Electric is NOT broken.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Johnny DCUO, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. Johnny DCUO Well-Known Player

    Electric is the first power I play with my main.
    From start of playing elec is fell in love with elec.
    After the powerchange of "attract" not being clippable anymore, I still loved elec. But the damage was not as fast as it was back then.
    Now since revamp, elec has become a beautiful power again! <3

    But with all the negative feedback, elec probs will get nerfed. But... There is NO reason for it.

    Arc lightning is a burst damage on 1 npc, that chains to other npc's.
    So there is no speaking of splitting.
    Tesla ball does high damage, but it is NOT a multi-target power.
    It shoots elec fast to a single npc and again to a single npc and again to a single npc in fast succession.
    It DOESN'T need to split, cause it only attacks ONE npc. It's just that it seeks out more npc's in a very fast time.

    Now that Atomic is gonna be nerfed in PvE, cause of noobs that can't beat them in PvP. I'm gonna save for a power respec to return to elec. But knowing the devs listen to much to a selected playerbase, It wouldn't surprise me that elec will get a nerf. :(
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  2. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Electric is next on the chopping block.
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  3. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Sorry, but it's very obvious powers are not being brought up. The only solution will be nerfs.

    Lol, I feel we are all going to be nerfed into using iconics. :)
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  4. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    It has to be nerfed because others are jealous.
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  5. Fies Committed Player

    Arc hits one after the other but still up to X targets just like the typical "multitarget"abillities. Without splitting ! - resulting in higher overall DMG/Power than other 200? cost abillities right? Its clearly better in many cases and should be adjusted accordingly by making each bounce hit for less DMG. This adjustment should not necessarily follow the usual splitting rules since the hits arent delivered simultaneously.
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  6. krytine Loyal Player

    Arc lightning doesn't hit as hard as single damage ablities that cost 200 power. It does split after multiple targets so it is fine as is
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  7. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Electric is fine. The people who are ******** are using the 8 target dummies. In real instances there are always 3 adds at best and if they are low on health. Arc Lighting doesn't arc and becomes a single target hit for killing the add or someone else killed the target you're locked onto. Electric can fall behind on single target fights and the melee powers will usually gain a huge.

    The only thing that needs to be balanced is the polarized build. Polarized builds under performs and it was a reason why some people requested that Electric only has 1 PI. I was against this at first but polarized is very very bad. Electric Damages really don't use the SC generator as it for the polarized build and it's also short Ranged.

    Electric is meant to be long range or mid ranged. You don't want to be in melee range as Electric is also bad at melee combat.
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  8. Fies Committed Player

    Its a multitarget abillity anyways right? If it would be splitting correctly its fine ofc.
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  9. krytine Loyal Player

    I see it split fine there is nothing wrong with it
  10. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I haven't seen it split, lol. Also, think about what Arc Lightning does. It applies a PI. I does amazing damage to groups of adds. It heals you. I mean, seriously? Don't get me wrong, I like using it, but something is clearly off with it.
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  11. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i am ok with what you sayd about tesla ball... tesla ball is awesome and doesn't need a change. arclightning... not sure about that...

    to the quoted point: you even PVP? i bet you don't, because if you had since revamp, you would have known the unbeatable atomic tanks that those "noobs", like you call them, had no chance against, were faster regenerating health than you could possible drain it and it was impossible to break theyr combo chains when healing, and the low power costs needed to combo a full health bar was also cheap.
    you take that with the 6 seconds of godmode a shield gave and voila: you got PVP post revamp...

    changes needed to be done. not sure about the other stuff... for me, only shields and atomic (and fire aswell, why they dont nerf fire?!) healing needed a change in PVP, yet atomic was fine for me in PVE... i dont realy care about the scoreboard, the only thing i know is that mental is broken and noone plays sorcery these days...

    oh well. let elec and nature have some fun, they deserve good (not OP though) dps. yet, don't call the noobs noob, you noob! :p
  12. krytine Loyal Player

    I have used arc lightning for years and before the am era it hit like this. And I only use it in healer stance it it is perfect the way it is and it does do a split on large groups
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  13. Johnny DCUO Well-Known Player

    Arc Lightning does less damage after the second add, just like all powers. ;)
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  14. Johnny DCUO Well-Known Player

    Elec is beast with multiple adds, but not with solo targets.
    So when elec gets more dps with the adds, the other powers will do more damage at bosses.
    > balance <
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  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Well, if that's the case, then it's an easy fix. Just need to adjust the damage after 2 or 3 adds hit. And take into account that it applies a PI and heals at the same time. Bing. Perfect.
  16. PacifistSlade New Player

    I Hope U Know the Dev's Even said That the iconic powers are getting nerfed...
  17. xD25x Dedicated Player

    I've been electric for 4 years. It's overpowered on adds and average on single target. In most content it evens out but after the first hallways in US I'm usually too far ahead for anyone to catch up. If they adjust tesla and arc then the single target should receive a slight increase which is fine.
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  18. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Can you provide a quote and why would iconic powers get a nerf when they were already weak and no one rarely used them?
  19. Johnny DCUO Well-Known Player

    Not much hope here.
    It seems the devs rather nerf powers than buff them. :p
  20. Johnny DCUO Well-Known Player

    Nah, just remove the healing and keep it as it is.