So after this new update...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dianatique, Sep 3, 2017.

  1. matth431 Level 30

    I suspect the issue here is that the OP wants to faceroll lower level content for styles or feats. Or even wants to solo stuff. You can just about solo T3 stuff - I ran Inner Sanctum trying to get some feats and only hit a roadblock at the "use all four terminals at the same time" bit, but the ARC bot went down without too much trouble - little enough that, if I'd had the patience, I'd have waited for the "kill it after it absorbs all the other bot abilities" feat, but I was hoping for a speed run and didn't know about the terminals.
  2. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Nope. It's still the same
  3. Evaleigh Well-Known Player

    Just solo'd Nexus of Reality as a Water DPS up to the split.
    I would try T6+ raids but walk-in's y'know?

    I wish some people could stop over exaggerating and lying on these forums.
    You can't solo T3 at cr 178? What a bunch of crap.
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  4. Gimpy Loyal Player

    See now that's 1 thing I have never said about doing lower content post re-vamp.
    Some content is solo-able, unless it takes more than 1 person to turn cogs/mechanics, I just don't want to waste the extra time it takes to do it now.

    My time is important to me, it's not going to be spent doing lower content any longer.
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Meh, experiences vary. Leveling an alt I ran the pre lvl 30 alerts, while they were long and dragged out, not really too difficult when players stuck together and got the buffs. It was also fun and cool to see a the game from that perspective again. All players were at level too and que times were fairly short which shows an influx of newer players. People are learning at an early stage about mechanics and that in the long run will make for better players later on in the game.
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  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    thats the only thing Im hoping for anyways, but lately I've seen far to many asking for carries in LFG rather then trying to learn the game.

    hell 1 guy was asking for UT / SJ / WC carries lol

    then later that same night another guy asked for oly / gom carry.

    I see it from both sides I mean if you CR is high enough you should be able to ignore mechanics to a extent, but at the same time, allowing that also allows what we just moved away from too.

    so its like trying to grab a double edge sword either way your getting cut lol
  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I was reminded by a family member today that everyone reacts to change differently. The longer you're stuck in the same way of doing something the harder it'll be to switch it up. That's basically what's happening in the revamp, for 3 years we had facerolling one shots that people grew so accustomed to, hell many people started after AMs, we have a whole server of players that didn't start playing before 2016 (unless they were originally PS or PC). People react to drastic change differently, some become a chameleon and blend right into their environment while others flock away like birds.

    The OP is someone that flocked while others such as you and I blended in. Change is hard, so I'm not even surprised at some of the posts on the forums or shouts in LFG.
  8. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    been here since 2011, cant afford to leave now :p
  9. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I need to understand why it matters sooooo damn much if you can one shot ****. I mean if something you're over CR for requires you to think just a little people lose their marbles...:rolleyes:
  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    but I've grown to like my marbles :oops:
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  11. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I'm fond of mine too lol hence why thinking a little doesn't bother me :p
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