interrogate top stooges?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by davemack777, Sep 25, 2017.

  1. davemack777 Well-Known Player

    ive been looking for 15mins or so and canny for the life of it find them jokers stooges any hints would be awesome:confused:
  2. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    The problem with the Stooges is that although the area it says they spawn is big, where they actually spawn is quite small.

    I find that if you cross the water beside the roller coaster you see a few about there.
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  3. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Wait for the next hotfix. The fix for the Stooges didn't make the cut for the previous hotfix, so it should be in the next one.
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  4. davemack777 Well-Known Player

    cool i'll wait for the Hotfix then thanks for the replys
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  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    The main spot to find stooges is, as mentioned , across the river by the brownstone apartments. Easiest way to locate it... Go to the spot where Two face will give you a mission. Now turn so you are facing away from the fun house and looking at the water. Head across the water into the parking lot with the fence around it.

    You are in the stooges main spawn point. I had the exact same mission yesterday and never even had to leave that parking lot and in a minute of two tops i have defeated all the stooges I required. Now.. They do have a re spawn time so if there are 4-5 players in that same spot all after the same thing .. it may take a while for therm to reappear. I did the mission yesterday around NOON Easter Time and was the only player anywhere near that lot.. Like I said in no time i was done.
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  6. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    As others have said:

    South of the map across the river. I found the most effective spot to find them was the streets underneath the tall building that spawns a Joker bounty on it. That same building has a graffiti tag which spawns on it.

    There are 2 spots near that building which spawn either Bagmen or Top Stooges, along the road directly next to the water. Kill whoever you see in that area (bounty doesn't matter, if it has spawned, though) and every 20 seconds or so, either a Bagman or Top Stooge will spawn.