Is it Time For Broker Bucks?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Alrighty Then, Jan 27, 2018.

  1. Rahl Level 30

    Don't worry... the banned accounts with Billions of ingame cash are coming back... fixed
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  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I honestly think the people that do that are trolling players. There's just no other reasonable explanation for such a stupid thing to do. Those items have ZERO usage in the only "noobs" would buy it thinking it might be something worth having.
  3. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Crime Pays.
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  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Problem is...this whole “playing the broker game” is farming players, not farming the game...which is really what we’re all here to play, isn’t it?
  5. Nine Souls New Player

    IMO, quarks should be the answer for previous items (or market place).
    But, for fun, a way to avoid greed is if the items by themselves have an “expiration” window: instead of being possible to trade multiple times, they can have just three posibilities to do it (implement an individual counter for every time the item change owner, inside or outside the broker). At the end of the three opportunities, the items change the status to “account bound”. I think this could help to moderate the prices by the sellers in order to not lose an opportunity to sell the item, limit the resellers to buy cheap and sell expensive, don´t punish legit money made by players, don´t create an artificial limit for the prices, and don´t force the items to be non tradeable since the origin. Just an idea.
  6. Krys Ptoleny Ii New Player

    NO...just put good stuff from TC´s in quark vendor.
  7. King Smoker Well-Known Player

    just go farm op collection like to rest of us and stop being lazy. thanks to current events the broker was filled with an abundance of tcs items that were cheaper than usual, i was able to complete a bunch of tcs feats for reasonable prices. this broke bucks idea is as bad as people wanting to buy feats in the marketplace. Grind for your stuff.
  8. GingerOnTheRocks Well-Known Player

    This idea is ridiculous lol, I don't know what you think this will solve. Exploits aside look at the supply/demand side of why things are overpriced. Get rid of the pay to win mechanics and guess what, you will magically fix the broker. Items value will be tied to their actual rarity and not how many stabilizers a cash cow just purchased. As long as this game is pay to win there will be a huge cash gap (including items on the broker) between the "rich" (people who spend $$$ on replays and stabilizers) and the "poor" (people who don't).
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  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

    That’s why you create a version of this idea where the stuff on the broker is sold for the same currency that can then buy stabilizers or replays or anything on the marketplace. Currently there is no in game cash sink for anyone with more than 100 million besides future rare collections/auras/materials. They just keep accumulating in game money and some buy up items and just repost them at higher amounts with no real reason to except to make more money. Effectively they’ve removed large chunks of in game cash and only use it as leverage. Or they sell it to gold sites.
  10. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    Broker Bucks! Yeah!
  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Just replace ‘broker bucks’ with with the words ‘marketplace cash.’ DC can sell it directly as a premium currency. You could buy stabilizers/replays with it.

    They’d have to offer a onetime exchange to convert currencies. There would then be a sink for this money that is tempting.

    And you’d separate the always inflating in game cash from this premium currency. Make in game cash account bound and you’d crush the gold sellers and have DC sell the premium currency which would generate money for the game. Loyalty points would turn into this so subscribers get some each month and others would buy it. It would not be generated in game.
  12. Plowed In Loyal Player

    There is no ‘magical fix.’ Lol

    I’m weary of change too, but hopeful for something better for the players and better for the game as a whole. :)

    <——also not poor ;)
  13. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I don't think you can fix an economy by putting rules or restrictions on currency by creating artificial or "new" currency. I think you fix it by looking at the underlying causes. Here is one example:

    Currently players get OP gear by completing rare drop collections. The prices for collection pieces can rise into tens of millions. So only rich players can reasonably expect to complete the collections.

    This could be corrected by making OP gear along the lines that was used during the Starro event. Make the specific materials account bound but NOT tradabe or salable (so that you can use your own alts to farm) and you have removed an over priced item from the broker. This has the effect of, over time shrinking the overall size of the in game economy and provides a more level playing field for grabbing that OP gear.

    The same approach can be used to get the economy in line by periodically reviewing items that skyrocket in broker value and addressing the CAUSE of that inflation.
  14. Plowed In Loyal Player

    I liked how the starro crafting system was done. There were a lot of crafting materials and doing that with each OP gear piece could be problematic, but I could get behind this.

    I don’t think that would shrink the overall economy, it would only remove 12 items or so from the pool. People would just move on to the next set of rarer items and they’d inflate those prices. The wealth itself would stay where it is.
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  15. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I don't do this because I don't need to, but there's a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why people who want to make small amounts of money at a time do it, which is that, as you say, some noobs will fall for it, so it's pure profit. That's the motivation, which is always the motivation in capitalism: profit.

    That it's sleazy and takes advantage of people is also something that comes along with unregulated capitalism.

    Buyer beware.
  16. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    This thread still going?
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  17. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    players exploit content, powers, weapons, money, pve, pvp, vendors, time capsules and other players.

    what makes you think "broker bucks" will be off limits?
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  18. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Gotta love constructive criticism ;)
  19. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    p.s. love the new sig.

  20. Plowed In Loyal Player

    They won’t. They also won’t create world peace.

    But they would put that carrot on the stick over players heads to use them. Buy replays, stabilizers, stuff you’d want. Or buy collections or other stuff people post on the broker.

    They just need a better name ;)