The new generation of MMO players...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ThePhilosophy, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    "Cap the broker"

    "Erase everyones money"

    "Get rid of block breaking"

    "get rid of trolls and give everyone infinite power"

    "let me do the same damage as a dps while im healing, even though ive played 3 months and havent worked on my character"

    "implement this extremely costly and game changing idea i just thought of but didnt really think much about"

    What.... Is... This....?
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  2. Vesper Dedicated Player

    It's the clarion cry of the "But I *WANT* It" Bird. :D
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  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    "summarize tons of posts in sweeping generalizations"
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  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You forgot "hybrid shouldn't hit harder then PFtT even though it's harder to perform"
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  5. Hytch Well-Known Player

    My thoughts exactly.

    I think many of those statements he made are extreme reactions to actual problems in the game. Making posts like these are just complaining and are not very helpful.
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  6. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Ah yes, the "I got a lotta might and spammed really hard, but i only got 5 mil, this other guy that was the same power got 7mil, devs can you make me stronger?" group lol
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  7. stärnbock Devoted Player

    yep, thats meee :D
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  8. lordexecution365 Loyal Player


    I what are the might stat differences between two players, 1 a healer the other a DPS, swap the healer with a Tank or troll what is the difference?

    If by stat numbers alone, should a healer be able to put up the numbers that are represented by their stats, say if it is DPS has 10000 might the healer has 7500 might, should the healer be able to have at minimum 75% of the total damage excluding outside of just straight raw numbers.

    For instance there is 1 NPC that you fight and it has 17500 health, the DPS does 10000 and the healer does 7500, straight up fight, they reached the add at the same time, the DPS is very skilled or equally skilled to even better than the healer, the healer performs as they are suppose to perform healing and doing damage.

    I will say no won't happen the healer has to spec damage powers in order to do that amount of damage even with there might being 2500 less than a DPS, they still would only do 50% less.

    Blah, blah, blah on the focus on healing drama or support role drama, this is not a new thing, been discussed for years, and they still have to help the DPS's out with there damage, too.

    That is what some are saying will be true balance, if player has x amount of a stat it should hit for x amount of that stat, there is a plus or minus, granted, the cries for balance I'd say believe that the threshold is to great for balance that somebody with 2000 or more might, for example should not be able to do equal to or even more damage, even if the lower number is within a certain threshold.

    I get the fear of support being buffed, but this is a super hero game and they (dev's) have always stated that everyone should be able to contribute with damage, unless they changed that too.

    Are there any testers who looked in to support stats and compared them to what they are suppose to be doing, not just the role stats.

    We are closer as far as balance is concerned, but not quite there, everybody should step there game up, not just those who can find cheese with a power to out perform the unequal classes.

    35% should have the same potential, in respect to delivery methods being a burst vs dots, dots should have higher numbers than burst as the ticks should balance out to a certain number of burst attack, say 2 to 1, 2 dot ticks to 1 burst damage. over 6 seconds the number should be equal plus or minus 5%. With out interruptions, stuns or hindrance.

    And not just hitting the sparring robot either.
  9. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I mean I guess if the healer has enough sp to get both healing and crits and damage crits, plus mod accordingly with a perfect mix of gear who knows it could happen
  10. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

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  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I believe it's called...Tuesday on the DCUO forums. :rolleyes:
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  12. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Naw, just straight raw stats, no mixed gear, players should be able to use there SP as they choose, but there should be consequences for choices made.

    I always had mixed mods, only during transitional periods have I ever put on single mods(straight Vit) I would use Vit and power, never really had problems performing role, outside of the few who didn't know what they were doing and were quite confident in what they were doing because they ran with others who could carry them.

    Somehow I feel the whole argument on damage always go sideways do to the players inept ability top adjust there play style but to manipulate the dev's through the test server into continue practice of the inferior game play style which helps continue the weaker game play.

    I have to agree with you if that is what you are meaning when you say "The new generation of MMO players...".

    How dare them to want a fair and balanced game.

    I compared my toon and so far I am close with my numbers but also off by roughly 100 and change.
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  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Actually it's called encapsulating or summarizing. And while there are some legitimate issues being discussed, the solutions being proposed are ridiculous at best. Same goes for some of the outlandish suggestions that are poorly thought out and pie in the sky expectations because of departing systems.
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  14. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    But.. But... Everyone prefers to pftt myself included and so you know it 'needs' exceptions and hand me downs to make sure that I can play with my eyes closed and put all my skill points in my handydandy give me everything stat tab!

    And.. And... And you know its hard to press 12345 and stay in range too, I literally have to use my left stick to actually move to stay in boss range and press my 345!
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  15. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    "ever since the game went free to play, the new players are...."
    "Ever since the introduction of CR, the new players are ...."
    "Ever since the introduction of mods, the new players are..."
    "Ever since the introduction of Advanced Mechanics the new players are..."
    "Ever since the stats revamp, the new players are...."
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  16. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    First, its not new, I've been here for years and all the items outlined in the initial remarks are the same as when I started playing for the most part.

    Second, players will always have opinions for what they believe is best for the game, if not best for themselves. That doesn't necessarily make them bad, biased opinions every time.

    Last, I assume many that post here... (I would imagine almost all really), have never made a video game, hired programmers, worked with a development team... Trying to guess what is and what isn't feasible, when one has never performed any of those duties, of course the poster is going to come up short.

    What I would like to see, is a movement away from blatantly shooting down every thread, every comment, every idea, just because someone else posted it, or it may be economically unfeasible, or someone believes the dev staff may be too small to handle it, or the PS3 wouldnt support it. - At least that last one is about to disappear.

    Basically I believe the forums should be open to all ideas, some will have merit, others not so much.

    Just my thoughts.

    TA TA.
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  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Of course people should post ideas...but shouldn't those ideas be discussed? Not all ideas are bad...but if we have a good indication that they aren't feasible based on what information has been given to us, shouldn't we pass that along to the people who think they have a brand new idea that isn't new or doable? Some people think they've hit the motherlode with the best idea ever...that never got fully thought out or considered how it would affect others...shouldn't they hear from those "others" on how it would affect them???

    Yeah...some people just straight up blatantly shoot ideas down...with no explanation. Others do explain why those ideas are bad, or what we've been told before (remember, some of these "great idea people" only come here occasionally...some of us know more), or how they would affect more people than their idea intended.
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  18. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    I'm all for open communication, just not condemnation without merit. For example, how is it that certain forum members can determine what the DEV team is capable of, what is financially feasible in terms of expenditures, or what system limitations are, all in a matter of seconds of reading an OP, which may or may not have been well thought out? Do they work for DBG? Know their development priorities? See their budget?

    It seems more times than not, a poster is not given an opportunity to present an idea, without someone chiming in PS3 cannot handle that for example... I get some individual forum members are more experienced than others here on the forums, perhaps they have the technical backgrounds to see problematic areas, know what has been expressed in the past by the DEV team, but I also feel a lot of blanket generalizations are made, shooting ideas down before they ever get out the gate.

    Remember, most situations are fluid. Relatively few, are indeed static. What may not have been possible yesterday, can become a reality tomorrow - SEE PS3.
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  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That's not always easy, especially when those putting forth the ideas can't (or worse, won't) see past the brilliance of their own ideas and actually engage in discussions about the idea even when there is merit to the opposing viewpoint. Worse, you'll have situations where any opposing viewpoint is taken as a personal attack on the OP even if it's an attempt to discuss the merits or flaws of the idea.
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  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    By the same token, if it was too expensive before and has been stated as such, not much will have changed in that regard. Same goes for certain technical hurdles. And yes, while some people go to the "PS3 can't handle it well" way too quickly, it doesn't mean that those ideas will work anyway. Some peoples expectations need to be tempered. Mepps himself said that there would be no immediately noticeable changes after PS3 support is dropped...yet people have come out of the woodworks with wild eyed ideas that wouldn't work for a variety of reasons. If people don't counter those ideas now, there will be a great deal of self-inflicted disappointment that will be directed at the Devs for things that were never promised.

    Some people do have some technical knowledge, and they chime in. Some people have managerial experience, and know how companies might budget things, so they chime in. Others in here pay attention to everything the Devs and Mepps says here and in other channels, and they relay that information to players. It's not all mean spirited shoot downs in here.
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