So which stat focus to choose?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jack Wraith, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. Jack Wraith New Player

    Just looking to read opinions on which focus you chose and why. Do you think some power sets are better with a certain focus?
    This revamp really opened up build freedom. Really enjoying that. Why wasn't this done years ago? And will we ever see new movement powers? Oh, man... just realized I can make a teleporter with Quantum and it won't be gimpy. lol
  2. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Bwahahhahha. You think it gave you freedom?

    Thanks for.the laugh bro, thx for the laugh
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  3. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Do I think some powersets are better with a Certain Focus? For Powersets like Combos, yes.. Particularly these powersets don't perform too hot with Hybrid.

    Not sure on the rest of the powersets though, Some work really well with PFTT; and some are really demanding with PFTT.
  4. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    You get them all bro. If not get your SP UP!

    That is a joke by the way.
  5. Jack Wraith New Player

    Haha All I hear is "wah I'm not good with change. Make it go back to the way it was."
    It's a fact that movement powers and iconics can be used without gimping your build or having to worry about AM.

    So yeah... freedom of choice is a good thing. I know being a negative naysaying hater is what all the cool kids on the internet are doing these days but you can grow up and be your own person, big guy.
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  6. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Even if you decide to play hybrid don't pick hybrid focus. There is absolutely no gain in picking that focus. It's basically meant for support.
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  7. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I have to agree in a way although i havent tried a might/prec build using powers for some damage and weapons for damage plus power regen something tells me wed only be doing half the output wed bed oing if we chose the other two.. and as far as atomic tanking goes you are almost better off taking the power focus
  8. Mazahs Loyal Player

    You sorely misunderstand...
    Im not bashing the revamp. Please dont try and sell me I HAVE A CHOICE BS..
    Everyone will settle on one or 2 specific ways to play each power.

    They did pre GU36 (D25 will argue this) They did especially after AM introduced and they will now.
    1 or 2 slight variations doea not make choice. Especially when you are trying to maximize a power or role. You will eventually do almost the same exact thing every other Tom, Dick and Harry does simply becuase it is the best way to play.
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  9. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    The goal with this is even if you decide to use an inferior load out it will still be viable. You may not be top but you won't be a detriment to raid success. That is what is most important.
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  10. light FX Steadfast Player

    Your sig is the best btw. Love it :)
  11. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    That is simply not true.

    Yes, the min / maxxers will most likely settle on what they decree to be "the only correct loadout" for each power and role, but not everyone is a min / maxxer. In fact, most of the players clearly are not min / maxxers. According to the wavedox statistics that I saw in another thread, only 7% of the characters above lvl 30 in the game have 100 SP or more. And less than 1% of the characters above lvl 30 have 200 SP or more. Clearly, there are a LOT of players who most definitely are NOT min / maxxers -- so no, the "correct" "most efficient" loadout will not mean diddly-squat to them. As long as they can complete the content they will be happy. (and they can, Magneto recently posted a video of himself beating the Black Lantern Hal Jordan solo at tier level with ZERO SP devoted to stat boosting and using only movement and Iconic powers, and he beat it in just 17 minutes)

    So no, everyone will not eventually be playing cookie-cutter loadouts. Only the min / maxxers will be doing that. The rest of us will be having a blast beating the content with the stuff that we find the most FUN to use.
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  12. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    i'm using hybrid cause kryptonian still uses their fist most of the time.. superpower focus is for my green lantern cause you know, power ring..
  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    And this is what the stats matter revamp was about taking powers that were virtually useless and allowing someone who wants to use them to do so with out being hugely nerfed and not be able to complete the content whether it be solo a duo or what not... back in the day movement and iconics and going into a solo meant you were gonna be there a long that is not the case anymore...

    wil people be elitist while making groups.. of course some will

    But people who dont care so long as the content is done will be there and I highly doubt there is really THAT much of a distance between a dps not using an optimal load out to one that is.. i think the bigger case in the matter is the people complaining simply dont have the skills they thought they di...

    Good post
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  14. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Somewhat true..its at 10% with those at lvl 30 which is a hugely skewed view.
    Move into t8 and its like 80%. So while I agree on mix/max people I aslo am taking into account end gamers even at 100 sp its very low (I think avg is 150-170) So the rest is great but. I think youll many more will gravitate what works best. Again history has shown that to be the case time and time again over 7 yrs.
  15. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I am at the point of suggesting that Support roles go Superpowered, not Hybrid.
    You'll get more power back, be able to throw more powers, and recharge faster.
  16. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    That may be the point (one I fully support), but it is not reality. There will be a "best" loadout. People will criticize you for using any other loadout. People will kick you from raids for using a different loadout.