I Suggest Weapon Damage Needs An increase

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Streven, Sep 18, 2017.

  1. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I agree weapons need a buff, but op said weapons should get a buff so large they can keep up with superpowered by base damage alone.

    My main point is that a lot of people dont know how to make requests or suggestions. I know the devs have been known to ignore feedback, but it also doesnt help when people make impossible demands like that.

    We need to start using details like "With 11,000 precision, duel pistols slip shot seems to be underperforming compared to other combos of the same length blah blah etc. "

    I was originally gonna post that but i think i was busy at the time.

    Someone made a chart that showed a summary of weapon damage, so maybe we can use that to come together and show these guys real evidence of crappy weapon damage
  2. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    It'll be quite a task for the dev team but i think specific combos need to be buffed. Who knows how long that'll even take if they agreed to do it.

    Ive used bow ma and done decent damage, but we should be able to use more than one weapon.
  3. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Thats not gonna fly with the devs, though. Hypothetically if they buffed weapons without taking dots or clipping the combos with powers into consideration.....weapons would be super op, break the game and have to be fixed again.

    We need to work on a way to give them more detailed proof.
  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    No, we shouldn't. There was a nine month revamp where this all should have taken care of. Plus, even if a person puts in the work, the response from the devs have not been great as of late. I'll point you toward the data driven sorcery thread.

    Within the first few days of the revamp, I and others gave plenty of feed back that weapons were not performing like they should. Even now, only bow or 1h WM the tap hold hold, hit like they should. All of this has been said, but there is either no response or the suggestion that some of exaggerating.

    At no time should players been needed to fix a companies game. Fixes should be pushed to test and see how they work, not final product two weeks before release. This week will be a great example. All nerfs talked about since the revamp release will hit with the DLC.
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  5. Dreadshow Well-Known Player

    It's broken right now, everybody builds power only since Weapon and Hybrid don't even come close. They need to make the option of going full weapon viable with out the use of powers, Buffs are ok I see them as a necessity like shield. But there should be enough buffs not to have to use dots and damage powers.
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  6. Streven Dedicated Player

    I want weapon focus to be viable without having to rely on weapon mastery. That's the point. I find the weapon mastery combos to be largely uninspired and dull but the standard weapon combos are pretty satisfying. Right now the final hit of the WM combo is where you get most of your damage from which pretty much forces you to use WM. I want to be weapon focused not WM focused. I don't care about topping scoreboards but want comparable damage from weapon attacks to that which can be achieved from pftt.
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  7. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I agree, and its things like that which have made multiple great players leave the game. I personally don't know whats gonna happen.

    I guess the only thing we can do is keep making weapon buff threads lol.
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  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Weapons need attention overall, period. I rarely see a hybrid dps in content, mostly PfTT, because for starts it's much easier to do then hybrid, on top of that hybrid mastery doesn't feel worth it at all because superpowered gives you the same 10% might buff and a bigger power pool/ faster power regen, so anyone in their right mind wouldn't pick hybrid over superpowered. Hybrid mastery needs a 10% weapon buff added to it and weapon expert needs to be increased to 20%.
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  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    so....nerf it? We've seen first hand they're not afraid to nerf things. You don't deny attention to two whole play styles because a few weapon combos are seen as OP.
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  10. OhSicks Well-Known Player

    Another power type needs to exist for weapon masters. This power would not have a tray, per se, but rather would allow weapon attacks to be keyed to the power spots. Also, rather than gaining powers while leveling 0-30 would gain weaponization and weapon dmg adjustments so that the weapon master's attacks have potential to do the same degree of damage that a traditional power pftt can do. And have the weapon attacks performed from the tray use power to boost dmg done and this effect disappears when power is gone
  11. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Take the buff out of controller insta power and just add the 20% to weapons.
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  12. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    i agree if you choose weapon then weapon choices should be player driven not forced on players as in most weapons are horrible but 1 is OP...just pick the OP youll do fine...that state of affairs should not be tolerated and i agree...finally weapon mastery would be better if they freed up the system enough any weapon can start any weapon mastery...as in instead of NEEDING to use 2 specific weapons any weapon you want could trigger the second weapon attack,,,no more forced couplings
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  13. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Today I got a pm in SJ that I should go full might and play from the tray. AW HELL NO. Is this the balance that was being worked on for nearly a year? Wow.
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  14. KratTheDefiler Well-Known Player

    I agree with this.

    Here are some things I've noticed that I don't know have been mentioned yet.

    1. Some weapons are totally inferior to others. I've been running through various weapons lately and trying them out and it looks to me like two handed is by far the worst. It just can't keep up.I like MA or rifle but if I were a two handed fan I'd be quite angered by this.

    2. I don't know if this is a bug or intended but has anyone else noticed that weapon damage on kill shots only goes up to what seems to be the remaining amount the an enemies health pool? I tested it out and power damage doesn't appear to do that. With weapons I'll see 500-600 damage on hits that should be putting up the strongest numbers, but with powers I still see normal dmg. That could be effecting the overall scorecard numbers a bit.
  15. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Lol 2 is normal. You shouldnt worry about the scoreboard in that regard.

    If an enemy has 400 health left, why you n the world would you hit them for 20k....
  16. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I say higher power return simply because in several other threads myself and others have pointed out key facts that show how superpowered playstlyle is more power efficient than hybrid for both dps and support and how devs say that hybrid is recommended for support roles but it is a terrible choice to use for support roles.
  17. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Agree, weapon damage is a bit on the small side.
  18. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    yea serious
  19. Mazahs Loyal Player

    You allow weapon damage to do more and you'll never catch Electricity or HL.
    I can and usually top or come very close on both powers. Adding a weapon tap into electricity will simply out distance all powers.
  20. KratTheDefiler Well-Known Player

    I recall that being the norm back in the day. Also, I did a test with powers on adds and they it did hit for the normal amount when down to about the same amount of health as being hit with a weapon. So, the weapon hit for about 600, power hit for about 5000-6000 on a similar kill shot.