Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Captain JackDaniels, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. Captain JackDaniels Well-Known Player

    Yup, I said it!!!!!!
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  2. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    well it certainly make the game more enjoyable for me...
  3. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    Can't tell if sarcasm or....
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    At this point i really think the devs need to do a stream or some big announcement about how the game has changed and whats going. Way too many people seemed lost. And there is a lot of misinfo and ignorance on here the last few days. Imo its obvious some dont even know why they dont like the revamp because they dont understand how things have changed. And some are clearly trying to rile people up.

    Some seem to only trust the word of the devs. Personally i dont trust what other players say either. But i will go double check something myself to see if its true. And i feel like many are not doing that. I like the revamp so far. But it does need some adjusting.
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  5. Captain JackDaniels Well-Known Player

    No sarcasm at all, I really Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Funny part? They said they were going to do a live stream for TC / revamp ect ect but neither happened.

    So far revamp is fine by me, been running AF3 / AoJ with ease still. Sure day 1 was a pain, but now its a little better. As you said b4 things need tweaks (lower content, some powers ect) obviously dnt tweak anything drastically or it'll ruined it for ppl who are enjoying the game again. Just enough so crying stops ;)
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  7. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    There's some things that need to be ironed out but all in all I'm pleased. Yes there are optimal loadout rotations still but there is some freedom
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  8. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Opinions are like belly buttons......

    I could drop mine, we could argue about it, but I don't really care anymore. Each day I keep expecting another hotfix to at least address some issues that are globally recognized, and day by day nothing is coming. Unlike some of my friends I was trying to be positive about this update since in my short time I have spent a stupid amount of money on this game. I am literally over $5k invested at this point. Maybe more. Every day that the lower tier loot issue and OP items go neglected is a day closer to me calling it quits.

    The game was already boring to me after 4 months, but prior to this update I had a goal that was going to give me longevity. I liked the old way of having to spend 21 points before the bottom row of bigger stat boosts were available. Despite opinions this made characters more well rounded, and it would have given those with huge amounts of SP the edge. You can argue that until you're blue in the face but common sense prevails. The first thing I did was get all my crits, crit damage, and might. As I worked up more SP I went weapon to weapon investing in defense, toughness, health, power, and even precision at time. Nowadays it's right to the honey pot. Only those who have a bunch of extra SP are going to be investing into health and whatnot now if they are damage players.

    That's exactly what I cannot make one of my 300 SP friends realize when he would complain about me out damaging him despite the almost 100 SP difference. It only takes what. 180 SP or so to fully max your Might stat now? Sure you can still do crits, but they don't mean nothing like they did before. I didn't go out and invest in a fotm power. Last I ran DPS I spec'd a few different ways and full might or max crit damage the end result was the same. Now I am at max might and the only thing I can really do is build my second role of gear, chase feats that won't really matter, and needlessly hoard styles and base items? Idk. More and more it just isn't fun to me anymore.

    I even switched to healer after realizing that it was the same crap as before just scaled down. I could still out DPS anyone I truly tried to and the majority when I wasn't trying. The only time I lost was to the gorilla beach ball thing. I thought maybe switching to healing, leaving the pointless scoreboard chasing division might give me some enjoyment out of the game. Not looking good. As of tomorrow I'll really get to check things out, but this far I get the vibe that the game is just not for me anymore.