Anticipating the next dlc

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DaBatmanX, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. DaBatmanX Well-Known Player

    Ok after seeing some Titan Titan redesigns what style set do u think we will be getting in the next dlc? Cyborg ?
    And regardless if you love em or hate em. We all know a tt time capsule will be next. What style set do think we'll get in that?
    Doesn't seem like they are releasing emblems anymore. But this would be the perfect opportunity to get the Nightwing, Superboy, Robin, red Robin, cyborg emblem etc.
    Maybe a kid flash cowl
  2. EconoKnight XIII Legion

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  3. DaBatmanX Well-Known Player

    Let's be realistic they'll never do mas y menos
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  4. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    probably Robin style...
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I'm more interested to see how this dlc will "elevate the game."

    It's the first brand new dlc since the ps3 was dropped so my expectations are fairly high
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  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Well, it does take place in Titan Tower (probably on the top floor). That elevates things a lot.
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  7. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Pretty sure that was referring to the augment system thats dropping with it. Can't see what else it would be
  8. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    my guess is with this new soda they are gonna buff end game NPCs pretty good this time and give us 2 slots. than really slap us in the face with something mind blowing like a trinket or artifact that lets us use another power or a bigger load out for a short time. they could even do it with artifacts, each rank would let u use the other power longer or use your bigger load out longer. they would be crazy not to try this at this point. once end game NPCs get buffed a lot anything can happen to make ends meet
  9. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    i just wanna see what will be in the Teen Titans Time Capsules
  10. DaBatmanX Well-Known Player

    Yeah the style for the Kryptonian looks nice but it's still meh. Like out of all the possible Kryptonian related styles to make. U choose this? Who asked for that? Maybe it's just me but I feel like the community would have preferred a 90s Superboy or eraddicator or actual supergirl or maybe a Hank henshaw or anything that makes u think Kryptonian when you see it. Hopefully the Titans on is something a lil more exciting
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  11. SuperBoyPrime91 Active Player

    I wish, doubt there's more than 1 raid, 1 alert, 1 duo and open world coming, i'm ready to quit the game. If I'm wrong i'll say sorry, if I'm right they won't see 1 cent from me anymore. Wish everyone would do the same but this game is full of ***** that support **** content and **** capsules and **** artifacts and **** rng.
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  12. SuperBoyPrime91 Active Player

    good, spend your money on **** rng and **** capsules, idiots are idiots.
  13. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i wish i could be more excited. growing up the teen titans were my absolute favorite comic book and characters. i could write pages worth of text regaling the things i used to do as a kid to get my hands on silver age teen titans comics...some beyond hysterical. their inclusion into this game is one of the many reasons i wanted and still want the game to succeed.

    even in the best of times we never got enough content to satisfy our hunger. with the way things have been the past year and a half, two years I'm just not expecting much.
  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Loving the positivity :D
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  15. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Trinket that turns you into a parody of yourself, teen titans go style.
  16. SuperBoyPrime91 Active Player

    There is no posivity anymore, the game is turning into trash and there are idiots supporting it.
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  17. SuperBoyPrime91 Active Player

    I'm sure that's the only "elevated" thing this game will have with jack the ripper on charge.
  18. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I'm more worried about the actual content rather than the styles. For alot of people, this DLC is the last chance for redemption.

    I think there should be less focus on the cosmetic and more focus on the quality and depth of the content.
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  19. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    May the odds ever be in your favor.
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  20. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Wait, didnt they say that about the Death of Superman content? LOL
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