Any Raids to Look Forward to After Prime?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cerulean Osprey, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Cerulean Osprey Well-Known Player

    Recently gotten back into the game... Prime Battleground was the last major raid I remember doing before I stopped playing. I've been dragged through a couple of the newer raids, but to be honest, everyone was overgear'd and one-shotted adds. I imagine though that everything will be a breeze until I get to the most current raids.

    I'm a controller and I really liked that the FoS raids gave us opportunities to CC adds... (Throwing the crabs off the bridge in FoS1; In FoS2, we got to peel adds off healers during the first boss, pull adds at the Sunstone Resonator sequence; FoS3, we had those golden Sunstone Sentries to deal with).

    Gonna be honest, after the FOS raids, I felt that the raids became kinda simplistic, tank and spank... And my understanding is that the meta is 5 DPS + 1 tank, troll, healer, and that things have been dumbed down for most players unfortunately. Anything to look forward to?
  2. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    From a Controller perspective, Assault & Battery (a Tier 5, 8-man War of Light Operation) kept me active - when it was first released, Controllers had to keep the Manhunters/Blue Lanterns away from the boss through stuns, pulls, etc.

    Love and War (T6) had a really annoying add that I liked to keep pulled and perma-stunned because it drained the party's power.

    But yeah, sadly, most of those Raids are going to get ROFLStomped these days, so you're not going to get much Controlling in.

    A week or three ago, there was a thread on these boards that was recruiting for a group that was planning to build characters from Level 1, going through all of the old Raids/Content and playing them at the proper CR. Finding them (or a similarly minded gathering) might help you find what you're looking for.

    Good luck!
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  3. Yaiba Committed Player

    Elite raids :)
  4. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Some elite raids. TTBE should really be reg.
  5. Cerulean Osprey Well-Known Player

    Aahhh MrMigraine, I played with you once or twice before back in the day. I remember your awesome character name.

    Along those lines, I was just joking with my old league mates that we should get a little crazy, run the Arkham Asylum alert and take off our armor so that we're back to Tier 1 level. Bleeeeeeechhh.
  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    No. You left at the high time of the game. Nexus and Dox were the last two raids after PBG that I would consider "good."

    The only thing this game offers now is a grind. Grind for what? That is a good question. There is nothing in the game that can not be completed at minimum CR. PvP had its nots kicked last year, and still hasn't recovered. Time Capsules are the thing. Although, no one talks much about the cheating that happened last year and how no one received a life time ban. Even though during the money glitch. Everyone found cheating received a lifetime ban.

    Good luck. :)
  7. CharlesQuester Active Player

    Someone else said a Troller the last raid with mechanics that the Troller really used was Assault & Battery. Also the With A Vengeance raid has a part where the enemies need to be pulled near the ankhs so they can be killed permanently (on the docks in Suicide Slums). The Tanks seem to rarely do this in that raid so your Trolling pulls will help there. Anything else its just being a battery. Any stunning of ads would just be icing on the cake but not overly needed.