DEVs: ADDs are BROKEN! Need overhaul ASAP.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Earth Sisters, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    After running all the new missions, and then returning to ZOOe once more with better stats today, something became abundantly clear: add swarms are broken. You could say adds in general are OP, both in defence and offence, but the problem is masked by a TYPICAL design choice: put them in groups of 2-5.

    The problem reveals itself when a swarm of adds appears. And I don't mean an eager tank pulling 2 groups of adds in a raid hallway. I mean when the content, by design, swarms you with adds. Their cumulative damage gets unmanageable. If they could be consistently burned within the time they are stunned, that is one thing, but their defence is too high for that to work consistently anymore. The cumulative damage was STILL too much for my 227 elite/op tank with 350SP in ZOOe (with 5% health seasonal and compound omega up too) when Talia stealthed and the adds came out. I would pop my Hibernation SC if the other tank was getting overwhelmed, and would die INSTANTLY the moment the SC ended.

    The Starro duo that takes place in Steelworks is another example where the add swarms make the content seem like a whole other tier. The other starro duos kept the adds consistent, but the Steelworks one kept sending out so many, and only by using every do-dad in my slots did I survive.

    I noticed even doing DWFe, some of the adds were hitting me over 10000, despite my massive defence.

    The quickest spot fix would be reducing the adds in all content that... well... sends swarms of adds at once. The last boss of ZOOe is the most relevant example at the moment, but the aforementioned Starro duo should be looked at too ASAP, as it just came out. Long term, the role of adds in general I think needs to be revisited. I like the idea of the Heavy Saboteur in ZOO, for example: it's not just another tick (or dozens of ticks) of damage, but he causes BIG trouble if you ignore him. Or the adds interfering with the oxygen gathering in SSS. Tanks don't need just another thing to soak up damage from. Give the rest of the group something to worry about. We are on the right path, but what is already out needs some fixing.
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  2. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    Also, reducing the quantity of adds I'm sure would help with performance.
  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Add damage was even more disproportionate before revamp :D Duoes and raids adds in particular hit like trains.
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  4. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    Also, there should be a damage target in mind whenever designing a boss battle, tailored to a typical group running it. If the theme of the battle would demand a large quantity of adds, then the add stats should be adjusted accordingly such that their damage total doesn't blow past the target.
  5. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    Indeed, but the one redeeming factor was with the CR differential, you could often kill the adds before they became a problem. Now, they take forever to burn. You can burn one group really quick with a few orbitals and SC, but good luck on being ready for the NEXT group with the cooldowns as they are.
  6. LastSonOfEarth Committed Player

  7. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Also the mission where you hit the device in the road. Then whole lot of starro's pop up. I keep getting 1 shot for 125,000.
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  8. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Im not saying you're wrong, but you should also be constantly juggling and stunning. I go between smokebomb (group stun) and the consumable chronometric emitters. They work wonders for everything but zooe, Eff zooe though that raids ridiculous
  9. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    That's a 4-man mission, lol. They hit like trucks but go down in a heartbeat. Just grab a tank or a healer if you want to 2-man it, otherwise 4 dps burn them down in literally 2 seconds.
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  10. Earth Sisters Well-Known Player

    I agree... and it depends on the content and power. On my pre-revamp rage tank, I would pop a shield and dive into a group of adds, drop the chronometric emitter, then start the rage cycle, all to avoid getting one shotted before the rage health multiplier kicked in. The problem with ZOOe is the add damage is so out of control, there is no time to do anything before dying from not blocking. As short as the bow-to-smokebomb combo is, it is still too long of a window. And the adds die too slow as well, so they are immune to controls by the time they are 1/2 health anyway.
  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Put a shield on your loadout, it actually helps alot for survival in duos. I know, crazy right? DPS carrying a shield?
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  12. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

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  13. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’m weapons based, blue immunity is the only shield I need :D
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  14. Dene Devoted Player


    I cannot recall a DPS loadout I've had without a de-taunt or at least a shield. A good DPS with something like Grandeur or any shield, for that matter, can actually use it to stay in the game, stay closer (if they prefer melee) and do more dmg overall, in my experience.
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  15. C3alix Committed Player

    ^This. Last year people complained about everything being too easy. Now there's more of a challenge to most of the content.
  16. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Theres really no challenge in current content. The playerbase is just getting worse.
  17. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Done that all the adds 1 shot all for of us. Did it with 8 people same thing.
  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Plus as celestial my shield can be combo'd into something that does do damage :p
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  19. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    But can yours do damage?

    Cele - 1. Weapon DPS- 0
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  20. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    With a healer?

    We just completed it on my healer alt, with just 2 random other people, not even a tank.

    When I bring my tank, it takes even less time.

    I'd request a tank in LFG.