Forum name change

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Atrocuis_, Jun 4, 2018.

  1. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Hey what's up guys I had a quick question is it possible to change your forum name its cause this is a name Im no longer attached to it was previously a character I used to use play with any help would be grateful thanks
  2. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Im signed in threw psn by the way
  3. Black Eneas Active Player

    You can try and make a ticket see if they will change it for you
  4. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Thanks bro is that really the only way can you possibly delete it & start a new?
  5. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Sorry to keep bugging with this post but how can I make a support ticket to be able to try and change this name with this account I'm a little bit of a noob Sorry
  6. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    • Like x 1
  7. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Thank you so much for your help i really appreciate this . its beacause I'm done with this name and it prevents me from adding conversation to some of theese posts but i will pm him
    • Like x 1
  8. XXPREPXX New Player

    To Whom it may concern, I was wondering if, as the same as the post before me.. I could possibly get my Forum named changed to my Main Toon. When I first started this game I used a name from my childhood and now many many many years later of playing, It would be nice to have My forum name match my main character so friends and such will recognize my posts if and when I do make comments. The name I would like on my Forum account if Possible is ... Tachyon Flux

    I appreciate any assistance and thank you in advance for tending to this matter.

    Tachyon Flux
  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Contact Mepps, he is the community manager and the only one who can change your name.
  10. XXPREPXX New Player

    cool tyvm ill try that asap