
Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Terrencify, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. Terrencify New Player

    I don't feel like a troll tbh lol. I miss solo trolling and the double ticks etc. I mean why they have to come after us trolls like that. Sure we get blamed for most problem because hey we are trolls : ) . On a serious note I know its not my job to keep power hungry players fed with my mana bar. I really only care about healers / tanks. But this might/power spec feels wonky and vit spec makes me lose my whole bar with 4 recharges lol. I mean did they even test this out b4 it went live ?

    Right now I'm 198 troll 218 sp removed all mods because pure vit is cheeks now. Still testing out specs and such is it me or does the recharge feel hella weak ?
  2. monaka Well-Known Player

    Instead of stacking Vitalization, go for power in your gear mods and SP. The overall build will change quite a bit.

    If I go for full Vita, my stats sit at some 7000 Vita but my power stat will not be suitable and perhaps sit at 20000 something whereas if I mod power, my Vita drops to 6500 and power bar sits at 27000 power.

    I can literally spam recharge, debuffs and stuns as much as I want. That being said, the troll role has been marginalized as you have stated.

    Personally, I care that everyone including the DPS are all fully powered up and usually I am able to keep the entire group's power up.
  3. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Are you Superpowered or Hybrid?
    I went hybrid on my light so I can use either weapons (I use HB) or short combos with Lightblast or MiniGuns and havent really struggled do any content with keeping grouos powered. I went straight VIT in SP and modded power.
    201CR / 225 SP
  4. monaka Well-Known Player

    I am hybrid with HB.

    Well, I can spec quite a bit in power and vita. I have invested 175 SP in power and 135 SP in vita. I did not struggle with vita mods to power groups but only that being power modded seems more advantageous in keeping groups powered.
  5. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Yeah I am starting to figure that out I'm going to change from vitalization to power
  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Question, doesn't got only control the amount of POT now?

    Asking because my munitions troll is at 197 or something, 307sp, I spec'd super powered, full might and power, 1 into vit, resto, and health, and the rest into dom. I've had no issues keeping people powered.
  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    As do I, and can t understand those that say, you only have to worry about the tank and healer.
  8. Terrencify New Player

    Im speced in between both vit and might/power. I'm gonna respec now and do only might/power with power mods ? Is vit and power good enough to have or just pure power ? I would care about the DPS but I can't right now the way my power bar is setup lol I tried might and power before but I felt like my power bar was the only one staying up.
  9. Terrencify New Player

    The spec Im currently going to use is Hybrid - full might and power with power mods and I'll see how it turns out.