So about Paradox Wave...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Evaleigh, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    It would crash with single loot though... Again, it could, but I think there was more involved here than the loot bug.
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  2. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Never heard of it crashing it a normal run. That's interesting.
  3. Mazahs Loyal Player

    That's why I referenced the original thread that Mepps responded in.
    There was no rhyme or reason that it crashed
  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    I remember trying it on multiple toons to see what was causing the issue. At 1st i thought it was the box u got at the end. In your inventory. Cause when i opened that i seemed to crash a few seconds later. But i realized it was happening when i stepped on the portal to leave. Before that i was opening that box last then immediately leaving after. So it seemed like the box was causing it.

    I also never saw double or quadruple loot. I would go solo it and have 5 loot pickers pop up. For the 5 bosses. And the monthly box go into my inventory. Many also forget some of this all started with paradox lpve too. The feats were getting all crossed up between the 2 instances. And twice i was invited into a paradox lpve by league mates to help because some left and it sent me to the regular paradox wave instance instead. I know another person who had this happen in reverse. Got an inv to regular paradox wave and ended up in the lpve one. And all of this was discussed and reported by players.
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, it would also crash with LPvE too. Which you couldn't break the instance if you tried.
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  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yes that too. I also saw this happen. Forget to mention it. Thanks.
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  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I have to ask, why does it matter you can walk in or not? Is this just for those that want the easy marks? OMG, go and do all the other low tier raids for the marks. They aren't going to fix the portal. New players can't even get to the first boss of Khandaq, because it's bugged. How far down on this list do y'all think the dox teleported issues are?
  8. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I have never heard anyone say it crashed a normal run. I still think breaking the instance is the cause of the crashes. More importantly the dev's know people were doing it, and I think that's for sure the reason they never enabled the walk in back. Just my 2 cents tho.
  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    I would think something breaking and it being fixed so it works correctly is at the top of the list of reasons why.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    I actually mentioned it a bit when previous threads were asking for the portal to come back. It would break with extra loot, no extra loot, PvE, LPvE, walk in, queued up, etc. It would crash one person or the entire group. It was a very weird bug, which makes me think it was more related to instance staying open than the loot problem. (Though walk in was the source of the loot door glitch on PS during launch year.)
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  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    Here is 1 thread about it. Anyone can go in the bug section and search "paradox wave." Thats exactly what i just did and multiple threads pop up about this. I saw 6-7 different ones that go as far back as 1.5 years ago or longer.

    I remember being kicked back to character select screen or the game completely closing and kicking me to my desktop when this happened. One time i ran out w/out selecting any loot from the picker and still crashed lol :confused: Hope it does get fixed someday. I liked walking in there when i was bored. Plus it was 1 of my favorite raids. So i always liked heading back there once in a while. Now trying to queue for it can take forever.
  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    But it's not broken, the raid I mean. A teleported so people can walk in to dox I would hope not be on a lost at all or very, very low.
  13. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    How am I missing the point when I'm the one who started the thread?

    What you just said is basically the same thing I said?
  14. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    I would like to, if I didn't have to stay in queue for half a day or even more.
    Soloing nexus wasn't much of a challenge so I don't see why Paradox would be an issue.
  15. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    Because Paradox was/is still my favourite raid. Queues take hours to pop and I don't have much time to just stand around waiting hours for a queue to pop for my favourite raid that I have been running nearly weekly since launch.
    Also why am I forced to wait that long while I could just walk in and do it by myself? I like to have fun with the bosses, kiting the Warrior around, Trying to dodge the Oppressors blue death balls etc. Can't really do that if I'm forced to play it with 7 other random people that burn the bosses down in half a minute While it used to be possible to walk in just fine.
  16. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, well Daybreak? Best get in it so this guy can have his enjoyment. Screw those that it would glitch on, because of the portal, or get DC'd, etc. It was removed or closed for a reason. While you don't agree with it, it's the way of the world. I would like sorcery and other performing powers to do much better than they are, better server stability when a new DLC or TC comes out, PvP update, etc.

    There are bigger issues than this is all I'm sayin. :) Now smoke a bowl, drink a beer, or whatever is you and put a group together.
  17. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You can solo wave if you do the tunnels one at a time, soloing eo is almost impossible though unless you're something crazy like an atomic battle tank. It's either you have the burn to take out the ravanger through it's heals, but lack the survivability, OR you have the survivability but lack the burn.
  18. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    They've never said they were going to do anything about it. They've repeatedly said they had no plans to do anything about it or to make other instances walk-in-able, despite innumerable requests. Something about technical issues.

    Style unlocking, on the other hand, was a genuine announced thing. Far more than a year ago now. It predates Jackster, which suggests he has little investment in making it happen. There are, at least, no signs as yet of him taking an interest in making it happen.

  19. Koriand'r Well-Known Player

    Hmm yes I would use, that looks tine traveling :)