0 SP... and the dark side of the Forums

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Multiverse, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. light FX Steadfast Player

    Couldnt be said any better^^
  2. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    whats starting to frighten me is i think the best way to play is using hybrid with weapon mastery even without its big hit. throw out random power, weapon attack into WM move, random power, rinse, repeat.

    I am finally off for a couple of days after a very long week. going to start trying to get into it more.

    i hate to use the word "advanced". maybe its i was looking for something a little more complex. i want to be able to come up with my own "awesome mechanics" with loadouts i enjoy using. not be forced into relying on only one rotation which it looks like is whats happening.
  3. Ringz Dedicated Player

  4. xBlackCoffeex Well-Known Player

    How does him getting out dps'd prove anything other than he isn't top dps? You could literally have 3-4 Magneto's in there with 0sp and still complete the content. Would it take longer? Yes, but it is definitely possible.
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  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    1 of the biggest complaints on these forums right now is how long its taking people to complete content. Maybe u have missed all that? Like proxy said its not about being top dps. Its about efficiency. If someone only has 2 hours to play at night but the alert they run takes over and hour and they have 2 alerts to run or some alts to run through it to then how do they do it? They cant. U somehow think everyone plays the same way u do and would be ok with spending a very long amount of time in content. The forums this weekend proves that isnt true.

    We just did our run and the difference was 750k in dmg. Which again is a big # now for dmg difference. And proxy had to work a lot harder for the dmg he did. He was constantly out of power and had to use a soda every time it was off cooldown. I did the math on the difference of making up a million difference in a previous post. 30 30k crits. 30k crits are coming from basically supercharge attacks right now. And if your ability crit chance is roughly 25% just do the math and see how many attacks that would be and how many would have to crit like a supercharge to make up that difference ;)

    This is very simple math yet a whole bunch cant figure it out :confused: We are gonna do the run and set the entire group at 0 sp and show the difference. But someone had to go so waiting for a troll to come on in our league. But the stuff on here the last few days has reached the extreme silliness point. Where people cant do simple math, cant even have a simple understanding of how things are now and spreading misinfo.

    Maybe if people would stop complaining for a few seconds and use the wet noodle between their ears people could have an understanding of whats going on. But no one on these forums ever wants to admit they are wrong. Being wrong on here is like a disease people dont wanna catch. And when people are proven wrong its move the goal posts and twist things which i already see going on. Its seriously exhausting sometimes trying to explain simple stuff to people and they still cant understand it.
  6. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    Quoted for Truth.

    I wish that this quote could be stickied at the top of the Forums.

    But sadly, as some of the replies have shown, some people either refuse to acknowledge your point or still don't get it at all.

    Yes, someone who is maxxed out on SP, has the best armor, etc. will complete content faster than someone who does not. NO ONE IS DISPUTING THAT.

    What valuable lesson that your video clearly demonstrates is: It is possible to complete at least moderately difficult content at tier level without using a single SP for stats and using almost entirely just movement or Iconic powers.

    One person made the ridiculous statement that the choice was between completing something fast and it "taking 12 hours". Your video isn't 12 hours long, ROTFLOL. It is only 17 minutes long, which isn't really an extraordinarily long time for that solo.

    But the min / maxxers are so wound up in their competitive mode, that they cannot even acknowledge that some players -- MANY players in fact -- play for different reasons than they do. As I said upthread, your video was a perfect demonstration of what a "casual" player might well do -- you imitated a favorite character using abilities that min / maxxers would kick a player from their group if they saw them using them, and then you beat the content in a completely reasonable amount of time.

    It did not take you twelve hours to beat it, you beat it in a fairly short amount of time.

    Could a maxxed out player probably beat it faster? Sure.

    But that was never being debated in your OP -- you just gave concrete, undeniable proof that something that many min / maxxers would contend is impossible, is not only possible but can be done in a short amount of time as well.
    • Like x 4
  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Hi guys,
    By popular demand.... for those who wanted to know the gear I used. ;)

    The cliff notes....
    Healer gear
    Beta mods

    I am almost tempted to try again before I pay the rent for my mainframe. ;) ;)
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  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Bumpidybump because...... it's Tuesday. ;) ;) ;)
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  9. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    I see the flaw in your logic. CR doesn't matter anymore. It's a number that has only one meaning: content-gating.
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  10. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    Most of our stats are in our gear so assuming gear / CR does not matter is a fallacy.
  11. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    His gear stats are what you'd expect them to be based on his CR. You should be able to roughly determine that.

    Regardless, if 300SP only is gonna add let's say 5% to your damage, that pretty much means that SP don't matter. And considering that SP = Stats, that would then mean that STATS DON'T MATTER. I don't understand the people that claim Stats Matter doesn't mean that SP matter. SP generates only one thing...STATS.
  12. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    Right. Because CR is what mattered. Now it doesn't. So SP (in theory at least) should be taking the place of CR to determine probability that you'll be worth taking into a raid.
  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    But CR is determined for content, not stats. And CR gives a general range of stats which is used to judge that content range of difficulty.

    The problem is SP discrimination will always be there, so will CR discrimination. And possibly power discrimination and even healer discrimination will happen soon.
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  14. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    Correct. But you can be 200CR in Healer gear and you won't do anywhere near the damage of a 200CR in Damage gear. So CR actually DOESN'T matter...at least not the way it did before.
  15. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    balanced...??? hum...I like the revamp. but, there is something not right going on with damage...part of this is the crits. seems you can go a long time with small crits. other times. you get a bunch of crits and damage is much bigger. but, the high CR toon. does good in stuff at lv. go to lower lv stuff. and it get...hum...for the most part I like it. cant just blow through stuff anymore. and like many have said. as far as mmo's goes. this is one of the more easy ones. yet,, WM N AM'S killed any skill we had a long time ago. SP. and more to the point. skill. does matter now.
  16. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    The game has become tedious. Imo, I love it. That is the way it was originally intended tlby it's original design. Your not suppose to be able to blow through the content. Mmos are by definition are tedious and rime consuming. Dcuo is and should be no different. These elements help to define your character, the people you run with and your league.

    I'm quite proud of the device team accepting there direction was wrong and changed that with the revamp.

    You now have the ability to stack high crossing players to finish content fast but no necessarily blow through it.

    You can now create different combat strategies by truely customizing load outs and prioritized very specific skill point assignment.

    Consideration for leveling faster has been made possible by advance token in character selection screen which can be bought in market place.

    Future Crusader, Mid-nite, and Green Knight gear items can assist faster cr leveling by purchasing from broker.

    Sp, stats and m9ds now have moderately high impact on efficiencis of character but not enough to put a new player out of contention completely. Though will not be as effective.

    The game has put itself in lined with typical mmos.

    If you don't have the time to allocate to the game in its present state that's OK neither do I, but make time or I play other sandbox games.

    I congratulate the development team for taking the game back to its original and intended design.
  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Agreed. Its so weird to me some people totally get it and others seem to be so lost and dont have an understanding of what a MMO is supposed to be.