Lapsed All Access and Char Slots

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Warlock, Oct 21, 2017.

  1. Warlock Well-Known Player

    I left awhile back while busy at work and also waiting for water. At the time, I had All Access, which is no longer active. At login, the game made me deactivate toons from when I had those extra slots. With the 6 toons left, I deleted one. Now instead of having a slot for water, the game only lets me use that slot for a deactivated character--so my only options are to subscribe blind--or delete all of my old characters--or leave. I are disappoint. :(
  2. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    That does suck, but when you stop subbing and have more characters than the current new limit, deleting one only allows one of the ones past the limit to step forward, that's the way it has always worked
  3. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    I think the limit on Premium has always been 6 toons, and 2 for F2P. No way around it.
  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    No, they thought, by deleting one, they would have the choice of being able to create a new one or promoting one of the ones in the 'overflow'
  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    point is the OP had all access, which Im guessing is like the life time legendary ordeal?

    and no longer has it and is now either leaving or on the fence to stay and just forced to resub OR delete characters b/c of the current situation he/she is in.
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  6. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    Yes, I realise that, but the limit of 6 has already effectively been exceeded, so you can't make more.
  7. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    I dunno what 'all access' is.
    Well, Premium can't make more than six toons, so without membership you can't create more characters. There is an option to respec powers to water.
    I mean, that's what happens if you are gonna play without a sub; you face restrictions.
  8. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    all access gives you legendary in all of daybreak games.
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  9. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    All Access is a PC-only subscription
  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I know, I was simply describing what it is :)
  11. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Yeah, and was further explaining that is for PC only (PS and XBoners don't have it) :)
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  12. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    As mentioned by others "all access" is what a membership is for PC players, it gives them a subscription on all of the DGC games.

    Yes Premium starts with 6 character slots but you are able to purchase more slots. So, no you don't need to subscribe to have more characters.

    To have Water, one needs to buy or subscribe to get it and power respect tokens need to be purchased.
  13. Vesper Dedicated Player

    I find the Legendary/All-Access/Subscription (whatever name you choose) Membership service to be the best way to play the game. My hubs and I are both subscribers and have been for over 6 years now. I only wish we had known the game even existed back at launch so we could have each purchased Lifetime-----we would have saved a lot of money over time! :D

    OP----there are only 3 ways around your current problem of having too many toons and wanting to create a new one:

    1) Delete enough toons to be down to 5 old toons. That will give you an open slot to create a new toon. This is great if you have closet-space toons you don't care about. But if you have 6 or more luv toons, it's not so great an option. I have 5 closets and 11 luvs, so I know how scary that prospect would be!

    2) Buy more slots. This could be a simple option if you only have like 7 or 8 toons. But if you are like me with 16, you'll need to buy 10 or more slots and that could be prohibitively expensive.

    3) Re-sub for one month. This will open all of your toons, allow you move inventory you need off of the toons you choose for deactivation at the end of the month. This also opens up your character slot, since you already deleted one closet before, so you can make your new Water toon.

    I hope it works out!
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  14. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    A simple solution might be for the OP to subscribe for one month, make his water toon, and then he can keep it activated after switching back to Prem. Yes, it'd cost one month's sub.
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  15. Tekwash Level 30

    thats why i bought a ton of every kind of slot (character/inv/bank/shared/auction)...just in case sub expires or I leave game for a time period....when u come back u still have I mean who doesn't have 10+ toons dedicated strictly to inventory?

    I personally wouldn't touch a thing, decide if youre gonna play or not then sub...or buy the extra slots and not worry about it ever
  16. Warlock Well-Known Player

    No matter how many slots you purchase, this will always be a problem for anyone who pays for a full access account and then unsubs and uses the bonus char slots from the all access. And anyone who wants to try the game out again for a new powerset is going to be blocked by this. Now if I just wanted to try the game again with an existing toon, I'd be fine--but it's the new power that is the draw for me and probably many others as well.

    One month access would let me make my water toon, since it would give all powers with the temporary slots. How much is it to just unlock water by itself?
  17. Vesper Dedicated Player

    It's $6 for the Water Powerset.