Stuck in loading screens

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rigel Cygni, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

  2. light FX Steadfast Player

    The lag is ridiculous atm. I cant even parse. Because it lags so badly and half my hits dont even show up or half the effects dont appear either. Super frustrating when trying to spec your toons and get em ready. Some of us have content we wanna run. It is reset day after all ;)

    I see lots cant log on. Well im on and trust me it will be just as frustrating when ya get on and realize everything is lagged out so badly. Half my league waiting to run content but we cant :confused:
  3. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    3 Years Ago: "We want PC & PlayStation Crossplay! Give us Crossplay!!! WHY WON'T YOU MEAN OL' DEVS GIVE US CROSSPLAY?!?"


    Moral of the Story: Be careful what y'all ask for, 'CUZ YOU JUST MIGHT GET IT!!! :p
  4. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    now. my healer is the only toon I can log in with. load screen of death all others...
  5. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    As bad is it is...I have seen far far worse. The revamp doesn't even pale in comparison.
  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    DCUO not working. Looks like business as usual. But in all seriousness the loading screen of death is not cool
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  7. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    I have not been able to run USr because every time my team goes in one place and it has to load it gets stuck and I get disconnected. I also cannot take my teleporter for the same reason. SMH
  8. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Yep, I'm on like my 6th crash trying to queue into USR. Going to hang it up for the night.
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  9. Infinite Active Player

    Pretty much what title says but I will finish and then at the loading screen I get disconnected. Anyone else?
  10. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    And the worse thing was even though a few times I was Link Dead....even though my SC was was empty AND the Soder I had just drank was gone and I was back in my base.
  11. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    9th crash. que'ing up for various things including teleporting to lair
  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    having the exact same issues .. I actually managed to get into an Underground Trial after a lengthy wait and after we defeated the Minotaur we all ran over and clicked the magical "Gold Circle" to warp to the next part of the missions and after staring at a very nicely drawn picture of batman for what seemed like forever I disconnected. Then I tired to log back into the game and after selecting the character i wanted to play .. I stared at a second Log in Screen drawing until I was kicked out again.

    Now not sue if anyone else has experienced this but seems like tonight we can add in the fact that the raids are glitched. I was qued up for all 4 available raids my Cr 190 Tank/DPS can join for ancient coins, war bonds and marks.. I stood in the Watch tower and got invites to join every single one of these raids at least 2 or more times before finally getting the invite to that ill fated Underworld Trial alert. I'd click yes in response to being asked if I wanted to join the raid and then nothing. Never saw a message saying anyone had turned down the raid and the game was searching.. Just no activity at all and then .. POOF I'd get invited to join another raid????

    All the time this is going on I am reading messages in both shout and LFG chat about people not being able to warp anywhere or about how all the raids are glitched. So I can't warp anywhere and I can't get invited to the missions I still need to complete. WOW this has been a really fun night so far.. NOT
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  13. inferno Loyal Player

    The real problem is this: After you log in, what are you going to do? Queue up? Well, there's a loading screen there - disconnect. Ok....since you can't queue up might as well work on your new loadout and imprint. OOps! Can't teleport there, it's another loading screen. Ok, switch to another toon and do that rotation hoping he is in his base. Oops, you just finished a few minutes re-speccing getting your loadout and testing on your Base sparbot when the game kicks you out b4 imprinting. So you log back in and lo and behold, your loadout was just rolled back and its not what you had before getting disconnected.

    How do I know this could happen to you? Take a few guesses how I know. :mad:
  14. Max Dragonard Well-Known Player

    I wouldn't exactly call what y'all are doing "managing."
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  15. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    still. THERE WAS A ISSUE CONNECTING TO THAT INSTANCE. PLEASE LOG IN AGAIN. <0X002F> FIX THIS heal is the only toon that will log in.
  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    Cant even queue into a raid atm either. And others i know got in some raids but the entire group would get dcd. Kinda unplayable atm.

    Honestly releasing the revamp and open episodes at the same time was probably not the best idea when ya think about it. Im just a player and had expectations of lots of old and new players coming to check everything out.
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  17. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    Using my teleporter is futile...instant way to disco.
  18. Dwild50 Well-Known Player

    Far too many d/c's ...d/c on porting, d/c on switching from dps to healer, d/c on loading into alerts. Anything that's currently slowed or requires a loading screen...d/c. Could be over population at the moment...first time I ever had to queue to get into game as a legendary in over a year.
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  19. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I hope we get some marks to cover the stuff we couldn't run today because of getting kicked .
  20. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Literally the only day I had to really dive into this for a few weeks XD