Fatal Exam and Why I dislike doing old raids with team mechanics

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aqua Surge, Sep 24, 2017.

  1. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    People don't know mechanics and it wastes my time when I'm only after cash or salvage items. Doesn't matter what cr people are. They are 200s and think they're good because they're a damage. Most of the players in the gsme don't know nothing when you make alerts or raids like these.

    • Fatal Exam has 3 things that I really hate. The wind tunnel. People can never do it and you don't have time to explain that with words. I just wait for the time to expire.
    • Last area, people don't know the color mechainc. I try to grab colors first before them but noobies get them and waste time. No issues for me just wait for time to expire.
    • Last boss is the pain, you are force to stand in front of the floor panels just to kill these two bosses? Please, things like this should exist anymore. If you cannot kill them in 3 minutes you should be forced to do the floor panels. You can explain this one though but still it's a pain just sitting there and typing it out and the noobies still don't listen to you.
    This does nothing but increase my ignore list when I encounter people like this. I didn't add the 138 or 147 to my ignore list but the 203cr damage who thought he was good and the best there ever was got added and talked smack.

    Raids with team mechanics have issues too that is why people stop doing those just like Fatal Exam.
  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    LOL you're so gonna get lynched for daring to suggest anything needs to be changed about the sacred mechanics. That's like blasphemy around here xD
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  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    This game is overwhelmingly tank and spank...so much so that it gets boring quite fast. Every once in a while the Devs add simple mechanics that makes it more interesting than "blast the enemy with everything for the millionth time". For years...YEARS, we've had the constant barrage of complaints that the game is too easy coupled with "players don't know how to play". Part of the reason players don't know how to play is that most of the game is dumbed down to remedial levels....just blast away mindlessly (and even then some people STILL struggle :rolleyes:). The mechanics in Fatal Exam, particularly the first and last boss fights are STUPID easy. But the mindless pew pew drones can't figure it out because it requires a little more thought than simple mindless button mashing.

    What we need in this game is more mechanics, not less. Get people out of this brute force pew pew only mentality. Make content engaging with mechanics not high health pools (sleep inducing) or easy no-thought-in-and-out bosses (boring).

    OP, if you're looking for content to run for salvagables and such, there are plenty of other alerts and raids that can be done easily pew pew style. Let's not get the few pieces of decent yet easy content made even more **tarded just because of a few braindead players.
    Rightfully so, since this game is already too easy. Mechanics are what's needed in content, not boring spank and tank. And the mechanics we have are already easy. Seems to me tho that people who are having trouble following simple color mechanics are part of the participation trophy generation. I know that sounds offensive, but this is basic stuff learned in Kindergarten and First Grade. If people would stop for a minute trying to brute force everything, they could get it done easily. I figured that out day one...with no special instructions or youtube videos or anything. And i'm no rocket scientist.
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  4. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Yeah, true but I wanted the plans to sell from their or the I take the gear/mark if the plan not a choice. Those plans do add up if you keep selling them to the vendors. I had ran everything today and very proud how much money I have made lately.

    This alert is a pass for me now though. Takes about 15-20 minutes worth depending if people willing to listen to how to do it.

    Edit: That was my cash 10 days ago https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/i-need-more-money-seriously.291082/

    You won't believe how much I have now. :eek:
  5. Saami Loyal Player

    Mechanics in this game are kinda easy. You jsut need to block or roll or lunge or stay in or away particular place. Usually only one mechanic per boss fight at best.
    Problem is that too often you dont have a clue what to do as first timer. This game is based a lot on trial and error approach. You can learn lot of the mechanics by just playing a lot, but sometimes game will surprise you. I bet that Darkseids raid last boss fight jump scene got us all atleast first time.
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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yeah cause it's too much work to type out the mechanics so people know what to do right?

    Or leave group and reque. Or perhaps the one minute penalty is too long of a wait.
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  7. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Last boss Fatal Exams I just let everyone die. Its much easier to solo.
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  8. Wildboy Committed Player

    Usual text chat message for the Labyrinth of Lost Souls Gas Room:

    "OMG! Stop killing all the ads!!"
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  9. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Again with same strategy:
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  10. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Game hasn't regularly had tank and spank for a long time. I'm tired of players acting like it does.
  11. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I did this before in the past but certain people won't die. The 203cr and the 147cr weren't going to die.
  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    "If it can bleed, it can die."
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  13. Cardinalist Well-Known Player

    $120 a month? You're getting ripped off.
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  14. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    A year. You know what I meant. :rolleyes:
  15. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    You sound like a ******.
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  16. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    I like running it (Fatal Exams) with league mates, but yeah, it's really frustrating with a random group.
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  17. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I think I see your problem, here.

    I hate doing Fatal Exams for the exact opposite reason; nobody even bothers to explain the mechanics.
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  18. Cardinalist Well-Known Player

    Lol! Seriously?
    Prison Break
    That's going back a couple years and only really excludes Gom and dwf.
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  19. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    May I ask what is it you consider tank and spank and what is it you don't?
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  20. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Why the talk about Fatal Exams? Those mechanics can be solved from kids. It's literally kindergarten level to sort colors and both the first boss and the last one have colors tied to their mechanics. Anyone who can't solve that probably should ask their kids how to do it :p
    Wind tunnel....well the explanation would be the following: You stand on the grey circles and walls go up. I start then Player B then C then D then I again. I have seen kids shows my little half-brother watched that were more challenging than that.
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