i needed any of the styles.

    if i remember correctly military tech also drops in the alert version of the Outer Caverns but that may have changed over the years.
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  7. areacode8O8 Committed Player


    Finally got it. Took me about 20 runs Gotham university duo t 1last boss isis. Controller role