Nerf ALL Legends PVE Feats!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Web, Aug 14, 2017.

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  1. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    I should say, I have all of them past the 250 mark as I have almost 1500 done. I spam these hard, or rather, I used to. All my friends knew that when Trigons, HOD, WT of Oa was around I wasn't to be bothered. It was firmly understood that all I needed in terms of feats was to finish these suckers and I was determined to do it.

    So I spammed. I spammed a LOT. And I was intent to keep on spamming because I figured, "well, what else am I gonna do?"

    Then the revamp happened. It's hellacious. It was always bad, but revamp made it akin to a mild version of my personal hell. I've been asking for a nerf for about a year. Now I feel that the devs NEED to nerf it.


    Because it's always been horrible. The revamp just made it unbelievably horrible. As far as I'm concerned, the revamp is such a mess and has such a huge chunk of ppl angry, that lowering the feats would show tremendous good will. This is especially true amongst the end game community, a particular group that mostly hates the revamp.

    I don't know what goes into lowering the feat totals, I'm not a tech guy. But I do suspect it's rather simple. The tiny percentage of ppl that have finished these feats don't really have a leg to stand on. The game changed fundamentally, and LPVE was the one element of the game changed most drastically. Even if they're angry, so what? They're the try hards, I should know because I'm a semi try hard, and I would still understand and agree with the change. It's a minute and obvious move that would help create good will between the devs and their community.

    You wanna show us you're listening, that you REALLY care? Lower those feat totals, maybe even consider bumping up the feat values to 25 and/or 50.

    But what do I know? I'm just a guy that has dumped almost 5k cash this year alone.
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  2. Web Well-Known Player

    1 million to you, what's your in-game name?
  3. Dethstryke Well-Known Player

    Received! Thank you!
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  4. Web Well-Known Player

    As an update to this thread.

    Taking some of the great ideas that were being thrown around, I condensed them into a PM and sent that feedback to Mepps requesting that the information be forwarded to the development team.

    Hopefully it gets looked at, I haven't received any response from Mepps and nor do I expect to.

    It is my hope he forwards our feedback and ideas to the dev team to make these quality of life changes to the overwhelmingly negative perception the community has of LPVE in general, and most definitely the feats attached to it.

    Thanks for all your help guys!

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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    It's not a matter of forums giving false information. It is a matter of expectations vs implementations. I was at soe live when it was announced. It sounded cool and was talked up well. But what we got on test was not fun and they nerfed it.

    In the end of it all the major problem was the content was not strong. The driving factor in pve is content the driving factor of lpvp is players. To make lpve work you needed new maps for pve but the only one working on them was loche. So we had a trade off.
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  6. Web Well-Known Player

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  7. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    What REALLY bothers me about this whole thing is that it's been pretty well established that even BEFORE the revamp the whole thing needed being looked into. This is especially true of the feats, of course. Now with the revamp, the whole thing is borderline comical. It'd be entirely funny if it weren't so darn sad.

    Seriously, I wait weeks and/or months for certain maps to cycle back and they were just ruined with this revamp. I hate the revamp and almost everything about it, but I don't even understand... no, don't think I could EVER understand an argument to defend LPVE as it currently is.

    The feats are much more monstrous when you taken into account you're losing 25 minutes or more of your life per run. I really feel like we kinda deserve some dev feedback on this one. I've seen dozens of threads on this and can't remember any dev feedback except Mepps, when he once said that the LPVE maps should take about 5 minutes long.

    That wasn't true back then, it's certainly much less true now.
  8. Shelly Active Player

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  9. Shelly Active Player

    Very nice thread i hope you get some attention on this i too agree it should be lowered it will take 14 years to complete them :)
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  10. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    Got the cash. Thanks, Web!
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  11. Web Well-Known Player

    I hope it does too. I just hope it doesn't get lost in the shuffle with the 4567849 threads arguing about numbers, balance, powers, etc.
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  12. Web Well-Known Player

    You know...

    I wasn't really expecting any sort of response or comment from the mods or devs in this thread,

    But seeing as they have time to comment on people's new laptops in other threads,

    I think the people deserve a response of some sort on this issue.
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  13. SilkyPawz Bunny

    Something Def needs to be done, LPVE an PVP is Dead Queue times take forever. The feats an rewards need to be re-visited.
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  14. Castrato Well-Known Player

    If you don't want to do the grind then don't complain about the grind. Think of the people who already have the feats from Lpve or a good good amount already done. You wanting this change would enrage everyone who is working on them already or have them done already or are deeply in. That would be a slap in the face of all those people. Just stop complaining and don't run them.

    I'm not even close to finish even 1 catagory and I'm still saying this. If they change these feats then, I'd assume, no one will be doing any grinding feats anymore because people will just complain enough to the devs until they nerf the feat(s).

    Just sad OP. Just very very sad.
  15. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    I appreciate your opinion, but just so you know, there is already a precedent for this happening before. It was related to the PVP feats and the amount of wins required on the Australia map was reduced by 90%.
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  16. Web Well-Known Player

    This isn't a complain thread,

    This is a demand thread.

    Put your head down and go back to sleep.
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  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Have u read this thread in its entirety? 1 person who is close to completing them even said he would be fine with them being lowered. So "enrage everyone who is working on them" is hyperbolic. No one has an issue with a differing opinion. But saying "enrage everyone who is working on them" is not something i believe to be true based on at least 1 players opinion. But some questions, why was it ok for them to lower the pvp map feats? Why was it ok for them to make a skip to 100cr token? I wish i knew the exact math, whether its 3 years, 7 years or 14 years, to complete these is reasonable? "Just dont run them" is not a legit reason for them to stay so high.

    And honestly idc about these feats really at all. But no one has a logical reason these #s need to be so high. Lets say its 3 years of a grind, running 1 per day. The game is 6.5 years old. Half the games life for a few feats? If its 7 years well thats longer then the game has been around which is ridiculous. 14 years well there isnt even words for that.

    My opinion is they set these #s so high thinking no one or a very small % of players would complete them. And that is exactly what has happened. It also goes to what i said earlier, when people say i have nothing to do anymore. The quick answer for that is "do ya have all your lpve feats done?" Adding a ridiculous grind into the game for no other reason then to prey on the completionist mindset and to answer the boredom question are not good enough reasons to keep em that high.
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  18. SilkyPawz Bunny

    The Devs gave out cr100 tokens that had feats lets use as an example the 1000 prize/treasure boxes, that I and many many other people did the grind to get the feat. That is just 1 of many feats they gave out to many many people in the game, how is this different? The Devs didn't care how many people got enraged, people eventually get over it.

    The recent post that was made by the Dev stated they are looking at making getting feats more simple how is this not one of those, I think it is a great idea.

    There are less an less people running PVP period.
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  19. Castrato Well-Known Player

    You're complaining. Put your head back down child and go back to sleep.
  20. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    There is no need to start flaming people. You stated your opinion, now move on.
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