Why Do Experienced Players Bash New Players?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Giga Vamm, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    a wise old queen once told me "people are sh*ts darling".
  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I don't bash new people.

    Until they start begging for auras.
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  3. kingservant1 Well-Known Player

    There are a lot of new players who do not listen.
    There are a lot of old players that start their teaching with "You are so stupid, you %^$#%^&*"

    Obviously the player base is not the best of the best of the world, it is just everyday average ordinary players.
    Some young, some old, some in between.

    We come from all walks of life.

    I have been playing just about 5 years. I have had players say all types of derogatory things and I have had players say a lot of constructive things through those years. It does not equal out, there were far too many players who stated derogatory things.

    Of course one of the biggest factors is the competition between players.
    People chasing the scoreboard instead of being a team has been the majority of the experience in DCUO.
    With that, you have some people who spend money in order to win or to make sure that their characters have the best of the best at all times. You have some characters who spend less money and still cannot get a large number of the items that should have dropped at some point in the hands of at least 1 of their toons in the years that they have played multiple toons daily. You have some players that climbed the ranks when certain powers were not allowed into certain content because they were not as strong as others. You have some players who just so happened to choose the strongest powers from day one and they were carried through content.

    What I am saying is this:

    With so many players with so many different backgrounds joining DCUO, and then all receiving a different experience while playing DC, without any real tutorials, and without powers being equal, chasing a scoreboard, and without true teamwork, the toxicity grew in the game. It has advanced into something huge.

    There are people here who spent hours in just one instance of Nexus or Paradox wave or Prime, while there are others who have gotten through it in minutes. This creates a different experience as well as a different appreciation for the game.

    The struggle is what made many appreciate the game. The lack of struggle is what made many have disdain and a carefree attitude towards the game.
    When you have so many that appreciate the game for what it is, its history, and all the hard work that they put into making their character great, even when the player base would not allow them into content because they just so happened to choose electric, or maybe quantum, or maybe fire. And then so many on the other side that do not have 10% of the same appreciation, do not know any of the hard work, and have basically had everything handed to them on a silver platter, then the "beef", if I may call it that, has actually been built into the game.

    Even with all of that being said, there are still veteran players that are willing to teach new players the mechanics if the new players are willing to listen. The problem then becomes connecting those willing to teach to those willing to listen.
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  4. spack2k Steadfast Player

    I dont know the answer since i bash only experienced players.
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  5. kingservant1 Well-Known Player

    Bad example. Yes he actually would bash them. Especially if they had an arrogant and cocky attitude. He would have to humble them before he could actually teach them something. Which is what all of the training is for before he starts teaching them moves that can kill someone.
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  6. Capitaine Courage Active Player

    And that's exactly what an accessible, up to date, centralized and and well organized written knowledge base is for, and what lacks in DCUO, since the wiki seems to lack a lot of info and, most of all, guides.
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  7. kingservant1 Well-Known Player

    It was supposed to be the forums here. But there are so many people who were chased off from the forums and from the game that there just is not as many knowledgeable people posting as it used to be.

    It would be nice if there was emphasis in-game of people coming here to the forums to learn and advance their characters. But there isn't, and coming to the forums and stating your opinions can get you banned from the game with no explanation. So not only are people not being directed here, it is quite dangerous for your characters and the hard work that you put into your characters if you do frequent the forums.
    This has also been built into the game experience.
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  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You're not actually serious, are you?
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  9. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Perfect example, because I'm wise, and while both long time players and new players can become jerks, my statement only applies to the one's that are wise hence old martial artist reference, stop being quick to insult someone statement and learn the meaning instead of critisizing one's analogy, again you talk about the community but how are you any better with that attitude.
  10. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Since it keeps coming up that new players can be just as toxic to experienced players, I should probably explain what brought this thread about. I play within a league where we add newer players and help them learn about the game: we teach roles, we teach powers, and we teach about instance mechanics and running in balanced groups.

    Last night, we were in a raid working on feats and had a random addition to the group insult our entire league because a few were still learning about the raid. He then started comparing our league to his and how much better his league was than ours because it had a higher skill point average, as seen through the census. I wish I had used the census to look him up at the time: his league consists of about a dozen characters with half of the league being his characters with 200+ skill points. Our league consists of 200+ players with most being fairly new to the game and not even over tier 3 yet. Apples to oranges.

    At any rate, it was rather frustrating to have someone who's been playing for a couple years attack our league just because it has a number of newer players who are still learning. We were clearly trying to help each other with the more experienced members of our league passing on knowledge to the members learning the raid. The random player easily could have taken the role of a mentor within that environment. Unfortunately, he joined a number of other players I've seen behave similarly and found himself on several of our lists.
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  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Not much you can do with people like that, just kick from raid and throw on ignore, then go about your day. In my experience, not everyone is like that, and when someone is, they usually get shamed hard by the rest of the group.

    Of course this is villains compared to heroes though, less arrogant kids.
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  12. kingservant1 Well-Known Player

    It is a bad example because I understand martial arts. I know that if you teach someone how to kill before you teach them to be humble and only use killing as a last resort it is a very bad mistake.

    Just like it is important to teach someone gun safety before you give them a gun, and just like it is important to teach someone how to drive before you give them a car.

    I'm not sure how you found this as insulting to your comment.

    But if you use true wisdom and not become easily offended, then you would actually see the wisdom in my statement.

    If the old martial artist has become wise, then he fully understands that giving certain information to the wrong student can guarantee that blood will be on the hands of the old wise martial artist because of the possible foolishness and/or pride of at least one of his students.
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  13. kingservant1 Well-Known Player

    Unfortunately I am.
    But I cannot go into detail about it because I have worked too hard on my characters to say goodbye to them.
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  14. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I see. *Shrugs*
    9676 posts later, haven't been banned yet ingame for something I said here. Must have been something very bad/controversial you stated lol.
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  15. kingservant1 Well-Known Player

    I'm not sure, I was never given an explanation.
  16. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    As some have stated, and I agree, there are 2 sides to this argument. Being here during Alpha, Beta, and launch I can tell you that the community was very different. We taught each other, learned from each other, scolded one another, and policed one another. We didn't need Dev's to really do anything for us because as a community we were united.We didn't need a tutorial on HOW to play, because we listened when those advanced players spoke. Eventually we would pass that down to the newer players.

    I hate to say this, but eventually, a new breed of player began to emerge, that wasn't here in the beginning. They didn't want to be helped to learn how to play. They came from other games, and no one could tell them anything. Even if, the way a player was specced, or if his loadout was not the best, they wanted to play their way, because it's their right. This was further compounded with the removal of any skill whatsoever. The addition of training wheels such as Cr Differential, Weapon Mastery and AM's, were designed to make everyone do the same damage.with little of no emphasis on skill. Thus, average /low-end content players instantly became very good players. This further emboldened this new breed of player. Many Vet's left and/or play exclusively with their league.I know that many here hate the term "ELITE", however, most "ELITE" level, high-end-game content players do not pug. They play with their network of friends and leagues. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, yet most simply do not.

    Consequently, you have many people out there now, not very good, who skipped tons of content, that think they are great players, but are not. These guys now go into groups with this false sense of greatness, and look down on others. You simply won't find many players who have been here from the REAL beginning that behave in this manner. We wouldn't tolerate it. It's just that because the playerbase changed, many have stopped trying. I will include myself in this. I actually was reprimanded by a group that want to glitch/exploit and I wouldn't. This is where we are now.
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  17. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    I did not say one get wise by simply observing from it's master hence the constructive teachings I said, if you are in understanding of martial arts then you would understand were I'm coming from.
  18. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I queue into content a lot since I have never been a part of a really active league. The league I'm in now is building up to being active, so I've had to queue less than I'm accustomed to, but I still queue 50-60% of the time. In all my queues, I've only met a dozen or so players in four years who impressed me as elite type players.

    It's actually unfortunate because I've become a fairly good player without having mentoring from great players. I often wonder how much better I would be if I had others who pushed me more. That's especially true of the damage role. I'm a pretty good damage player, and I outplay most PUGs even while making sure I do the little things like picking people up or accomplishing objectives. The PUGs who beat me don't do so by much most of the time. There's that rare occasion where I meet an elite damage player who doubles my damage, and I'm just blown away by how good some people are at the role.

    I enjoy tanking, controlling, and healing more than damage, so that's probably part of it. But when I'm doubling or tripling most PUGs in damage when I do play the role, your point about CR differential comes into play. Most players choose damage because it's the easiest role to hide with and get gear with. Many of them don't actually know how to play the role properly, and while I have some knowledge of how to play the damage role properly, I'm still not nearly as good as the players who primarily stick to their leagues.
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  19. IamShifty Active Player

    That isn't true, my friend's son just started playing the game and is a 207+ tank with a little above 100+ sp. And he tanks just fine without "messing up". If you have some understand of how your role and the instances work, doesn't matter what your sp is, you'll do just find.

    To the op, it's basically elitist trying to act superior on a dying video game. Most aren't even that good themselves, so when they come across a lower player, they try to act dominant and cocky towards them.
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  20. SteelMachineZero Well-Known Player

    Why Do Experienced Players Bash New Players? I would never bash a new player, there is absolutely nothing wrong within a raid standing spamming duel pistols and heat vision