Tier 6 raids still too difficult

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Crimson Crossfyre, Aug 26, 2017.

  1. Noble One Committed Player

    then push the min to a higher CR point were its doable. if some thing says it can be entered at this CR, then a full group of that CR range should be able to beat it.

    saying hey get better gear to be above the CR at max or above the CR rating makes the current rating irrelevant.
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  2. Dreadshow Well-Known Player

    If the majority of players are not having fun they will quit. This game cannot afford to loose the majority of its players. Loosing a minority of player who likes hard content would not be as detrimental to the games health and longevity. Balancing the game is not only about powers and tier balance it's about trying to retain as many players as possible.
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  3. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Well that makes sense.
  4. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    The devs have said the suggested cr doesn't mean you are going to just role in an beat it. It is beatable at the suggested cr but it isn't going to be as easy as Trials. People had to cheat to beat throne when it first came out.
  5. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I very lowkey have still never beat dwf .... and its sad because I really wamt the elite nuclear chest, and i cant even beat the easy mission so i have no chance of beating the hard
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  6. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Like Uber? Awful idea. Not that Im worried but thats discrimination. You cant prevent people from wanting to get better because they "aren't" better yet. And there is nothing wrong pugging either. Been doing it for years all the way up the tier ladder. Yes Im in a league and we play when we can but if not then I pug. I do not wait for or rely on others to dictate when I play. I pug and we either succeed or we hit a wall. If so then I back out and move on to something else because there is PLENTY else to do in game rather than spending 4 hours on a raid. You come back to it after you or others have gotten stronger or they made some kind of new update that changed everything.
    This game is on such a broken-repeat now you can tell when its time to leave content alone and come back to it later.
  7. Thunderpanda New Player

    Please test tier 4, 5, and 6 raids more. If your intention was to make them harder well then mission accomplished. For example, Prime now has more cc and players lose health faster. It's not easier. Please fix this game.
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  8. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    It IS an awful idea! And I said before, pugging works for some people, just not everyone.
  9. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    just ran this two days ago and it seemed fine to me we had no problems what so ever and most of us were with in CR for the instance as we were gearing alts
  10. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I was thinking the problem might be in the group and not the instance itself. He may have been running it 2-2-2-2, but how many of them knew what was going on/knew their role?
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  11. SUPERMANPRiM3 Well-Known Player

    CR relevancy means nothing if you dont have the SP, and i can asure you most of the pug players did not have more then 70SP. now i know some raids are a bit off balance making it a little harder but player experience compensates for it.
  12. SUPERMANPRiM3 Well-Known Player

    only the other day i run Bombshell paradox with one of my sub. Cr relevancy matched but sp very low. now we had a few cr 190 or so along with tank atroll heal. but the group kept on wiping. i joined them on the last boss. obnce in after attepting it a few time i realised i was the only one apart from 1 or 2 other cr 190+ that knew what to do. Players die next to a black hole and other idiot run to revive him in the black hole causing them to die. no one with the purple aura goes to close the black hole. after a few rounds i got fed up of shouting at them and left. 45 min later i queued up again and guess what they were still at it. i think it was the cr145 healer that was the only still there.
  13. matth431 Level 30

    Might have been the one I was in, though we only wiped twice at Talia so perhaps not. Even with 3-4 peeps in at T8 CR level we had issues with that fight. Was my first run-through (hoping for at least 1 feat which I didn't get) and then I got dumped out of the instance after the final fight before I could grab all the briefings/investigations. :(

    One prob I do see when grouping up is that I will often ask "while we locate the last few guys, could we go through any boss mechanics I should know about?" and NO-ONE answers. Then you get earache in the actual instance for dying due to the Book of the Dead in Blackest Night or not knowing about the black holes in Bombshell... while it was fairly easy to figure out (I only died to them once because the camera angle was off and I didn't spot one behind me, then second time because an add cc'd me into range of one while I was low on health and not able to pop a soder in time) your post is the first time I'm hearing about this purple aura and what to do with it - luckily I don't think I ever had it in the fight.
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  14. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I would be very curious to see people beat the Flash Museum Duo at minimum CR.... or Desecrated Cathedral Alert. :eek::D
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  15. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I was asked to do Elite DC and Elite PZ with 2 at level toons. I graciously declined that offer
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  16. Streven Dedicated Player

    I did Flash museum at minimum CR the other day for the first time ever with an atomic tank. Wasn't too bad once I got a second DPS that was willing to stick it out with me in tank stance.
  17. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Ill try it out. Desecrated I have. with me healer i'm trying to gear up for water. It wasn't fun though lol.
  18. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Were you the only one at min CR?? i meant a whole group at minimium CR.... not just one player. ;)
  19. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Wait I'm thinking of the Duo not the alert. I haven't fone the alert.

    Let me correct my self Flash museum is at recommended not minimum. Even before the revamp that Duo was a doosey at minimum. I'd imagine it is pain right now.
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  20. Mussurana Level 30

    I wonder about that, stats don't increase that dramatically in a few CR. It was CR differential that made things near impossible at minimum.

    Guess I'll find out, got an alt levelling at the moment. Be quite a while before she gets that far though, I'm fairly busy at the moment and not planning to rush her progress.