Game worth coming back to?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Odds Gaming, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. Odds Gaming New Player

    I left the game around April or so. Just wasn't feeling DC was in the right spot at the time and water powers were no where to be found after hearing about it for so long. Now I hear it's finally available, will I need to do some serious catch up on anything or have I not missed much at all?
  2. Jim Berry Well-Known Player

    The game's still active. I'm off and on now, but never gone for over a month at a time.

    I haven't entertained Water, as I have been Sorcery since 2011 and have no plans on changing (although Intried Electric for a few days a few years ago on PS3 then again on Xbox One).

    I have not resubbed due to me being off and on. I'm CR 155, so I can't speak on the latest tier of content, but as I mentioned earlier, the game is still active, as least on PSN on the PvE side.
  3. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I returned 3 months ago. Had to learn about time capsules. It will take millions to catch up in terms of feats. The game did went pay to win route.
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  4. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I just got back last week from a 8-9 months off.....I gotta say that I enjoy the revamp but when it come to raids, or alert mechanics it almost the same as when I quit but with more grinding (for some its a good thing) for feats and a lot of feats that you can buy from TC or you have millions of in-game cash to get.......I spend around 170+ Millions for 25 SP but at least 5-6 more SP that i miss cuz I am in -game broke and i dont wanna spend real money for a chance to get what i need by buying TC.

    Like Aqua Surge said, this game become pay to win now but if you dont care about those SP then you dont need to worry, yeah sure more SP are awesome but if you have at least 250 then you dont need anymore then those for now.

    For me i just got back because I miss my friends in the game but if i were you i wouldnt sink myself into this game too much.....the pay to win system is REALLY turning me off.
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  5. Odds Gaming New Player

    Pay to win route huh? That's too bad. I'll try out this month and see if I continue from there. Thanks for the inputs
  6. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    It depends on your definition of Pay to Win, I guess.

    You can easily beat every piece of content without ever spending a cent on the RNG Boxes.

    But if you want every Feat in the game (and Feats do contribute a bit more to your progression than they did before the Revamp), it's certainly going to feel like P2W.
  7. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Short answer... No.

    I used to try and encourage people to play but DCUO has stooped lower than just time capsules now.
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  8. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Not unless you constantly want money grabs shoved down your throat. Other than that yeah sure.
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  9. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

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  10. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    Not in the slightest dude. Take it from a 6 year vet who just uninstalled and unsubbed today. Along with many others. I recommend ESO.
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  11. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I'm with this guy ^

    Instead I recommend GW2. You see there are usually only few things that attracts people to DCUO nowadays. Fun combat, decent styles and the whole superhero/DC aspect. GW2 doesn't have superhero stuff but it has pretty cool professions, good styles, nice graphics, pretty fun combat once you get used to it and the game is very well developped.
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  12. CAPn Active Player

    I came back after year off and played for about two months. I'm quitting again if that answers your question.
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  13. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Survival Mode die hards tend to want every feat to help with getting farther in the Survival Mode rounds. I'm curious how they feel.
  14. Aquajet Well-Known Player

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  15. SheerFaith Committed Player

    Also didnt play for 6 month..but was online today for 5 minuts and left again..
    As alwys chat is flooded with gold diggers..overpriced stuff on broker and vendors..useless gifts which no one needs..etc etc..
    Seems after 6 years of playing im totaly done with this one..
    This game has lost his charm completely..
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  16. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    sadly no. its not.
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  17. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    @OP. Try it for yourself. Do not listen to anyone's opinion. Forums are jaded. Much of what you will hear is not accurate and subjective.
  18. MastaMind Dedicated Player


    I think that it is a great game still. It has its flaws like most do, but at least to some extent they are being worked on. Not a fan of the revamp but I knew beforehand that I would make due with whatever. As far as Time Capsules go there is a daily mission that you run to open them. I never saw a problem with them and I've got all the feats from them. Usually on day one at that. Timing is everything. And in all reality there probably isn't even 10 SP worth of feats related to TCs. I never saw opening them as pay to win. I felt like that was the worst thing you could do is invest large chunks of cash into them. Anyway. The best way to find out is to play the game and see for yourself.
  19. Tarif Committed Player

    Dcuo doesnt even feel like a super hero game anymore. I would try it for free, to see what we mean, before you spend a dollar on anything.

    To me, My Stats arent mattering much at all. If you have around 220 SPs, it really isnt even making a difference compared to someone with 300+. Thats not what I paid for as a customer and worked for as a player for - for 5+ years.

    After years of legendary memberships, grinding feats, purchasing market place items, buying replays, and these garbage time capsules, that growth has been taken away from us, and isnt mattering any where near where it should be in comparison to how our tiered content is set now, and compared to characters that barely have work put into them at all.

    The game literally feels like we are playing in stat clamped content now. They listened to the opinion's of a very small minority on the test servers, and all we got was a STATS DONT MATTER much at all revamp, that has left us with imbalanced roles, powers, content, and stats.

    Everything now feels like a cash grab. I understand they have a business model to try to be successful with, but whats happening lately is just way too much. You literally have to spend upwards of $300 - $500 on time capsules to buy a single aura off their new quark vendor. Please. No way, no how. Even the new seasonal for holloween is horribly over priced.

    I have always played and supported this game financially, but with all the problems the game has right now, It has lost its feel and dynamic for me. I played this game for the growth of my character, and to actually feel like I was playing as a super hero as a comic book fan. Thats gone for me right now the way things are, and so is my financial support until these massive problems are addressed.
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