Discontinuation of the PS3

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fatal Star, Oct 30, 2017.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Those aren't enough reason to have thrown the UI out the window. They clearly said it's done, we're not doing it. Being sold doesn't mean throw ideas out the window, they could of said we are just putting it on hold while we are going through this new contract. But nope, the idea of new UI even mepps said so, we aren't even look in into it, we threw it out ,not happening. So yea, for no reason
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  2. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    This is what matters the most.
  3. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    I just wanna point out they outsourced the UI upgrade - So, the people involved are a distant memory but now they have control and ideas without using third party companies.
  4. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    They have never put the blame on PS3 on the whole, there have been some details here and there they have mentioned were because of the PS3 but that's it.

    DGC has generally made the statement of limitations when describing why some things cant be done and the players made the assumption that the PS3 was that limitation.

    In truth nothing needed to be said by DGC for people to blame PS3, it's an old system, so in the simple minds of many, that has to be the reason why they cant have what they want. These same people will now be going after the engine as the prime reasons.
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  5. Frank Zarjaz Committed Player

    Good point.
    I'd settle for non-combat animation frames being added back in, the idle animation has gotten a bit jerky over the years.
    I still miss the old twirling and holstering dual pistols animation.
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Serums was never scrapped because of the PS3, anyone who claims they said that is a total liar. In fact, they've give no reason for style unlocking yet either. The UI was scrapped when Columbus Nova took the reigns....again ZERO to do with the PS3. As for body scaling, it's not that unreal engine can't do it...it's they never built this game with that feature in mind. That would require a massive overhaul of the game and they'd have to go in and change every in-game style individually (because of how they were created) or just build it all up from scratch....and neither of those are options.
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  7. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    Where did you get that from? Unless Carp on the forums and on the video are 2 different people, it does not look like people who worked on that UI are too far away.
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  8. DC Urban Committed Player

    Don't know what that has to do with my post, but cool beans, good to know.
  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You quoted someone who claimed that everything was being blamed on the PS3 and seemed to agree with that and then said they wouldn't have that excuse anymore.
  10. DC Urban Committed Player

    Yep, I agree. The engine and PS3 were blamed for the aforementioned things.

    I am missing the part where I stated I agree with DB that the engine and PS3 was the reason for these things.......
  11. Atomis Maximus Level 30

    Lol calm down. Was just poking fun.
  12. Swamarian Committed Player

    STO has sliders for the butt, (depth and width) but not physics.
  13. Swamarian Committed Player

    Hand of Fate had to be reworked because of limitations of the PS3.
    There you go.
  14. Swamarian Committed Player

    Most of them have probably switched to the PS4. Particularly the ones with money.
  15. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Speaking of certain"far-reaching" ideas, could we maybe see the New UI that was announced in 2014 come back in 2018 or sometime down the road?

    If you guys are willing to optimize the game for PS4, I'd think this would be a great first step. I just prefer the simple and quick design of this new UI over what we have in-game right now.
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  16. majosea Dedicated Player

    I like the new ui they showed , customize colors and adjustable panels
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  17. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    I don't expect this ps3 shutdown to be much more than DGC saving money, and hoping PS3 players will switch console (about time).
    I don't expect better graphics, better content, bigger groups or open content to return as it was.
    They've pretty much said they would never shut down PS3, i don't mind them going back on that, but what lies beneath them doing so?
    It'll free up some resources as the game don't have to be developed for 4 platforms anymore, also it requires less gentle planning as you don't have the bottleneck that is PS3 to account for (think PS3 could be described like an 8-line highway being reduced to 1-line).
    I suspect a coupple of devs leaving for other projects, perhaps not even for DGC.

    I'm probably just a pessimist, and from now on it might be only clear skies and sunshine and cotton candy and unicorns for DCUO, and it might become the best game ever, or maybe the truth is in the middle, anyways good luck with this.
  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    My bad...
  19. SkullGang Devoted Player

  20. DC Urban Committed Player

    It is cool, I am not bugging over that. I actually agree with everything you said, about the ps3, engine, etc.
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